this directly from the ohsaa website. Open Gymnasium or Facilities
Member Schools
6.1) Regulations
6.1.1) A school may open its athletic facilities for unstructured free play provided the
activity is supervised by a school employee who may remove participants or spectators
for disciplinary reasons.
6.1.2) The school may designate the sport or sports that will be played during the free play
period, but may not limit participation to a select group of students from within the
school. Participation may be limited to students enrolled in the school.
6.1.3) There may be no designation of who will play on which team or who will play
whom. Only the students participating may be involved in selecting or substituting
6.1.4) The regulation timing of games is not permitted.
6.1.5) Written scorekeeping is not permitted.
6.1.6) No individual invitations, written or oral, are permitted.
6.1.7) A coach, paid or unpaid, violates the provision of these regulations when the coach
requires, suggests or in any way implies that a student’s chance to be selected for an
interscholastic squad is contingent upon participation at an open gymnasium or
facilities program.6.1.

Mandatory attendance at open gymnasiums or facilities is not permitted.
6.1.9) Transporting athletes to a school or non-school open gym is a violation for any
member of the coaching staff, paid or unpaid.
6.1.10) It is not a violation for the coach or supervisor to participate in unstructured free
play in the open gym or facilities.
6.1.11) Member schools may restrict individuals from observing the open gym activity.
6.2) Penalty for Violation
6.2.1) A squad member who violates the open gymnasium or facilities regulations may be
penalized not to exceed one year of ineligibility for interscholastic athletics.
6.2.2) A coach who violates any of the open gymnasium or facilities regulations may be
prohibited from involvement for one year in any open gymnasium or facilities programs
in or out of school.
6.2.3) A school which permits use of athletics facilities in violation of the open gymnasium
or facilities regulations is subject to penalty as specified in Bylaw 12.
6.3) Regulations for school squad members (Bylaw 10-1-1)
6.3.1) A school squad member may participate in unstructured free play at non-school athletic
facilities without jeopardizing athletic eligibility providing there are no violations
of the following regulations.
6.3.2) There may be no designation of who will play on which team or who will play
whom. Only the students participating may be involved in selecting or substituting
6.3.3) The regulation timing of games is not permitted.
6.3.4) Written scorekeeping is not permitted.
6.3.5) No individual invitations, written or oral, are permitted.
6.3.6) A coach, paid or volunteer, violates the provision of these regulations when the
coach requires, suggests or in any way implies that a student’s chance to be selected
for an interscholastic squad is contingent upon participation at an open gymnasium
or facilities program.
6.3.7) Mandatory attendance at non-school facilities is not permitted.

Transporting athletes to a school or non-school open gym is a violation for any member
of the coaching staff, paid or unpaid.
6.4) Penalty for Violation
6.4.1) A squad member who participates at a facility where there is one or more violations
of the open gymnasium or facilities regulations may be penalized not to exceed one
year of ineligibility for interscholastic athletics.
6.4.2) A school coach who is responsible for causing a violation of any of the open gymnasium
or facilities regulations by a squad member may be prohibited from involvement
in any open gymnasium or facilities program in or out of school for one year.