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Best Coach in TVC?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:38 am
by JayKlineFan
Don't know why I put the question mark. It's Jay Kline and it's not even close. The man is coaching a bad JV team and has won 7 games. If he had fed hocks and vinton's talent, he would never lose. Ever.

Trimble plays Fh close 2 times....NY wins one and takes the other to ot with Trimble....NY doesn't have fh's girl's teams talent....though coach vales will make a grown man wet himself just by looking at him...sheesh...hes like a combo of chuck norris and the manager from major league...wouldn't fuss with him..

Coach "i always look like im staring into the sun" Combs has better talent than the rest of the ohio division combined. He won the tvc again? yawn. A monkey could coach that talent to tvc ohio crowns. Jay Kline would win state crowns....

Jay Kline is the best.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:07 am
by hawkeyepierce
Jay Kline maybe could get his daughter to play for him and then he would have talent.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:09 am
by JayKlineFan
his son is coming up next year..

dont want expectations to be too high for the young kid but he looks to have the tools. Talent is on the way in that whole class.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:15 am
by freethrow
The young Kline is a nice player. However it's a big difference between Jr. High and Varsity. Bigger, faster and stronger and will find that out.

As far as the best Coach in the TVC it's Bob Vales at Federal Hocking and Matt Combs at Vinton County.

Kline has beat what Athens twice, Wellston and Meigs. All bottomedwellers.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:32 am
by stillballin
See the TVC Ohio 2009 thread on Coach K during the upcoming months of the Wellston summer league. He may not be the top coach but he might be the most intimidating in his bright orange shorts and his brown muscle shirt he will most likely coach in during the Wellston summer league.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:53 am
by kcarth305
I'd have to say Bob Vales from Federal Hocking. He's done a very nice job with his team this year.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:57 am
by Bassmaster
Howie Caldwell is the best coach in the TVC....hands down :!:

Re: Best Coach in TVC?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:28 am
by bengalfan76
Coach "i always look like im staring into the sun" Combs has better talent than the rest of the ohio division combined. He won the tvc again? yawn. A monkey could coach that talent to tvc ohio crowns. Jay Kline would win state crowns....

Still upset over the beating you took at the hands of VC and Combs.
My question is where was VC basketball before Combs? Yes he has the best talent in the TVC because he helped develop it. Get a clue.

Re: Best Coach in TVC?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:25 am
by ball hound
bengalfan76 wrote:My question is where was VC basketball before Combs? Yes he has the best talent in the TVC because he helped develop it. Get a clue.

I agree. Combs has definatley had alot to do with the development of talent in V.C..He has also had a lot of help, such as, Bob Grillo, Frank Guthrie, the late John Prater, Terry Hale etc.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:49 am
by Ironman92
Superman wears Jay Kline pajamas.

Jay Kline > Tim Tebow

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:37 pm
by JayKlineFan
kcarth305 wrote:I'd have to say Bob Vales from Federal Hocking. He's done a very nice job with his team this year.

Nice coaches, but I disagree. Think of the talent levels at each of the two schools mentioned and then think of what Nelsonville York had this year. Nelsonville York wasn't that good last year, and they lost all of their talent. Think about it. If they had any other coach this year, they would have been lucky to win 2 games. Jay Kline took this team to a higher level then anyone could've dreamed! BY FAR the best coach in the tvc!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by BleedThePurple96
dude, he's only won 6 games..

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:38 pm
JayKlineFan wrote:
kcarth305 wrote:Nice coaches, but I disagree. Think of the talent levels at each of the two schools mentioned and then think of what Nelsonville York had this year. Nelsonville York wasn't that good last year, and they lost all of their talent. Think about it. If they had any other coach this year, they would have been lucky to win 2 games. Jay Kline took this team to a higher level then anyone could've dreamed! BY FAR the best coach in the tvc!

Cmon. He was lucky to win 2 games this year. Anyone could have won the games he did. A good coach doesnt let another team put up over 100pts because he wont slow down and cant keep up with the comp. Combs is a very good coach, not just the fundementals but look at the VC program 4 of 5 TVC championships. This doesnt happen by accident. Great talent needs great teachers.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:03 pm
by JayKlineFan
Is this the best coach thread or who is leading the best talent thread? I think you fellas are confused. Jay Kline is basically coaching a JV team that won 3 games last season. Is this not sinking in? Hells..Meigs beat Fed Hock and battled with Vinton. Kline strategized Ny to a win over Meigs. Anyone could not win games with Ny. Anyone would win the tvc with Vinton's talent. Seriously..anything less than a tvc title with Vinton's players would have been unacceptable. Everyone told me that Ny would be lucky to squeak one win out and that they might be the worst team to ever play in the tvc. They are a 3-win jv team. think about it. come on.

some of you people just must not like the man because he yells. but get a clue. He is coaching the least talented team in tvc history to a near .500 record.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:11 pm
by Judge Smales
The Athens Messenger is reporting that Jay Kline may be headed to Duke!
Details at 11:00. :razz:

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:14 pm
You cant win in high school b ball without talent
but the coaches have to work hard on developing the players with potential
that is what high school coaches do
which is what happens in vc
they are being developed as early as the 3rd grade
they are taught the fundamentals, not just throw the ball out and play

and if talent alone won games then what happened 2 belpre?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:20 pm
by JayKlineFan
either bad coaching or they don't have as much talent as they thought...

plus, Jay Kline would make a great college assistant. A head coach would have to manage the entire program and act as a ceo type. but the college assistants work the x's and o's which is what Jay Kline is amazing at. I love to watch him work. it's brilliant.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:21 pm
jayklinefan your name should be jay kline

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:22 pm
by JayKlineFan
MOBSTERMAN wrote:jayklinefan your name should be jay kline

Jay Kline is too humble. He won't even look me in the eye.