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West Basketball
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:57 am
by WestSide Pride
I think its time for something to change. Getting beat every game by 30 or more is getting old so i think they need to change something.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:37 pm
by alabama mike
Until the administration backs ALL the athletic teams, it doesnt matter who is coaching at West. I admire what Coach T. did with the football program this year, just wish it would carry over to other sports. Problems are not always the coaches fault.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:11 pm
by Cameron34Crazie34
Quit blamming the coaches for every problem down at West. That is our problem at West, we blame coaches. You have to have kids that want to win and not kids that want to try to run the program. Attitudes are horrible down there. Basketball is just a fun time. Coach we have now isn't that bad of a coach.
Yea it is time for a change at West. A CHANGE OF ATTITUDES!
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:04 pm
good points bama and cameron..until the kids put the effort in the offseason things will never change.two sports at west seem to do pretty good through out the years and its the ones the kids spend the most in the offseason working at (football and softball)i agree that the school needs to back the basketball like they back football and the kids need to work just as many days on their basketball skills that they work lifting weights and conditioning for football. until then its hard to blame the coach
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:59 pm
by Burg_Grad_77
What's unusual at West this season is that normally when a small school like West, or any other Scioto county school for that matter, has a great football team they will almost always have a good basketball team because basically the same athletes play both sports.
I believe Wheelersburgs starting 5 all were on the football team, though I think Ward was injured most of the year. I know Bricker, Pendleton, and Journey played football, but I'm not sure of the rest. Why doesn't the Morgan boy play basketball? He seemed like one heck of an athlete during football and at most smaller schools like our local ones it's the stellar athletes that play all of the sports. Of course, West losing three starters isn't helping them any either.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:43 am
by drrabbit
Burg Grad 77-Miller plays soccer. Nice midfielder. There are times where he could use a little more urgency. That calmness is a plus in basketball though.
West administration is relatively supportive of other programs but they have no deep need to succeed in other than football and softball. Golf and baseball has decent success at times.
With the talent coming up in the girls basketball program (good stuff in the 8th grade and freshmen classes), it would be nice to see some real support there. Success does tend to breed success.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:59 am
i bet that even though your kids at wheelersburg are preparing for other sports in the summer they are still attending offseason workouts for coach barrick. at west i would say that there are 40 to 50 kids always working for football and 10 if lucky for basketball and out of those 10 probably only 1 to 3 will see alot of playing time. i think we need a coach that will stress the kids that work alot in the offseason will get the playing time.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:17 pm
by sider
Cameron34Crazie34 wrote:Quit blamming the coaches for every problem down at West. That is our problem at West, we blame coaches. You have to have kids that want to win and not kids that want to try to run the program. Attitudes are horrible down there. Basketball is just a fun time. Coach we have now isn't that bad of a coach.
Yea it is time for a change at West. A CHANGE OF ATTITUDES!
It doesn't matter about the coaching as much as it does the players. A lot of critics get on Coach Smith's case about not switching out of the press and not running the Seven Seconds Shoot offense well enough, but for one the man is trying to implement a system, and two he has so many lineup changes and so much youth it would be hard for anyone to run any offense. Now if you give the man until after the 2010-11 season, and he hasn't won by then (this class and the one under it is very talented) maybe look for a replacement then, but as of right now he hasn't had enough time.
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:What's unusual at West this season is that normally when a small school like West, or any other Scioto county school for that matter, has a great football team they will almost always have a good basketball team because basically the same athletes play both sports.
I believe Wheelersburgs starting 5 all were on the football team, though I think Ward was injured most of the year. I know Bricker, Pendleton, and Journey played football, but I'm not sure of the rest. Why doesn't the Morgan boy play basketball? He seemed like one heck of an athlete during football and at most smaller schools like our local ones it's the stellar athletes that play all of the sports. Of course, West losing three starters isn't helping them any either.
West has athletes, but their not very disiplined. Morgan didn't play basketball this year because of personal reasons (and the fact he put on about 30 pounds), Journey quit, Justin Van Gundy got kicked off, and about 3 the of juniors quit. Most of the athletes were and are in the underclassmen and the upperclassmen this year were for the most part strictly football players most of their lives.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:58 pm
by WestFan27
Athletes don't win basketball games fundamentals do. As you can tell West does not play fundamental basketball. Like some of the other posts have stated it is because our kids don't touch a basketball until November. For the boys FOOTBALL is #1 and for the girls SOFTBALL is #1.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:20 am
by Burg_Grad_77
WestFan27 wrote:Athletes don't win basketball games fundamentals do. As you can tell West does not play fundamental basketball. Like some of the other posts have stated it is because our kids don't touch a basketball until November. For the boys FOOTBALL is #1 and for the girls SOFTBALL is #1.
So you are saying that you could take a group of overweight, out of shape, non athletic kids, teach them the fundamentals of basketball and beat a group of well honed athletes just because your kids know the fundamentals.
I see what you're saying, but you still have to have good athletes to win the games and West has those. If fundamentals are what they are lacking then that falls back on the coach to teach it to them. Of course, the kids have to be willing to learn too.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:09 am
by Cameron34Crazie34
THE'GENERAL' wrote:good points bama and cameron..until the kids put the effort in the offseason things will never change.two sports at west seem to do pretty good through out the years and its the ones the kids spend the most in the offseason working at (football and softball)i
Come on man give the Golf team some love! We got no love or congrats every and we worked our butts off all summer to win our 3 SOC championships, and there was many good years before my class came. I know golf isn't a sport to everyone but it isn't easy. It takes time during the offseason.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:59 am
i dont know if you blame the first year high school coach for high school kids not having the fundamentals or the system they are brought up in.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:04 am
sorry cameron congrats on the 3 championships i bet you and your teammates just showed up at the course the first day of practice and i bet you and your teammates wasnt showed the proper way to swing when you was younger either. change is needed in the system we been through to many coach's and all having the same problems
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:46 pm
by alabama mike
Now everyone knows fundamentals are taught in pee wee ball. Look at the product on the floor for most schools, fundamentals are lacking big time. It is amazing that kids cannot shoot a left-handed layup the correct way by the time they are in junior high.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:02 pm
by rxburgfan
west will always have problems until they learn to ignore the parents. coaches need to be left alone to coach and parents are to be fans. too much input allowed from the parents to the coaches.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:28 am
by sidersports
it just seems that when something doesnt go your way the kids are just quitting.
"winners dont quit and quitters never win"
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:05 pm
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:08 pm
by SSU Grad
I agree 100% sidersports. If things don't go their way they just quit. The sad part is, the parents let the kids do this. What kind of lessons are these kids learning when mommy and daddy are acting the same way. These kids are in high school crying out loud!!! The parents should be teaching these kids to take some responsibility for their actions. I know many people on the West Side are sick and tired of this attitude.
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:31 pm
by Black@Orange
5 kids at practice friday night! Thats a shame, I know who my starters would be next game. I blame most of this on parents, you don't make comments about the coaches in front of the kids. Kids soak up everything, especially attitudes. Parents should be teaching hard work and determination, is a lesson that carries over in every aspect in life. Your not always going to agree with your Teachers, Coaches, Bosses, or Parents. Sometimes you have to adjust to your situation. Sports can be used as vaulable lessons in life. And I see that failing right now on the Westside. I wonder if the policy of quitting mid season, bans you from particapating next season, will be enforced. Does any other schools have this Policy?
Re: West Basketball
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:53 am
by osu 77
Black@Orange wrote:5 kids at practice friday night! Thats a shame, I know who my starters would be next game. I blame most of this on parents, you don't make comments about the coaches in front of the kids. Kids soak up everything, especially attitudes. Parents should be teaching hard work and determination, is a lesson that carries over in every aspect in life. Your not always going to agree with your Teachers, Coaches, Bosses, or Parents. Sometimes you have to adjust to your situation. Sports can be used as vaulable lessons in life. And I see that failing right now on the Westside. I wonder if the policy of quitting mid season, bans you from particapating next season, will be enforced. Does any other schools have this Policy?
I agree with you 100% except were a kid quits should be handled on case by case basis. Sometimes it is not the kids fault they quit.
Support you Coaches!!!
I watched several West Football practices the past two years and the Coaches do not put up with poor discipline. The issues are addressed by all Coach-T's coaching staff and the Coaches demand respect and they had to earn that one player at a time.