What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

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jungle cat
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What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by jungle cat »

I thought the Mohawks were going to field a good team this year. What in the world has happened. They better be on the ball tonight, the Minford team is starting to play some good basketball.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by youthsportsfan »

jungle cat wrote:I thought the Mohawks were going to field a good team this year. What in the world has happened. They better be on the ball tonight, the Minford team is starting to play some good basketball.
Jungle cat u must live in a jungle . Why would you think NW would have a good team? Anyone that knows basketball and seen this team play would see they have very weak talent and young team. I've seen 3-4 games of NW over the past 2-3yrs. This team lacks a scorer and post play. They have no Hank Leslie and the boys they do have play hard but missed 15+ shots inside 5ft to the bucket. I'd be impressed if this squad goes 500

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by jungle cat »

I just wondered, I think it more coaching issues than anything. I watched the last game and they seem to be some very angry parents.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by Eye Lander »

That is what I see as well. There is a lot of favoritism going on in the basketball program. They have freshmen stating and seniors riding the wood.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

They're just a weak team. Every team has a drought at some point..

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by fan_of_swankerpine »

Coaching issues? Really? They have a great coach. And as far as starting freshman, maybe that's because they're better or put in more work than the rest of the team. You can't say that freshman shouldn't start in NW because the 2 games I watched the Scarberry kid was the by far the best player on that team.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by philbilly »

fan_of_swankerpine, There is an element of people at NW that have been dying to see coach Scarberry have a year like this. These are the people that are, and always have been the problem at NW. His boy is the only one on the team that is a good shooter. If seniors want to get off the pine, they need to get in the gym in the summer instead of goofing around. There is no excuse for a senior not being able to hit a basket.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by fan_of_swankerpine »

philbilly wrote:fan_of_swankerpine, There is an element of people at NW that have been dying to see coach Scarberry have a year like this. These are the people that are, and always have been the problem at NW. His boy is the only one on the team that is a good shooter. If seniors want to get off the pine, they need to get in the gym in the summer instead of goofing around. There is no excuse for a senior not being able to hit a basket.
Glad to get some backup on my comment. I'm expecting this thread to get ugly fast.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by on a mission »

I played for coach Scarberry for 4 years,rest assure there is no favoritism happening here! If you put in the work you'll get the time! You can bet your sweet ass RH would love to have him still running that program! Talk about his son all you want but I guarantee you he worked on his game all summer.( For many years now) I can promise that his teams are as prepared as any team they face. It's up to them to execute! I know this because I was probably the worst athlete to start for him,and I played a little varsity all 4 years!

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by Tower »

The issues at NW go further back than HS. I have some issues with Coach Scarberry but those are not the problem going on at NHS. It does not matter how good or bad a coach is, if the kids you get at highschool level have not been taught basic fundamentals you are going to have hared time winning. I have not seen game this year due to following my own kids, but I do know the kids on that team. They are hard working bunch. Go watch the biddy ball program and JH kids, they can not dribble with weak hand, poor shooting and passing technique. Don't understand defense. Then go watch the kids from other biddy ball programs, like Valleys. I seen their 4th grade team last year pass, shoot, dribble and defend like they been doing for years. Valley is set for many years. If Scarberry or any future NW coach wants to create program they need to get involved/take over the youth program. As far as the Scarberry boy playing on Varsity, if he is one of the best five he should be out there. Being a senior does not give you automatic start, being the better player does. I know the boy and he is a heck of a player as well as a great individual.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by zebraman »

coaching problems??? are u serious NW has one of best coaches around Scarberrys teams are always fundamentally sound, play hard & are gameplanned very well nightly. before u start questioning playing time u should find out whats going on in practice im sure every player has equal oppurtunity to win playing time im positive Scarberry is playing best available players no one wants to win more than he does. nothing against this yrs players but sometimes talent level goes down. hang in NW things will turn eventually dont try to run off a coach that most schools around would love having run there program

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by Jake Lane »

Our J.H. coach at Clay told me on opening night that he coached this group of NW seniors in 7th grade. He has been an excellent teacher of fundamentals here, usually working with under talented (except for a few classes) teams. According to him, that 7th grade team at NW won only 2 games that year, (out of 12 played) but was in close games most of the season. Give Scarberry a break, if the kids don't all put in the time, it weakens the team. Good luck Mohawks, things will get better some day.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by philbilly »

Tower, you are absolutely right about the pee wee program. All MANY of the coaches at that level care about is winning the most games so that they can boost their egos. I'm always hearing what a great coach someone at the pee wee level is. But, it they were to coach the vasity next year, or the next ten years, they probably wouldn't win a game. Everyone knows that at the pee wee level, the coach with the best talent always wins. It's not always that way at the high school level though.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by Sider_PC »

Some of the blame here may fall on Scarberry and some may fall on the players and others involved. If somebody has Scarberry's records since he has been at NW please post them. He has had some pretty good talent and has not taken it very far, If Barrik at the burg had the talent that he had a couple of years back WOW!.. I don't think Rock Hill wants him back either, ask some of the Rock Hill Community about that.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by fan_of_swankerpine »

Sider_PC wrote:If Barrik at the burg had the talent that he had a couple of years back WOW!..
What kind of argument is this? Everyone knows coach Barrik is one of the best in Southern Ohio, but to use him as a comparison to what could have been is invalid. What has he done this year? Basically nothing because of the talent level present. Coach Scarberry is in the same position now. Being a good coach doesn't mean you will always have a winning team. In order to have a good team there must be a certain level of athletic ability in the players. A good coach would then utilize the strengths of his players. You simply cannot utilize what isn't available.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by on a mission »

Well spoken. Sider pc; not sure who in the community you've spoken to but I can assure you that the people that played for him and the families of those aforementioned would love to see coach on the bench! This argument is none of my business,but I played for him and I can assure you if he were to call me and ask of any favor,it would be granted to the best of my ability. Maybe the talent pool is a little shy. This happens unfortunately to every school from time to time,but I promise you this; when a little talent and a lot of hard work come together, Coach will beat people you think they shouldn't be in the game with! I think his winning.% is higher than any other coach that rh had ever had. Not certain,but believe this to be true???

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by bbjunky81 »

I'm a rare poster on this site, but this is one of the few times I have to speak.

Saying the problem is Scarberry is just unbearable to say the least. Scarberry is a GREAT Coach and gets the absolute most out of his talent. Unluckily for him, there's just not much talent this year. I watched the game when they played South Webster and I thought Scarberry's son was the best player on the entire team!

Just because your son isn't getting playing time, don't blame the Coach. Next warm day, why don't you take your son outside to work on his shot/ball-handling. If he improves enough, Scarberry would play him. If he doesn't, then quit complaining, and be fortunate that a coach like Scarberry has stayed with your program this long considering some of the ridiculous parental issues he consistently has to deal with.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by Sider_PC »

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I was just stating my opinion take it how you want to, did not mean to offend anybody. I do not think that he has very many winning seasons though at NW. I do know that NW is a very very politically charged school system though, and I think that politics and personal agendas get in the way of the the school being successfull at anything. JMO

Most if not all of the burgs games have been close and competitive this year too, and most of NW games hasn't been.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

You can't compare the Burg to Northwest. The talent pool isn't as big and the kids probably aren't geared toward basketball like Burg is, year in and out. Fact is Scarberry hasn't had a dominant team since ...? Hank Leslie and Kenny Crabtree were good but that team wasn't all that great. Blame the (lack of) players.

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Re: What going on in the Northwest Mohawk Land.

Post by bluedude62 »

A lot of the past burg talent didn't live in the burg district. They had a large pool of talent, most recent ( Bendolph, McBee) in the surrounding schools that migrated towards the orange and black district and won for several years. This year they are down and it shows as some kids started playing for their home districts. The closest school to NW is Valley and those kids are staying put and winning. There are a lot of political problems at NW but I don't think the coach is one of them. Really don't understand how such a large district can't field better teams unless a lot of kids just aren't interested.

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