Week #6 Results For Pickems Contest

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Week #6 Results For Pickems Contest

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

We still have the same leader this week, though the gap has been closed to within 2 games. Congrats to D-5 for holding on to the lead for the third week in a row and the 4th week overall. The other two weeks of the contest he was in 2nd place. Not bad picking for a "rookie". ;-)

Ironman92 had the best week at 20-1 and moved up quite a bit in the standings. His only loss was the one point loss by Fairland. Great job of picking, my man!!!!

We lost 2 more pickers this week and 5 failed to pick for the first time and are on the bubble to be eliminated. At the rate they are dropping out we will be lucky to have 25 or 30 people by seasons end. Come on folks, keep picking!!!

Here are the game winners this week. Check your picks against these to see if I made any mistakes and PM if you think I did and I will check your picks again.

Fri Jan 4th
1. Portsmouth
2. Wheelersburg
3. Vinton County
4. Alexander
5. Rock Hill
6. Minford
7. Ironton St Joe
8. Marietta
9. Warren
10. South Point
11. Piketon
12. Huntington
13. Oak Hill
14. New Boston
15. East
16. Belpre
17. Northwest
18. Chillicothe

Sat Jan 5th
1. Wheelersburg
2. Vinton County
3. West

Week #6 results

1. Ironman92..............................................20-1
2. BBallin fool..............................................19-2
2. OVCLocal................................................19-2
4. Burg_Grad_77........................................18-3
4. D-5..........................................................18-3
4. VIFAN......................................................18-3
4. CMo.........................................................18-3
4. 4sporterEHS............................................18-3
4. FaberGrad62...........................................18-3
4. Mad Dogg................................................18-3
4. sports junkie............................................18-3
4. california kid............................................18-3
13. yabbadabbadoo......................................17-4
13. marathon rebel.......................................17-4
13. ball hound...............................................17-4
13. a_c_m....................................................17-4
13. NICKNEVADA..........................................17-4
13. danicalifornia..........................................17-4
13. TAR HEEL FAN44.....................................17-4
13. Banddad..................................................17-4
13. OZZIEOHIO.............................................17-4
13. Cameron34Crazie34...............................17-4
13. The Enforcer............................................17-4
24. knowledge...............................................16-5
24. Tartanblue...............................................16-5
24. rufino linares............................................16-5
27. biggdowgg................................................15-6
27. BigMcCauley55.........................................15-6
27. mattash.....................................................15-6
30. KrAm.........................................................14-7
30. wellstonrockets........................................14-7
32. Tubby........................................................13-8
32. ChuckHayes44..........................................13-8
32. Sports 101................................................13-8
32. REDMAN FAN.............................................13-8
36. futurebkstar..............................................10-11

These people failed to pick and are on the bubble. Miss one more week and you are out of the contest.
37. Captain Jack..............................................9-12
37. BLUEGRASSVIKE.......................................9-12
37. GalliaGrad78..............................................9-12
37. Prodigy.......................................................9-12
37. UKNate.......................................................9-12

These two have missed two weeks and are out.

Overall results after 6 weeks.

1. D-5.....................................................91-24.......................0
2. BBallin fool.........................................89-26.......................2
3. Burg_Grad_77....................................87-28.......................4
3. NICKNEVADA......................................87-28.......................4
5. yabbadabbadoo...................................86-29.......................5
5. ball hound...........................................86-29.......................5
7. FaberGrad62.......................................85-30.......................6
7. Banddad..............................................85-30.......................6
7. danicalifornia.......................................85-30......................6
7. CMo......................................................85-30......................6
7. california kid........................................85-30......................6
12. Ironman92.........................................84-31......................7
12. Cameron34Crazie34..........................84-31......................7
12. VIFAN.................................................84-31......................7
12. 4sporterEHS.......................................84-31......................7
16. Mad Dogg..........................................83-32......................8
17. Tubby................................................82-33......................9
17. mattash.............................................82-33......................9
17. marathon rebel..................................82-33......................9
17. a_c_m................................................82-33......................9
21. ChuckHayes44...................................81-34......................10
21. Tartanblue.........................................81-34......................10
23. OVClocal...........................................79-36......................12
24. knowledge.........................................78-37......................13
24. rufino linares......................................78-37.....................13
24. Captain Jack......................................78-37.....................13
27. KrAm..................................................77-38.....................14
27. The Enforcer.......................................77-38.....................14
29. OZZIEOHIO.........................................75-40.....................16
29. BLUEGRASSVIKE.................................75-40.....................16
31. REDMAN FAN.......................................74-41.....................17
32. GalliaGrad78........................................73-42....................18
33. Prodigy.................................................71-44....................20
33. TAR HELL FAN44..................................71-44.....................20
35. futurebkstar.........................................70-45.....................21
35. Sports 101...........................................70-45.....................21
35. Big McCauley55....................................70-45.....................21
35. sports junkie........................................70-45.....................21
39. wellstonrockets....................................67-48.....................24
40. biggdowgg............................................65-50.....................26
41. UKNate.................................................59-56.....................32

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Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »

17-4 not bad...I need some of the other guys or gals to start picking bad.

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BBallin fool
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Post by BBallin fool »

:roll: :arrow: I need to have another good week to keep pace :!:

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Post by Mad-Dogg »

i'll take 18-3. i moved up a lil bit more to.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Nick, I know for the winner of the football pickems they sent them a SEOP's t-shirt. I'm sure Oz will do something similar for this one.

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

D-5 will have a 10-10 week here soon. . haha

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Post by d-5 »

4sporterEHS wrote:D-5 will have a 10-10 week here soon. . haha
Only If I don't pick,,Or stop taking Mad Doggs help.He secretly helps me, team player that Dogg :lol:

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

D-5 wrote:
4sporterEHS wrote:D-5 will have a 10-10 week here soon. . haha
Only If I don't pick,,Or stop taking Mad Doggs help.He secretly helps me, team player that Dogg :lol:

Yeah, just pick opposite of what he picks and you are golden. :lol:

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Post by Mad-Dogg »

D-5 wrote:
4sporterEHS wrote:D-5 will have a 10-10 week here soon. . haha
Only If I don't pick,,Or stop taking Mad Doggs help.He secretly helps me, team player that Dogg :lol:

your welcome

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Post by Ironman92 »

Top 10...here I come....I hope!

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BBallin fool
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Post by BBallin fool »

futurebkstar!!! Hang in there !!! From old school :!: ;-) :arrow:

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