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Southern Basketball: Continuing the Turn Around

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:38 am
by P.huck
What else needs to be done to continue the rise of the purple and yellow back to a program of state level competitiveness?

Re: Southern Basketball: Continuing the Turn Around

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:54 am
by The Dog
Year a round shootin for one thing. Get them boys to specialize on basketball to. They need to be runnin in the fall and gettin in shape instead a takin a chance on blowin a knee out. The most important thing is not liftin them dang weights. Them things mess up a good shooter. If they are gonna lift them though someone needs to make sure they aint tryin to get big arms out of it. They should see how many they can do with a low weight. But I still say stay away from em all together, but its hard to get kids to listin to that these days with all them other coaches telling them to get in there and lift heavy weigths. We never lifted em and look what we done.

Re: Southern Basketball: Continuing the Turn Around

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:56 am
by Howard Cosell
Where is Hopper 11 on this I am sure he has an opinion....?