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What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:04 pm
by soccerfix
Is there an unwritten rule of who subs out at the end of a ballgame that is already decided? Eastern Brown's student section chanted for a sub to be put in the district final. The coach of EB subbed his starters out with about a minute to go. The player that the students wanted to see, shot a three in the convo and made it. This kid has a lifetime memory to tell his grandkids about. In a game that has already been decided, it has to be a thrill to get to play in the convo for all the kids that practice every day and may never even get to sit on the bench again.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:31 am
by jimmy chipwood
A lot of times the winning team will not mass sub until the losing team does. This makes some sense but there are some coaches who if losing will continue to play their starters until the buzzer. I, personally, would sub my star players out one at a time if possible with a minute or two left getting them standing ovations making sure to leave at least one legitimate ball handler on the floor.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:04 pm
by classof86
Leads can diminish pretty quickly, coaches dont like to sub until they are sure the win is secure..especially in the tournament
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:33 pm
by soccerfix
Ok in laymans terms: If a team is up by 12 with a minute to go. Who subs first? Does the team that is behind show their hand and give up? Or does the team that is ahead sub in? I have seen teams that are ahead sub and the opposing coach leave his starters in to try to get back in the game. So the team that subs first has to put his starters back in. I think that is a little classless. Obviously if you can't beat the starters what satisfaction does one get for trying to beat some second stringers? I understand in tournament play it's one in done but these are kids that want to touch the floor.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:33 pm
by Run Bubba Run
While not exactly apropos for the topic, this is one coach's solution to subbing his players in and out that I still remember from those many years ago.
It was back in the late 60's or early 70's (I can't pin down my mind to a specific date) that I observed what the head coach at Federal Hocking HS did to answer the problem of players not getting into a game until the last few seconds when the issue was out of hand. I can't help but believe that to most players, getting in for the final seconds of a game (sometimes with as little as 1-10 seconds left) is kind of humiliating and cartainly a blow to their pride.
As I recall (and this is only my interpretation of what I observed) this was his answer to that problem.
He made sure that all players played at some time during the first half of the game. ALL PLAYERS PLAYED IN THE FIRST HALF while the game was obviously still on the line. Then in the second half, he played the players necessary to win the game (and believe me Fed Hock did win a lot of games).
This satisfied the parents because their sons were playing and contributing while the game was still undecided. They went home happy. The coach had to be pleased as well. I guess he figured that if they were good enough to sit on that varsity bench, they were good enough to get into the game while it was still contested. I salute that coach for his actions. I think I remember his name, but shall not divulge it because I could be wrongly identifying him. He earned my respect for his efforts to solve the old question of when do I get my proverbial bench-warmers into the game.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:26 am
by Waverly Basketball
Did this happen to you or one of your sons?
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:39 pm
by thirtyonetrap
The waterford girls coach subs out ONLY if he thinks the other team cannot score again.....

Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:29 pm
by soccerfix
Final Four wrote:Soccerfix,
Did this happen to you or one of your sons?
Read my original post. I witnessed a kid getting to make a three at the convo, that he will be able to tell his grandkids about. No one should be subbed in if the game is on the line, but with a 15 point lead both teams should let the kids see the floor. Shame on the coach that won't sub if the other coach does. Nice to know that your first ever post was to question my selfishness.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:02 am
by yabbadabbadoo
I like run bubba runs scenario. Keeps everyone happy and kids get to feel like they actually contributed in the game.
I know that I went throught the subbing thing with my son in Junior High ball, where the kids are supposed to still be learning the game. I saw the coach on more than one occasion not sub his players in until about 30 seconds to go in a game that was well decided by halftime. IMO that is just plain ridicoulus. Like I said earlier, Jr high is supposed to be about learning and if the coach thought that the player was good enough for him to put him on the team then he should try and get that player more playing time then 30 seconds in a game that is already out of hand.
The problem beng is that to much emphasis is put on winning every game, which there is nothing wrong with that, that is the goal, but at that level it should be about the kids enjoying themselves and getting to play as much as possible, soaking in as much knowledge that they can get. When a kid is only getting in in a 30 point win and at the end of the game at that, how are you ever going to know if that kid can handle a tough situation late in a game if he is never even able to experience that.
Re: What is the protocol for subbing at the end of a game?
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:22 am
by Costanza
[quote][/quote]I can't help but believe that to most players, getting in for the final seconds of a game (sometimes with as little as 1-10 seconds left) is kind of humiliating and cartainly a blow to their pride.
This to me is very humiliating to the kids. Having this happen to me as a varsity player!!! over 10 tyears ago to be put in with 11 sec and being down 22pts. id rather stay on the bench. and save my pride. if i can play for 60 sec. then just leave me on the bench...Winning should be the main goal but you have to see the big picture as well. Just leave me on the bench!!!!!LOL