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waverly basketball
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:15 pm
by r789
does waverly have a freshman coach?
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:26 pm
by soccerfix
The question is does Waverly have a freshman team? Rumor has it that maybe three starters from last year eighth grade team are not playing this year.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:15 am
by pcohio
I don't know what the numbers are, but I believe that Trevor Arnett is the freshmen coach
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:30 am
by Trooper
I thought Bubba Holsinger was the freshman coach. I highly doubt they would cancel the freshman schedule because 3 starters from last year's 8th grade team might not play this season.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:25 pm
by soccerfix
I hope there is a freshman team but with Kelly playing reserve/varsity and Taylor Ward playing reserve how many freshman are left? There is not a lot of sophomores playing so it becomes a numbers game.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:12 am
by smurray
The bottom line is playing time. Regardless of how many kids you have out they need to play. If you don't have a freshman team and have 15 kids on a JV roster and 7 of them never see the floor that is uncalled for. The purpose of a freshman and JV team is the get the kids experience. There is nothing wrong with only having 7 or 8 freshman playing "freshman" ball, that is allot of game time experience.
Remember when Waverly had 3 separate Jr. High's. That was three 7th grade teams and three 8th grade teams feeding the High School. Allot more kids playing with allot more playing time. It made everybody better and kids were then competing for spots on the freshman, JV and Varsity squads. There were no lack of numbers.
We've gone from three 8th grade teams to one and probably have a higher enrollment now.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:59 am
by pcohio
Well said tigers2010!
I know it comes down to the allmighty dollar, but this is why I do not believe in cutting kids at the Junior High level (in any sport)...
We narrow the field from 30 some kids trying-out to like 10-15 in the 7th grade, around 5 of those kids that MADE THE TEAM don't even see any game action...assuming those kids give up (which most probably will), that leaves you with at most around 10 kids who will play the following season. This is why the numbers are not there...
And for goodness sake, if a kid makes the team, LET HIM PLAY! This is junior high people...winning should take a back seat to player development at this age!!
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:12 am
by bucki4life
I doubt that anyone knows who is playing varsity or reserve yet- but i honestly think you will see a freshman team. There are enough guys to play and the 8th grade team last year had some success and had good numbers. I am not sure of any kids not playing but it will work itself out!
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:23 pm
by smurray
Has anyone even mentioned the idea of more than 1 Jr. High team? Like I said before, we had 3 when I was in school (North, East, West) and competed against each other as well as other schools. I had to list North first of course.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:18 pm
by soccerfix
When Waverly went to the one Jr. High parents were concerned about the amount of athletic teams. Superintendant Dave Roberts assured all the parents that there would be enough teams for every student that wanted to play. That lasted for a couple years then they decided the one team theory would be best. So our administrations have gone from 15 starters playing on the 3 jr high teams to 30 starters from 3 seventh grades and 3 eighth grades to now 10 starters on two teams. My sophomore year 40 plus players went out for the reserve team! Now there are not 40 kids in the entire program
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:04 pm
by Tigersports
You guys are right on if a kid puts in the time to play any sport he or she deserves to play. all cutting does at the junior high level is discourage kids from working to get better. every kid develops at different times and you may cause a kid who could be a all district or better player to quit before he or she realizes how good they can be with hard work. I also heard Bubba Holsinger is the freshman coach . pcohio the only thing i might disagree with you on is players want to win and from an adults eye it is about development but these kids want to win . i feel having 2 8th grade teams with a split of number of people who tryout and do so with 7th as well.
The TIGEREYEz are Upon you
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:06 pm
by pcohio
I have a copy of the Waverly Basketball Calendar and it lists a Coach Arnett, but no Coach Holsinger?
I always think about the fact that Michael Jordan was cut from his Junior High Team!
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:11 pm
by Tigersports
pcohio I guess i could be wrong about freshman coach i am going what i was told by a current Waverly coach during football season. Jordan was cut from his JV highschool team but the point is still the same. there is so much talent in our school system but kids dont want to put the effort out there if no results will be garnered ie kids have to many other things to do with there time like video games cell phones things have changed but if we as a community can get behind these young athletes and stir up the Carl Wolfe style school spirit it would go a long way in making the school board realize how important athletics are in our district.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:50 pm
by roundingthird
Trevor Arnett will be coaching the freshman basketball team this year at Waverly.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:50 am
by bucki4life
Carl Wolfe had an orange and black eighth grade teams. in other words two 8th grade teams and two seventh grade teams. 10 starters going into the ninth grade. If they played 8 guys pretty regular on each team - all of a sudden 16-17 players per class! I remember going to open gym and seeing over 40 or 50 kids playing! It can still happen and things could be coming back!
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:00 am
by smurray
Some exciting days around here with Carl Wolfe. If I remember correctly the Tigers were ranked #2 in the State at one point.
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:20 am
by pcohio
Yes, the days of Carl Wolfe were great ones for Waverly Basketball!
I think it all goes back to tigers2010 point...he had more younger kids playing!!
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:33 am
by Ukfanatic
What happened with bubba holsinger? I know he had the job over the summer and worked with them at camps.[
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:33 am
by crazymidgets
Robert couldnt go for health reasons as freshman coach its a shame he would have been really good with the kids.
The 3 jr high teams we used to have turned out a lot of players and not to mention that tearing down of East jr high took away the b-ball court for the kids, I remember kids lined up waiting for next over there, maybe 30 kids playing ball heck even kids from the county would be there running the court, ahh those were the days... now we have no safe place for them unless they go to the Y or the pool one of the reasons I dont like where they put the new schools they needed to be in town jmo
Re: waverly basketball
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:39 am
by Ukfanatic
Spent many a day running on the courts at East. Established a lot of friendships there. It is a shame there are no places for the kids to safely congregate.