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SoutheasternOhioPreps.com • Green Basketball
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Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:30 am
by on a mission

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:43 am
by bettis36
Anybody have their schedule?

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:52 pm
by claypantherfan
jumper wrote:WOW, Heard Greens best player was kicked of the team.Guess Kitchen is making a statement there.Could be for the best

who got kicked off and what was the reason if you don't mind to share the info.

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:01 am
It's pretty tough to kick a kid off the team when the season hasn't even started yet!?!

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:52 am
by Eaglesnest
jumper wrote:It was about attitude and the kid being self absorbed.All about me and no one else. Doing it his way.This was open gym and conditioning.I'm sure he will be able to try out but it doesn't look good for him because from what I hear he has always been this way.Thats what I heard from a reliable source.


Which player????????????????????

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:16 am
by Eaglesnest
jumper wrote:Not going to say who it was I'm sure alot of teams will love it making Green a little easier to handle Maybe :122249 It is a senior though


AS much young talent as green has, they wouldn't be an "easy" W regardless og who it is....

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:05 am
by BeAWarrior
Guys..use the context clues here:

1. Its a senior
2. Green only has 2 or 3 seniors...
3. of those 2 or 3 only 1 would make that drastic of a change
4. Im going to take a wild stab in the dark and say the boy is a guard with dark brown/black hair...a little taller than most...

am I on the right track Jumper?

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:28 pm
by flash
Way to early to kick someone off the team.
one of Green's Seniors plays football.
give the kid a chance to be more of a team
player with a new coach can happen.

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:49 pm
by Sawdust
Jumper, does this individual play football? It really doesn't matter. None of the returning seniors are what I would consider "The best player on the team." I don't think he will really be missed. The best players IMHO are sophomores. The JV coach grossly misused them last year (never playing them more than 12 min. per game) so they will need some time to develop but should be fine by mid-season.

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:09 pm
by Redsfan
Jumper, who is the new jv coach? Also, you seem to be a very big fan of Coach Kitchen. What has he done to impress you so much. Seems like you are sold on him already. I will wait to make an opinion of my own. It's not that I have a bad opinion of him, but I guess you could say I am going to have an open mind. I am a big fan of Green basketball, but he has never been a head coach that leads a team thru a whole season...........from pre season conditioning till the end of the tournament. I just don't get the whole best coach in the SOC thing that you posted on an earlier thread. He very well may be.......but there is just no way of knowing that yet. You have to be open minded. Just because he seems to have some discipline doesn't set him apart from anyone................all decent coaches have discipline.

Re: Green Basketball

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:24 am
by Eaglesnest
jumper wrote:Redsfan,You may be right.This is only my humble opinion.He is my relation and I have been around him my whole life from high school to college and followed Ironton when he helped coach there.He has been around a long time and has learned alot from different people.I know last year when he took over at West 5 games into the season that that place was a mess and ready to blow apart.It ended in a very positive note with the kids. They liked him and they responded.He just wanted the Green job because of the PAST tradition and thought it would be a good place for basketball to be great again,but who knows.I think he is beginning to see how and why it fell apart there.Time will tell I guess

Jumper, I agree that you come off as being "extremely" supportive of Kitchen. But, that is ok. Coaches need support. To often, arm chair and bleacher coaches sit and nit pick from afar and try to tear down coaches. Support yours, until there is reason not too. However, Kitchen is in a bad situation if they don't win because the horses are there....