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South webster going down hill

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:35 pm
by burg_kid99
:?: Who thinks South Webster Basketball is going down hill.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:10 pm
by TrojanXplosion
I think that they are just coming off a bad season and could possibly have a few tough years ahead. At least they won a state championship a couple years ago...

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:48 pm
by Tartanblue
FalconFan wrote:I think that they are just coming off a bad season and could possibly have a few tough years ahead. At least they won a state championship a couple years ago...

That is the major thing, they lost all that talent all within what 2-3 years it will have an effect on a school especially a D4 school more than it would say a D 2 or even a D 3

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:25 pm
by burg_kid99
well if loop is as good as people say and there is a good young talent could it be cause of the loss of Kriesher?

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:51 am
by Regulator
Coach K knew when to get out. He knew he was going to struggle this past year and the next couple of years. Ladies and Gents, let's be honest, to have the type of team SW had two-three years ago only comes around this area once in a blue moon. Yes, Coach K was terrific coach, but even he knew this.

Coaches have a hard time with this reality. They have such a successful run and then the rug is pulled out from under them. Look at Billy Donovan at Florida. He is constantly comparing his team now to the team he had last year and the year before. In this day and age, you will only stay at the top for so long then you have to work your way back!

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:06 pm
by burg_kid99
yes the team has lost some talent but coach k. could have took them farther than sectionals.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:33 pm
by hoot
With all due respect, they went as far as they could with the talent level they had;ANY head coach withstanding.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:38 am
by Winchell
I, for one, was impressed with the way the Jeeps competed this year. I feel that some of their young talent really began to develop toward the end of the season. In my opinion, Coach Reese does a fine job and, given time, will have Webster competitive again. The strides made by players like Trevor Queen and Wes Loop should be very encouraging to the people in Jeep Land.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:00 pm
by Jeep-ster
I also think the team began to improve towards the end of the season, but time ran out. It took some time for the coach to adjust as well as the kids. It's just a cycle, all the schools go through. Be patient, Webster will do better next season.

I would like to add, The SOC schools are some of the best in the state! We consistantly produce good teams. I know the reason for that is our rivalry between each other. We ( the SOC schools) should always remember this. Without each other pushing each other this would not be the case. For instance, We all know the Burg makes us so upset :) the way they consistantly win. But take them out from us and the league suffers. This year Webster was down, but Burg, Oak Hill and Minford did well. We need to support each other in the state tournaments. The rest of the state seems to believe we can not play ball. Let's prove them wrong.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:21 pm
by GoCats
[quote="hoot"]With all due respect, they went as far as they could with the talent level they had;ANY head coach withstanding.[/quote]

They lost there first game. Can anyone from south webster tell when that happened last?
I remember Malone, Loop, and Gee playing alot of minutes last year. And the defense was not there at all this year. Didn't these guys go to regionals the year before??

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:57 pm
by burg_kid99
yep i think idk much about the new coach but i was just quistioning him when they had such a bad record this year and lost at sectionals

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:11 pm
by sportsfanatic3
I'll briefly comment.

A.) Webster lost nearly all of their 'talent'. Look at how many kids went and played college ball, compared to how many on the team now is/will play.

B.) Kreischer is and always will be the best coach to go through Webster. He may not have been able to do much with last years team, but he would have made an impact over a course of 2-3 years with that group.

and as a site note, whoever commented on the 06-07 team that went to Regionals. Malone played a decent amount, but averaged probably 6 points a game. Loop played a decent amount, but wasn't looked on to score. And Trevor Gee didn't play much at all on that team. So that particular argument doesn't make sense. Webster lost 80% of their scoring as well as a tremendous coach. The kids (Loop, Malone, etc) had to completly change their role as typical role players, defenders, etc, into scorers.

Webster will be fine in a couple years. There is young talent in the system, just give it time..

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:34 pm
by art_vandelay
burg_kid: going downhill? It hit rockbottom last year. But everybody familiar with Webster basketball knew what was coming after the recent wave of success. I know others think otherwise, but I don't think Coach Kreischer would have made too much of a difference with last year's team. It's arguable that he may have been worth a few more wins, but what's the difference between a 3-17 team and a 6-14 team? Not much.

Next year, I think it's reasonable to expect Webster to go anywhere from 6-14 to 10-10. They got a good core back in Wes Loop, Scott and Queen. Add a couple of players off the jv team along with one or two freshmen, and they should be improved (a trip to the Convo would be a nice goal for this team). The year after is when they can seriously start thinking about a District Championship once again.

As for Coach Reese, I've heard differing opinions of his coaching from people whose opinions I'd trust. But regardless, everyone of them agree that he should be given at least 3-4 years before judging him based on the talent level when he took over. Either way, next year started about a month ago so hopefully these kids are hitting the courts and weightroom and will continue to do so over the summer.*

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:48 pm
by 91blue14
cant be at the top forever gotta come back hard to duplicate a state ti :122249 tle

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:59 pm
by dish it
I think every program has their "ups and downs", and after winning state there is so much expectations to that program. but like already stated its hard to put a team capable of winning state on the floor year in and year out. I'd say good things are around the corner for south webster!

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:17 pm
by TrojanXplosion
dish it wrote:I think every program has their "ups and downs", and after winning state there is so much expectations to that program. but like already stated its hard to put a team capable of winning state on the floor year in and year out. I'd say good things are around the corner for south webster!

Some programs sadly have more "downs than ups".....

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:08 pm
by alabama mike
Every team/program runs in cycles, some years a coach just has more talent than other years. Kids have to know, understand and accept their role on the team as well.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:19 pm
by art_vandelay
alabama_mike: every team but Wheelersburg seemingly! But yeah, for every other school in the area, there will always be some down years mixed in with the good. I think last year was only the second losing season in 10 years for Webster, so I don't think they'll be down for long.*

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:09 pm
by Pressbreaker
Gocats wrote:Really??
They lost there first game. Can anyone from south webster tell when that happened last?

Not really all that long ago. In 02 we lost our first tournament game and finished the season at 9-12 i think. The next 4 years we saw gradual improvement that ended with a state championship. Most people who have followed Webster basketball for very long know the success we saw in those 4-5 years was extremely rare.

Now we are back to a normal/below normal talent level and I think coach Reese is doing a nice job with his team. Eventually we will be competitive again, but anyone who is expecting another state championship might need to check their expectations for this team and coach.

Re: South webster going down hill

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:42 pm
by TheSportsGuy
Coach Reese did a fantastic job last year from what I saw. Those boys were playing hard and competing by the end of the year. It was good to see, and makes you think good things are on the horizon for Webster.