Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12

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Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12

Post by WHSwarrior »

My favorite basketball game of the year!

The Warriors knocked off the Cavs in Vincent last year by one point, and Chillicothe returned the favor in an exciting matchup at The Convo.

Different teams this year...but this always makes for an exciting matchup. Hopefully, snow doesn't prevent this game being played.

Game has been resched. for Tues, 1/12...JV boys will play at 6ish and Varsity boys at 7:30ish, pending the outcome of the freshman girls game previously scheduled at Warren that day, which will now be played at 4:30....
Last edited by WHSwarrior on Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by bvmv4life »

I'm hoping and thinking the Cavs will keep things going up with this rugged road trip. They played a scrappy Portsmouth team that had the lead late in the game only to have Chillicothe get it done late. That win was good especially with a short bench. Weather permitting Cavs get done on the road against a very good Warren team.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by bvmv4life »

Get it done.....spell check.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by WHSwarrior »

trying to keep this at the top of the page

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by bvmv4life »

I've never been to Warren....was going to go to the game,but the snow has started flying hope its over way before game time so they can get it played! Go Cavs!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by independent2012 »

Seen Warren play in Ironton,if both teams play their best Chilly by 12,if not Chilly's D is still enough, in a low scoring affair 51-42 Chilly

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by WHSwarrior »

game canceled according to Warren athletic website and local TV station

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by bvmv4life »

That sucks! Did you guys get a lot of snow down there? We only got about 5 up here not too much...Chillicothe plays at Pickerington Central tomorrow night so the make up will have to be later in the month...

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by WHSwarrior »

We have 3-4 inches, but the backroads have not been cleared or treated in days around here...Chilli could probably make it to the HS, but I'd bet more than one of the Warren players is snowed in, or their road is in such bad shape they'd slide off it trying to get out.
Last edited by WHSwarrior on Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by Warrior C C »

Well it looks like the warriors might have dodged a couple of bullets playing a couple of the tougher teams in the league this week. Now its back to Gallia and Belpre, so maybe that will keep the people happy and they will be able to
keep saying that we are on the winning track again....with no changes and the same lineup? Would love to see nothing more than to be proved wrong from the starting 5 thats out there now, but im sorry,I dont see it happening. Oh well, maybe it will help to keep building the confidence of the kids but I still am not convinced one bit that we are even close to where we need to be. So everyone get there perks in now, cause I will probably have to wait before I get mine in, until we play the tougher teams again....So calling Bluemoon...I miss you...let me hear it? 8) The sun comes out tmrw...even in SNOW!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by jcbigblue »

Man i'm really bored and there's no boys games till next friday (at least there may be a girls game tomorrow at Gallia) so let me revisit a question i had in the past for you Warrior C C. What in your opinion does it take for these boys to impress you. I would really like to know so i can base your opinion as either a casual fan or someone that knows the game of basketball. You ought to be able to give this as you always seem to be able to give your opinion on everything else. I'm sorry if i have interupted you and Bluemoon and your ongoing war of words but like i said i'm very bored and just wanted to post something.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by Pegasus »

Just thought I'd share some words of wisdom that a wise old Varsity coach told me years ago, " It's not always the "starters" that win games for you, its the "Finishers". Warrior CC, the next
Warrior game you attend, don't be too concerned about the starters, but WHO are the finishers.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by 339 Tiger »

I agree jc bigblue...what is it that will please you Warrior C C ? Are you actually that smart and going to prove everyone wrong by bringing your negativity to this website? Just who do you think should be the starting 5...lets start there! If you are that smart and know THE GAME as you say you do' then please inform us of what it is that you think would help and why? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so PLEASE share yours! I have agreed on some things you have said but it seems like there are alot of things that most of us disagree with. I love the game as well and I like voicing my opinion also. So maybe if you just took some time and explained yourself some more then we could all get along! So I hope the sun does come out tomorrow cause being snowed in with no basketball really bites!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by bvmv4life »

No games till next week for you guys down at Warren? Man that does bite! Chillicothe goes to Pickerington Central tomorrow night...yeaaaaaa! Ill be there...GO Cavs! Good Luck to the Warriors until we finally meet up. Don't hang your head too early CC,the season is still young. This Cavs team is different but they are starting to get it together at the right time!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by Diehard Fan »

You people at Warren make me sick, it all starts from the Principle to the coaches to the parents and poor sport fans they have. When you people learn to get a life and finally figure out that until you get a Lebron James or Evan Turner or a Beanie Wells you will not be able to compete in the state of Ohio. Warren has had some great athletes in the last 9 or 10 years in basketball but the coaches fail to bring them together as a team year in and year out. Last years team and this years team does not have nearly the talent nor the ability that the past Warren teams have had in previous years and the competition is alot weaker to. SEOAL is way down from previous years and Warren should be able to compete but are not. Its sad to go to a Warren game and watch all these boys work there butts off every year and have to be embarrassed by there principle and coaches and fans. SAD, time for a change at Warren ..........

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by WHSwarrior »

So you'd like us to lower our expectations, Diehard? Not expect very much out of them so that we don't embarass them by complaining? Or do you want us to say that, well, our boys, not very athletic, not very talented, it's ok if they lose twelve games this year?

Ain't gonna happen. What's your definition of compete, anyway? For me, it's to be in the hunt year in, year out. Warren doesn't get blown out when they play league games (as with any rule, there are exceptions). They're in the Convo most years. The general thinking around Warren is that this team is a Maddox team, for the first time in a couple years, and they have a chance to go far. So continue to keep low expectations for your team, Diehard, just because you don't want to have any confidence in high school athletes and coaches doesn't mean the rest of the fans feel the same way.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by warriorfrosh »

This is the kind of banter we get when we get snowed in and have lost a game or two....and we have some joker out there that wants to air all our dirty laundry for all of SE Ohio out there to see and embarrass us....but CC if you are going to comment, then have the guts to be specific rather than the indirect and vague criticism that can become a cancer in a program....let's hear what you really think OR get behind our kids and coaches and let's play ball and see just might happen this year....its a lot of games till the post season....let's take it one at a time! Go Warriors!!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

alright, I'm relatively new at this so bare, with me. I see that most of the posters on this thread are Warren Fans, and you are 1. snowed in 2. unhappy with the coach and his decision making 3. the players, and their lack of ... right now let's say heart (that might not be the best word) and 4. you are sick of the politics in the Warren System am I close ?? some of you are students, parents, generally fans of the game ( all good ) some easily pleased by mearly winning, some not pleased with winning at all, but how the game was played. (still not bad) I guess my question to all whom choose to answer is... How can this all be fixed? or, Is it broken at all ? I see one is optimistic, because the suns gonna come out and maybe that's the answer within it's self : ) let me know

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by jottings »

I thought Warren Local would be a title contender this winter, and still do. The Warriors might just run the table and win it outright.

WLHS has a good hardwood program.

Without looking it up, I'd like to know the Warriors won-loss record over the past 10 years, both league and all games.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8

Post by Johnny Quest »

Remember 04-05 , team record was 19-4 overall and 9-1 in conference. Coach Maddox won with a group of hard working young men, close net bunch , who played the game with passion. Not a basketball player amoung them, no one player more important than the other. . A very special group of teamates and parents. GO WARRIOR NATION !!!! Don't forget that there are two type of people in every program. Those who a are PART of the problem and those who are the SOLUTION to the problem. It is not hard to figure out which group some people belong!!! GO BLUE!!!

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