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East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:24 am
by Jackie Moon
Congratulations to the East Tartans for winning the SOC1 last night. Lets hope they can continue there solid play into the sectional tournament. The Tartans have one league game remaining with Western.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:34 am
by asb
congrats tartans
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:00 pm
by rosemount guy
Congratulations, we will pass the title and look forward to another challenging league next year. Should be exciting with the top 5 teams returning most of their players. Your team took care of business this year and are the champs. Congratulations again.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:36 pm
by Blue33
No Seniors on East....Early obvious pick...SOC 1 champs 2017
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:18 pm
by asb
im taking east next 3 years
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:33 pm
by TheSportsGuy
Clay also doesn't lose any players. ND loses only one senior who didn't play much. Eastern and Western return nearly their entire teams too. It will be an absolute dog fight again next year. I'm sure Clay was thinking repeat this year too, but things happen. I hope the Tartans are just in the moment and are able to fully appreciate how difficult it is to win a league title. There is work left to be done this season. Next year can be worried about next year.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:40 pm
by Hoggy
Congrats to a well deserved and hard fought League title!
It is a great time for the SOC 1 and this league will be a very entertaining and competitive league for the players, schools and fans to enjoy.
Stay focused and good luck on your tournament trail.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:21 pm
by asb
TheSportsGuy wrote:Clay also doesn't lose any players. ND loses only one senior who didn't play much. Eastern and Western return nearly their entire teams too. It will be an absolute dog fight again next year. I'm sure Clay was thinking repeat this year too, but things happen. I hope the Tartans are just in the moment and are able to fully appreciate how difficult it is to win a league title. There is work left to be done this season. Next year can be worried about next year.
They (Clay and Eastern )supposed to run away with the league this year too. East would only be contenders. Go back and check the early topics on favorite to win the S.O.C. 1 at beginning of year.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:40 am
by IWacthFromTheStands
East is only good when they play on that east sized court. They have a crazy crowd which makes it tough place to play along with the under sized court. They got exposed on the bigger sized court at Clay just like they have in years past too. Same will happen to them at the convo. Congrats on a SOC Championship though. It is a tough league.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:30 am
by asb
IWacthFromTheStands wrote:East is only good when they play on that east sized court. They have a crazy crowd which makes it tough place to play along with the under sized court. They got exposed on the bigger sized court at Clay just like they have in years past too. Same will happen to them at the convo. Congrats on a SOC Championship though. It is a tough league.
They played their worse game vs Clay and clay played their best game. Yeah they got blown out but the size of the court didn't matter...shooting over 60% to 30% was the difference. ..Eastern and ND both beat Clay, East won home and away vs both teams (small court and large court) what home team doesn't have the advantage? East has always played on that floor,I wonder why it's such a big deal now instead of in the past? Considering this is their first Gold ball in years smh...what about the years they didn't win at home, I guess the small court was in their favor (you sound intelligent ). I would also think by them never practicing on a "big court" away from home they would never win and teams who get the opportunity to practice on a big court shouldn't have a problem on a small court. Besides it's easier to guard on a small court Einstein, so teams who are and should be better conditioned shouldn't have any problems.....or does the crowd make the ball go in the hoop lol
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:39 am
by asb
They may lose at the convo..maybe before but it won't be because of a basketball court. It will be because they got out're talking maybe 5 feet of difference between east court and other courts. You couldn't have played ball or played that much anyways if you believe what you're saying. Keep watching from the stands as you did from the bench
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:49 am
by Jackie Moon
IWATCHFROMTHESTANDS: Here is a novel idea, you have that beautiful new gym, with six baskets and more than likely when all the baskets are down you have the option of playing regulation court size or, wait for it...playing on the side court, which would be a smaller court in length and width thus simulating the court size at East. Then you take some blue painters tape or heck get some athletic tape and make a three point line, remember you can't shoot a three in the corner at East. Also, don't forget that dang restraining line because that always causes turnovers. Then guess what, you practice on that for a few days to prepare yourself for the court size. Then if you want to get real crazy, you put three extra players on the court with your second five, equaling 8 because we all know when you go to East to play it is always 5on8.
My point is, quit making excuses, those kids have played on that court since they were in 4th grade, it is not like it is foreign to them. As a coach when you know you are going to be hindered or at a disadvantage, you try to recreate that environment the best you can.
Clay beat East one time, good for them, Clay lost to who in the conference? Clay lost home games and didn't steal big wins on the road, that is what one must do in order to win a championship! Guess what? That is what East did this year.
From watching games in the stands, this has been a fun two years with this group of juniors, and to think that there will be one more year with this group... can't wait until 2016-2017 season but there is still basketball to be played and everybody's record is 0-0 starting tonight.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:40 pm
by brown22
east is a good team soc1 champs and well deserving of the #1 seed good luck to them and all the soc1 teams I'm sure they all will represent our conference very well.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:44 pm
by IWacthFromTheStands
I'm not taking anything away from the East Tartens, but as I can see my post rubbed you all the wrong way. East is no doubt one of the top teams in the SOC they have a really good point guard and good size along with some altheticism. I am actually very intelligent when it comes to basketball and since you wanna question my knowledge on the sport then why was it that east's court is smaller and every team that comes there usually turns it over an extra 2-3 teams JUST because the smaller court. They catch the ball out of bounds because no other court around here is like that. Which allows their big man to actually run the court and not get as tired. Also as i stated, easts crowd is a big part of the reason too. Its a tough place to play at. I just find it funny that easts PG has scored around a total of 10-15 points in all his games at Clay. But maybe my knowledge of basketball should just find that a coincidence..
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:26 pm
by Blue33
I think it's funny that you hate East so much....c'mon and tell us how you really feel?
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:36 pm
by IWacthFromTheStands
I actually do not hate East and do not see why you think this? I go to all SOC 1 games and enjoy watching every team. East was no doubt one of the best teams around and WON the championship. They deserved it. I was just stating that they can be exposed on the bigger sized courts. Just my opinion.
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:50 pm
by Jump23
No doubt East has a good big man a good shooter and a Great PG! Which makes them a good team! I don't think a big court effects East as much as some would think. On the other hand the court at East is a huge advantage for them! I think it is more mental for visiting teams because of the size and because of the total chaos that the small gym creates! You would have to be crazy to think that the gym is not at least a 8 to 10 point advantage for them!
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:21 pm
by IWacthFromTheStands
Jump23 wrote:No doubt East has a good big man a good shooter and a Great PG! Which makes them a good team! I don't think a big court effects East as much as some would think. On the other hand the court at East is a huge advantage for them! I think it is more mental for visiting teams because of the size and because of the total chaos that the small gym creates! You would have to be crazy to think that the gym is not at least a 8 to 10 point advantage for them!
Thank you. I was told I have no basketball knowledge because the gym doesn't play any role in the games... lol
Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:24 pm
by IWacthFromTheStands
asb wrote:They may lose at the convo..maybe before but it won't be because of a basketball court. It will be because they got out're talking maybe 5 feet of difference between east court and other courts. You couldn't have played ball or played that much anyways if you believe what you're saying. Keep watching from the stands as you did from the bench
If you honestly don't think that gym plays a role in their home games then you clearly never played basketball or have no knowledge about basketball. I can guarantee i have double the experience you have. Thanks for your opinion though, even if its absurd.

Re: East Tartans
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:34 pm
by FannyPack
IWacthFromTheStands wrote:asb wrote:They may lose at the convo..maybe before but it won't be because of a basketball court. It will be because they got out're talking maybe 5 feet of difference between east court and other courts. You couldn't have played ball or played that much anyways if you believe what you're saying. Keep watching from the stands as you did from the bench
If you honestly don't think that gym plays a role in their home games then you clearly never played basketball or have no knowledge about basketball. I can guarantee i have double the experience you have. Thanks for your opinion though, even if its absurd.

Your name is spelled wrong. You're welcome.