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Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:55 pm
by Burg_Grad_77
Just a reminder to everyone who picked all week. If you want to vie for the title of Overall Champion you need to continue to pick for the remainder of the season. Only 19 people picked both sets of games this week and they will be the only ones eligible to finish out the season. I believe Oz has a gift certificate from Bob Evans for the Overall winner, plus you have bragging rights for the year.

As for week #12, #27 Gold.and.Green88 had the best week at 34-4. Nice picking. #29 Tartanblue is the lowest seed still left in the Head to Head competition after taking me out in round 2. #2 SECFan is the highest seed left.

Week #12 Results

1. Gold.and.Green88.........................................34-4
2. theassassin.................................................33-5
2. jimmy chipwood............................................33-5
4. Tartanblue..................................................31-7
5. SECFan.......................................................30-8
5. Karma........................................................30-8
5. OZZIEOHIO...................................................30-8
5. BBallin fool...................................................30-8
5. devilnfan08...................................................30-8
5. Mad Dogg.....................................................30-8
11. Burg_Grad_77...............................................29-9
11. FaberGrad62................................................29-9
11. danicalifornia................................................29-9
11. hammerdown................................................29-9
11. futurebkstar.................................................29-9
16. beaverlover..................................................28-10
17. a.c.m........................................................28-10
18. CMo...........................................................27-11
18. oldtrojan.....................................................27-11

Overall Results Week #12

1. Burg_Grad_77...................................................247-59
2. SECFan...........................................................244-62
3. CMo...............................................................240-66
3. Karma............................................................240-66
5. FaberGrad62.....................................................236-70
6. OZZIEOHIO.......................................................235-71
7. BBallinfool........................................................234-72
8. jimmy chipwood.................................................233-73
9. danicalifornia.....................................................229-77
10. devilfan08.......................................................228-78
11. hammerdown...................................................226-80
12. Mad Dogg.......................................................225-81
13. oldtrojan........................................................224-82
13. futurebkstar....................................................224-82
15. beaverlover.....................................................221-85
16. Gold.and.Green88..............................................216-90
17. a.c.m............................................................215-91
18. theassassin.......................................................214-92
19. Tartanblue.......................................................210-96

Next round matchups for Head to Head competition.

#2 SECFan vs #29 Tartanblue

#4 Karma vs #27 Gold.and.Green88

#5 FaberGrad62 vs #14 Old Trojan

#9 BBallinfool vs # #11 Jimmy Chipwood


Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:54 pm
by Gold.and.Green88
Wooooo Hooooo

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:05 am
by oldtrojan
Nice pickin Gold&green.

I just keep falling farther behind in the overall. Am still alive in the tournament though.

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:34 am
by Gold.and.Green88
Thanks!! I'm not doing well at all in the over all either

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:43 pm
by bitbucket
76-71 Westfall over the Peake

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:40 pm
by bitbucket
Piketon over Ironton
43 - 65

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:24 pm
by Burg_Grad_77
I'll have this weeks overall results up either late tonight or on Monday evening. It depends on how tired I am tonight after I finish hanging drywall on the kitchen ceiling.

Re: Overall Results For EA Home Supply Picks Contest, Week #12

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:14 am
by Burg_Grad_77
Yeah, tell me about it. I have hung new drywall throughout almost my entire house in the past few months as we remodel. We have torn out walls, built new walls, ripped down old ceilings and replaced them and we are almost finished. I can't wait until we are done so I can sit back and relax. lol