Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:40 am
It has been a long time in the making and years and years of blood,sweat, and tears but the panthers finally did it. It is a sweet thing to see for all the avid basketball supporters. They suffered too much and now its their time. Its especially rewarding for the many who never gave up. The panther community is basketball and always will be. Many names come to mind over the years: Norm Persin, who restored the program to greatness, Mike Curry, and all his work in the buddy basketball program and Tom Curry who has worked tirelessly to continue it, and all the many fans who kept driving to Athens only to have their heart broke. Thank You for all the great teams and for representing your community with class. This program is special as not many can attain what the panthers have done let alone sustain year after year. Your an inspiration and the model for how a program and community should be. Good luck in Columbus you have earned it and enjoy every minute of it. Last and most importantly lets not forget a couple of Chesapeakes greatest fans who left us earlier this year and I know that they are looking down and smiling. Joe Smith long time principal of the high school who gave all he had to that community for years and Sue Vickers who never missed a game and loved her Purple. They are missed but never forgotten. THIS ONES FOR YOU 2!