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SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:58 am
by warningtrackpower
SVC fans of any age will have an opinion on this topic. If you have voted on here or through email, your votes have been counted. If you have not, please get involved and help us select this team. The article will explain the format and the timeline for finishing this up. We have and will continue to discuss this on our podcast show. Feel free to get involved in the show as well. The article also explains how you can do just is the link...

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:15 am
by Xtoxxviii
Matt Combs Unioto

Scott Legg Piketon

Jason Cruse Unioto

Chad Lyghtle Huntington

Eric Caudill Piketon

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:58 pm
by eagles73Taylor
Me, nuff said!~

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:42 pm
by Xtoxxviii
^^^True data^^^
my sixth man would be the
Unprincipled Narcissist
Eagels 73

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:36 am
by warningtrackpower
The new episode of SVC Sports Talk is now ready for listen. We talk about some of the guidelines for picking this dream team in the first 10 minutes. The show also includes an interview from Alex Southworth as well as Michael Brown.

Thanks for is the link, and notice the play arrow is now at the top as soon as you click the link below ... talk011612

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:53 pm
by warningtrackpower
Some great feedback today! We are starting to get more on the 80s. This should be a really fun final vote. Please keep the votes coming. You can email, post them here, or call 740-569-3254 to leave a comment/question for next week's podcast.

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:40 pm
by jimmy chipwood
Are there minimum criteria that must be met? For example, if your truly wanting votes for the best of the best to ever play in the SVC you need to have a minimum requirement of at least 3rd Team All-State or better. Also, I think sometimes to much importance is placed on total career stats. Im sorry but someone who averages 13/14 pts and 7-8 rebs for 4 years is going to accrue great career totals. Than you have a player like Eric Caudill who just totally dominates a single year statistically - that is the type of player who should be considered for an SVC Dream Team.

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:53 am
by warningtrackpower
You are making great points. These discussions have made for great debates. To be honest, fans have done a pretty good job. In terms of "rules" we have allowed fans to decide for themseleves. We have a few more questions/comments coming on this week's podcast show (should be ready for listen late Monday night - I will post link) that we will talk about and ask fans to comment on as well.

I look forward to the final vote. It seems like most people agree on the decades (at least the top four or five that need to be in final vote). There may be some guys left off the final list that probably could not have made the all-time team, so for the most part, it looks like fans are doing a nice job.

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:49 pm

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:28 pm
by bengalfan76
I believe the players should have played in the SVC. Not the best players from each school that are currently in the SVC.

Re: SVC's All-Time Dream Team

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:27 am
by warningtrackpower
More talk on this week's podcast show - The "Dream Team" talk included some emails on some players from the 80s as well as a phone message. The all-time team talk starts around the 11:30 mark (just FF over if you are just interested in this topic). This section goes for five minutes. We appreciate the phone message this week. If you want to call-in to be on the show, just call 740-569-3254 and leave your message.

Here is the link...just click, then click play arrow to listen for free. ... talk012312

Thanks for the support!