Coaches Salaries

hook em horns
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Coaches Salaries

Post by hook em horns »

Are public school Varsity Basketball Coaches Salaries public information? I know all coaches will tell us they don't do it for the money and I absolutely believe that but I'm just curious to see if there is a correlation between successful and tenured coaches and their respective coaching salary compared to their peers.

I truly believe they are not compensated enough yet with all the school budget cutbacks I wonder if it has affected the salaries.

I also wonder if it is common for the athletic boosters to help subsidize the coaches salary?

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by slamdunk »

I haven't heard of any athletic boosters helping with coach's salaries. Coach's salaries are set by the board of education of each school district. It is not very much at all. The term for a coach's contract is a supplemental contract, to supplement another income. It would have to supplement another income because you couldn't live on what you get paid. A varsity coach's salary might range from $3500 to $7000 per year. These are just estimates. I work in a district where it is the lower number in the range. I have heard of a district with the higher number in the range. There might be a place that is lower or higher, but I am guessing this is pretty close to common.

Coaches do not get paid higher or lower according to success or lack of success. Some or all (not sure if it is the same every where) coaches get an increase in salary if they had worked so many years as a coach. Obviously, it does not go up very much but a little.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by moonshine »

If coaches salaries where based on success of the program, Logan's basketball staff would be towards the bottom. I am sure you could find out the salaries of all public school teachers, coaches and adminsrators by reviewing schoolboard meetings mintues or maybe a public record search. I agree most coaches are under paid for the amount of time they spend, maybe not in basketball but football for sure. Also, I have a question. Is there a difference in pay between head football and basketball coaches?

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by sandman »

Most coaching supplementals are in the range mentioned. Sometimes, to sweeten the pot, supplementals are stacked to allow higher salaries. For example: a head coach gets seperate contracts for coaching, open gym, weight room, partial AD, etc. I am not sure how much boosters can donate towards salary, if at all, but they can provide support dollars to the program as a whole that many coaches would normally take out of their own pockets, thus increasing the net to the coach.

The supplementals are bargained and as such the majority of the bargaining unit would have to be in agreement to allow an unusually high salary. A lot depends on the negotiating team as presented by the union. Some are concerned with athletics, some are not. The administration is often blamed but it is not always the case. There are finite funds available for personnel and they are basically divided during negotiations. Many teachers do not believe that it is important or fair and as such will not support it.
Last edited by sandman on Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by Eaglesnest »

I would imagine the range posted is very close for this area. Whatever it is, I doubt it is enough when you consider all the time spent by coaches, headaches (parents and fans), and time away from their families.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by JohnKnight »

Salaries are public information and can be accessed from this site.

These numbers are always a year behind.

Supplements are not included and can range from 2500-10,000 depending on how the contract reads and whether extended days are added to the regular salary.
Times are changing and less money is being spent on athletics and fewer perks are being thrown at coaches. Most coaches do not coach for the stipend but sure do like the extra perks.
A lot of coaches do not make as much salary as other teachers because they don't have the time to go back and get their masters plus a bunch of extra hours so they are not topped out on the pay scale.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by bookem13 »

That's messed up that you can just jump on a computer and find out how much money somebody age!! Do those salaries listed take into account the coaching/supplemental contracts or just teaching?

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by gametime »


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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by JohnKnight »

Just teaching Bookem. Even if it weren't on a website the school district must provide the information if requested.

I know you looked me up, Dude! HAHA!

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by sparky »

not only are coaches underpaid but so are teachers.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by dave »

Under paid please.....

Where else can you work half a year and make 40k, 50k and 60k? Now lets say your a coach, so lets add another 3k. dont forget about the money that is made at the football and basketball camps during the off season. Under paid, really?

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by hbk2016 »


You are clueless.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by favabeans »

The money from off season camps ususally go to the athletic boosters or the respective teams that work them. The coaches aren't or shouldn't be putting the money in their pockets.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by ChessyFan09 »

Clueless isn't the beginning of a description. With all the extra duties and responsibilities the job demands that "clueless " people have no idea about and the amount of extra effort involved with the truly great teachers who really care about the kids,it would be scary the amount of pay that a teacher deserves, not including the aggrevation and frustration of working with a "clueless' public and the unfortunately large numbers of students that can learn but choose not to and the lack of support some school administrations have in supporting and maintaining discipline , not to mention the many hours of work after school and at home and the summers full of workshops and continuing education. You can pick a lot better occupations to gripe about pay-wise than this honorable and often unappreciated endeavor.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by Bozo »

Where I teach, the football and basketball coach make the same: 14% of the base teaching salary.
The only money that can be added to it is based on experience. No open gyms, no pee wee and no weights.
Most other sports make 12% of the base.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by slamdunk »

dave wrote:Under paid please.....

Where else can you work half a year and make 40k, 50k and 60k? Now lets say your a coach, so lets add another 3k. dont forget about the money that is made at the football and basketball camps during the off season. Under paid, really?

As stated before, coaches do NOT get paid for camps that they put on in the off season. All money made usually goes to either the shootouts and team camps their team goes to or to the boosters that support all the teams in the school. If any coach takes money for doing these camps, they shouldn't.

Teachers and coaches don't just stop working during the summer or off season or when ever they are at home in the evenings. If you are good at what you do and like what you do, it is usually a year round job. Not to mention all the college work that has to be done in order to renew license every 3 to 5 years, workshops that have to be taken either during the summer or evenings, endless paperwork, etc. etc. etc. I could go on and on.

BUT, even stating all of this and being underpaid for the long hours, us teachers and coaches LOVE what we do or we wouldn't do it because pay is definitely not a motivator. The point of most of the posters posts was to answer the question of salary and why someone would state they don't do it for the money. I think this shows everyone why.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by hook em horns »

Thanks for all of the information. Truly interesting stuff. I had heard a decade or so ago most Varsity Boys coaches salaries were in the $3,000 to $10,000 range so it appears that hasn't changed much.

It is just difficult for me to think parents and fans would berate or verbally attack a coach who is earning a minimal check. Yet, we read about it on this website or hear about it quite frequently. It's one thing to criticize a collegiate coach who earns six figures and does the job full-time, criticism is part of the job but for a high school school coach to endure similar actions only shows the ignorance of those who act in such a manner.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by bengalfan76 »

Parents think they have that right because they coached before at the Pee Wee level so they know what they are doing.
I tell my parents I will never care as much about your son as you. I feel like these are also my kids. You have one on the team I have about 30 in my program

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by Raiderball »

ChessyFan09 wrote:Clueless isn't the beginning of a description. With all the extra duties and responsibilities the job demands that "clueless " people have no idea about and the amount of extra effort involved with the truly great teachers who really care about the kids,it would be scary the amount of pay that a teacher deserves, not including the aggrevation and frustration of working with a "clueless' public and the unfortunately large numbers of students that can learn but choose not to and the lack of support some school administrations have in supporting and maintaining discipline , not to mention the many hours of work after school and at home and the summers full of workshops and continuing education. You can pick a lot better occupations to gripe about pay-wise than this honorable and often unappreciated endeavor.

Couldnt have said it any better.

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Re: Coaches Salaries


Coaches salaries can not be supplemented by booster clubs or any source outside of the board of education-it would be a violation of OHSAA Rusles.

The majority of coaches do it for the kids and the love of the game! The district I work in all the coaches that are not teachers employed by the district have to submit their hours worked coaching. I looked at the hours they turned in and the pay per hour comes up way below minimum wage, how is that for getting rich. I am not complaining because The Lord has blessed me with a very good life and as others posted here-you know you will not get rich when you enter the education field. Where else is the job a person does judged by what teenagers do?

You also realize when you get into coaching that every move you make will be questioned and that when you win it is the players and when you lose it is your fault. My wife the last few years that I coached started sitting on the visitors side. She came home one night after the game and said this, "The visiting fans thought their coach was just as dumb as you!"

There are many rewards to coaching. I remember having to tell one of my best players that he could not play because the year before he had a season ending injury when he received a face mask to face mask hit and temporarily could not move and did not have any feelings in his arms or legs. We had a letter from the doctor stating that they young man should never play football again. The young man would go looking for doctors that would sign his physical without know any of the young man's history. We would call the doctor and make them aware of the history and they would withdrawal the approval to play. We told the young man and his family that he needed to go to a specialist and if that person said he could play so be it. The specialist did a CAT Scan and it showed that the young man's spinal canal was abnormally small and said the young man was lucky that he was not paralyzed for life or dead from the hit. I told the young man that I wanted to be able to see his kids someday. Well several years ago at the county fair he came up to me with his son. He had the biggest grin on his face that you could ever see and he said, "Coach I want you to meet my son!" Another time a young man that I had differences of opinions with when I coached him came up to me and thanked me for telling him the truth that he did not put into the sport what he should. He said, "that at the time that made him mad but it caused him to take good hard look at his life and he finally realized that he needed to put his best into what he does." Today the young man is a success.

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