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Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:46 pm
by dime-a-dozen
When Pfloyd got sick last year I tried to carry it on until he got well and all i got was complaining. Well i know i will never be the great Pflyod whom I have a lot of respect for. But this year I figured i will create my own with my point of view from a different perspective for all!

#1 PORTSMOUTH TROJANS- I couldn't agree more with Pfloyd, the return a great nucleus Evans, McKinley, Whitley but losing Underwoods intimidating factor and Bendolphs defensive skill and outstanding point guard ability it wouldn't be supprising to me to see the Trojans fall. Also I have never been sold on Coach Collins coaching ability. I just know he has been blessed with a skilled team with great athletic ability.

#2 CHESAPEAKE PANTHERS- Return 3 starters Austin Mcmaster (1st team all OVC, 1st team All-District, 3rd Team All-State), Patrick Hintz (All-OVC), and Javon Thompson. Also sharp shooting 6'5 Eric Kennedy is back. He would have been a starter on any other team last year but he had a new system to learn. Roll player Brandon Noble steps in to fill the shoes of Big Colin Kennedy that will be tough and you know you cant replace a Nathan Copley. With Coach Davis at the Helm he will turn any squad he has on the floor into winners. My only question is the depth.

#3 LOGAN ELM- Has a great Coach in Stiverson and a great core nucleus. Their up temp defense will win them games or lose them games by possibly being over aggressive. The Braves need a few younger guys to step up. This could be a week spot but if anybody can mature players it would be Coach Stiverson.

#4 CHILLICOTHE- I have them at 4 only on the sole reason is I don't know how much the big man Malik London can do by himself when the Cavs face a team with an all around solid group of guys on the floor.

#5 IRONTON TIGERS- The Junior Crew Standout Juniors Trey Fletcher and Zac Carter will carry the load and be the work horses. Also playing Big Roles Junior Trevor White, Nick Culbertson and Dion Brown given he plays. I Believe Brown will be the deciding factor, he didn't play last year due to injury. He is a long 6'2 with great athletic ability and strength he is a tough match-up. With Coach Lafons ability to connect with his players don't be surprised if the Tigers are the #1 by years End!


Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:48 pm
by Ironman92
It's early and I can't disagree.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:08 pm
by danicalifornia
Only thing I see wrong is the lime green, but top 5 looks good. Just don't get pissy if people disagree this year.

One note on Chillicothe, Jr Zach Johnson is very good and has been solid for them his 1st 2 seasons and was gaining more responsibility as the season went on last year, so I believe he'll step in nicely as their #1 option in the backcourt.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:00 pm
by dime-a-dozen
what color do you recommend? lol
And i saw chilly play a few times last year i don't remember him very well but i have heard good things but thats still 2 guys i just question their roll players and bench! But you never know its just the pre-season

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:01 pm
by ohbuckeye2

Dion Brown will be playing and will be a huge help this year.

Nick Culbertson is having knee surgery and won't be playing.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:43 pm
by dime-a-dozen
Dion will be a huge help with his size/speed/strength and athletic ability given he stays healthy. With Culbertson done I see the Tigers starting 4 juniors and a senior!

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:40 am
by cant stop this
Tanner Dutey will also play a big role for the Tigers this year. Another member of the Junior class, with Zac and Trey getting most of the attention Tanner should be in good positions to help the team shooting the ball. Nolan Johnson the lone senior on the team will slowly work his way into the mix as well, he broke two bones in his leg this summer and has recently been cleared to play. Aaron Stephens a transfer from Cincinnati will help also with height/rebounding is about 6'4ish if im not mistaken. I think this Tiger team can male a deep run into the playoffs and have a very good shot to make it to Columbus.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:04 am
by coop
Dec. 6th

Ironton @ Valley

This should be a VERY good game, the Indians may be a little rusty after the playoff run, but this will be a good early test for both teams.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:58 am
by jgordon0315
@ Dime.....You say you have never been sold on Coach Collins coaching ability?????? Evidentally you don't know that Coach Collins is undefeated (2-0) against Chesapeake then either. In other words, Chesapeake, on their way to their final four run, lost to this same coach Collins led trojan team! Yet you question his coaching ability??? smh! Not to mention, last year, when Portsmouth and your "superbly coached" Chesapeake team....who was heavily favored to win by many posters including yourself in last seasons matchup, yet my Trojans were up on the scoreboard basically the whole game, and came out on top again.

I don't get it! If last year's chessy squad was favored to win by 40, yet lose to a team whose coach you're not sold on, sounds to me that you ought not be sold on Chesapeake's coach! Those type of back handed compliments are the reason I can't stand "some" chesapeake fans!! With you and Peake being the main culprit! I apologize to the decent chesapeake fans out there!

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:35 am
by ohiostbucks99
the top five looks many of the top five play each other in regular season?..IMO portsmouth has one of the better coaching staffs in h.s. basketball

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:43 am
by jgordon0315
But, to contribute positively to this thread, I'd say the order is pretty good.....I think Ironton is better than Chilli, don't know much about Logan Elm....I know Chesapeake will be good.....they have a good coach! and a good team......other than that, your list is debatable but pretty good, aside from the side jabs.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:48 am
by Peake

Being a successful coach is more then just going on a one year run with a team full of great players. Consistency is the key to being a great coach, not having one great class come through and then everyone falls in love with you. This is always what gets me about fans. Unable to see the big picture. I am not trying to be a jerk but a turtle could have been on the sidelines for either team last year and brought them to the point where they met imo.

People always used to say how Norm Persin wasn't great because he couldn't get over the hump of the regional finals, yet he had made it there 8 or 9 times, while most programs will never see the regional finals that many times. Still, people said he wasn't a great coach. Meanwhile, across the river Huntington High Head Coach McGuffin was winning state titles with Al-American's and he was such a "great" coach. Norm Persin would coach circles around McGuffin, yet McGuffin is lucky enough to see two NBA players hit the floor for him, along with 2 other d1 players, and a handful of d2 players. Is he a great coach? Did he consistently win after those guys left. No.

Enough of the rant. When Collins wins on a consistent basis outside of having one great year, yeah then I will buy into it. Until then I am on board with Dime :122246

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:48 am
by dime-a-dozen
I understand your argument but now hear me out! In Coach Collins 1st year i think they were (12-6) Yes they did upset Chesapeake but then i look at some of their losses and thats when i question. Lost to an ok team in South Point by 23, Lost to Ironton 2 out of three times and remember Ironton was decent that year Carter and Fletcher were only freshmen and the loss to South Webster by double figures.

Last year when they did beat Chesapeake yes i did pick the Peake but I was not surprised one bit that the Trojans won. But i see another questionable loss. South Webster by double figures again. The Trojans had a great Season but when i look on the floor and see two guys that could pay Division 1 basketball (McKinley, Evans) then I see three others who could play on another level (Bendolph, Underwood,Whitley) I think to myself how could they slip up to South Webster. Also I have seen the Trojans play many times and I have seen a lot of Technical fouls on players that to me is a testament to the Coach not putting a rule down or being strict on the way his players react to calls. Once again this year the Trojans are loaded with talent and athleticism therefor they get my respect and are the #1 team. But I won't judge Coach Collins until I see him Coach a team with lesser talent that is how I judge a Coach.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:55 am
by trojandave
The list looks fine to me, and not because Portsmouth is #1.......and being preseason #1 means that we probably will fall from that spot because you virtually have to go undefeated to stay loss and everyone under you winning in a particular week will cause the Trojans to fall. Especially if the loss is to another top 5 or top 8 team.

With games at Ironton, at Chillicothe, and at Warren the first 3 weeks of the season, there is a real possibility that Portsmouth will fall from that #1 spot........but I also like the real possibility of the Trojans playing for another regional championship come March.

Coach Collins is 33-12 after 2 seasons at the helm of PHS.......let's say the Trojans go 16-4 in the regular season..........that's 49-16 in 3 years........I think he has already established himself as a very capable coach and I would think that a 3 year run like that would get anyone's respect. There are very few coaches who put together 10-12 year great runs........the Norm Persin's of the coaching world are a rare breed.

Remember that good coaching also includes not getting in the way of the talent available, in other words not overcoaching, as I have seen examples of this in the 40 years I have watched high school basketball..........good coaching can involve simplicity too........great example of what I am talking about is when Mike Haley was coaching in Dayton from the late 70's to the early 90's..........he won 4 state titles with talented teams that produced a number of D1 players.........yet he kept his coaching philosophy simple........he used his teams' superior athletic ability in a simplistic way, not employing a highly structured offense and using a high amount of full court pressure.

To me, that's excellent coaching also.........but I remember hearing a number of detractors at that time saying the only reason he won was because he had talent...........well, you don't win 4 state titles on just talent alone. I also think Akron SVSM coach Dru Joyce deserves a lot of credit for what he has done with 4 state titles on his resume.......yes, he had LeBron James and Co., but remember Roger Bacon beat SVSM Lebron's junior year. Coach Joyce has won 2 state titles post Lebron. He has to be doing something right.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:15 am
by trojandave
dime-a-dozen: Coach Collins is 2-1 vs. Ironton........the Trojans split with IHS two years ago, losing in Ironton, but beating the Fighting Tigers 63-60 at PHS, which was Ironton's only SEOAL loss. Last year PHS beat Ironton 66-41 at Ironton, their only meeting since IHS left the SEOAL after the 2010 school year.

The South Webster loss last year was not by double digits, it was 54-47.

By the way, don't worry about what people think about your list.........just be as fair and objective as you can, including YOUR team is just a list and not the BCS won't determine who's playing in March.

But the green print is hard on my eyes.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:40 pm
by Peake

Well said. I have no problem with agreeing to disagree. I am a big fan of two of your players, so I hope for their sake I am wrong. If I am a few years down the road I will have no problem saying I was wrong.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:09 pm
by crazymidgets
Johnson from chilli is a stud, after seeing them already I dont know how much help he and london will have this season, didnt seem to have any size to help inside or much depth but kellough is comfortable playing 6-7 guys a game like the yr they won the state, but Im not sold on them being a top 5 team until I see a couple of other guys step up.
Dont believe Portsmouth lost a regular season game after Bendoplh came back last yr so everything pre bendolph can be thrown out the window. And South Webster was a pretty solid ballclub last yr good size, good shooters, good coach. portsmouth wasnt the only good team they beat last yr.
Logan Elm is just that Logan Elm, Stiverson is one of the best coaches in ohio, and he always has talent and does again this yr, they shoot the ball well run their offense well and up in ya d, couple of boys 6'6" or so they will be a tough battle for anyone.jmo

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:18 pm
by independent2012
Who cares what you been sold on Dime,coach Collins took his team to the final four last year,and smashed Chesapeake along the way,the mighty,mighty,Chesapeake Panthers with all that talent,and great coaching they had,give the man a break I would take him over any coach around this area,and by the way nobody wins without talent.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:29 pm
by independent2012
peake wrote:torjandave,

Well said. I have no problem with agreeing to disagree. I am a big fan of two of your players, so I hope for their sake I am wrong. If I am a few years down the road I will have no problem saying I was wrong.
You were wrong most of the time last year and then went and hid when Portsmouth,led by coach Collins,crushed the Peake,I see you are back,and talking the same old negative hate on Portsmouth,the greatest program in the history of seo.Wayne and Dion dont care nothing about you being their fan when you belittle a father figure in their life as coach Collins is,has been,and will continue to be.

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:57 pm
by independent2012
dime-a-dozen wrote:I understand your argument but now hear me out! In Coach Collins 1st year i think they were (12-6) Yes they did upset Chesapeake but then i look at some of their losses and thats when i question. Lost to an ok team in South Point by 23, Lost to Ironton 2 out of three times and remember Ironton was decent that year Carter and Fletcher were only freshmen and the loss to South Webster by double figures.

Last year when they did beat Chesapeake yes i did pick the Peake but I was not surprised one bit that the Trojans won. But i see another questionable loss. South Webster by double figures again. The Trojans had a great Season but when i look on the floor and see two guys that could pay Division 1 basketball (McKinley, Evans) then I see three others who could play on another level (Bendolph, Underwood,Whitley) I think to myself how could they slip up to South Webster. Also I have seen the Trojans play many times and I have seen a lot of Technical fouls on players that to me is a testament to the Coach not putting a rule down or being strict on the way his players react to calls. Once again this year the Trojans are loaded with talent and athleticism therefor they get my respect and are the #1 team. But I won't judge Coach Collins until I see him Coach a team with lesser talent that is how I judge a Coach.
When you seen Bendolph play against South Webster last year you were as drunk as you are now because he did not play against them,there was one tech. called on Portsmouth last year and that was the sectional final against South Point,and please be careful,slinging around who is a D1 basketball player,your credibility there is way off, as of now there are only two in the area,Kretzer and London.Most players I have seen in this area lack footspeed and athleticism.