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OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:52 pm
by Steely Dan
Not that I'm holding my breath, but, looks like pressure from within may force the OHSAA to start some dialogue about private school divisions......... ... ml?sid=101
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:00 pm
I don't think anything will come of this. This debate has been ongoing for years and there will be no compromise as this is just to get something out to the public stating that it's being looked at so they can appease some people that requested it. Heck, a lot of the public schools are doing essentially the same thing with open enrollment so what's the difference. It's never gonna change so you might as well go with the flow, just don't get caught !!!!!
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:50 pm
by Spartan
It has been long debated, that is for sure. I kind of agree that some publics are essentially doing the same things, maybe even worse. AAU coaches put together these all star teams, get them all to go to the same public school, and then coach them.. It sure has happened quite a bit recently. But this whole recruiting thing dates back to the beginning of high school basketball. Even the Waterloo Wonders had a recruit or two.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:55 pm
by 1987chieftains
i know what your saying spartan. i seen it happen for years with biddy league teams. but how would you stop it from happening? you have to blame the parents in a way. they are allowing it to happen.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:58 pm
by Spartan
Your right 87, I dont see a way to stop it. This is a free country. And honestly, if you are a parent and you see an opportunity or advantage to help your own child in such a situation, who's to say most would not take advantage of it.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:02 pm
by 1987chieftains
i agree. it hard to see kids that aren't as good get there tails kicked week in and out. but they are doing the best they can. now if that talent was spread out you would have some good games to watch.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:29 am
by eagle25
Open enrollment aint what it use to be. Kids have to sit out a year now if they open enroll.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:21 am
by LoganElm_grad09
Not necessarily; with a move into the district or a change of legal guardianship within the new district, players can play the year they go to the other school.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:02 pm
by eagles73Taylor
^^^^^ They are cracking down hard on the changing of guardianship issue, as well they should. My beef isnt with splitting up public and private for tournaments. My beef isnt the recruiting issue. My beef is that private schools, Catholic and whatever else private schools number of students do not reflect the whole of society.
My point is simple and can be measured. I work at Piketon, so I will use it as an example. We are D IV football and D III basketball. Small rural district low socioeconomic area. Every student who lives within the confines of our district that arent open enrollment are counted toward what division we will play in. If a family moves in, no matter what their situation be it poor, rich, smart or not so smart our school is obliged to educate them. So out of the amount of students in our district, 100% are represented.
Now lets look at a private school. Do the represent 100% of the population around them? NO, they limit their enrollment through a tuition. Now before you attack me and say, but eagles there is work programs and scholarships, a private school wont turn anyone who CAN AFFORD to pay away. You are right, but who gets these scholarships, little johnny who cant spell his name, in and out of juvenile detention who is 5' nothing and a hundred and nothing, or little billy who might not be a great student but can dunk a ball anyway he wants? HMMMM, let me think about that! LOL
Now, since tuition BLOCKS a percentage of the population from attending, be it that they cant afford it, or the private school wont admit them because of behavior or grades, why does that private school get to play at the same division as Piketon when they dont represent the same amount of students?
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:17 pm
^^^^^ Nice post.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:58 pm
by 1987chieftains
very true eagle73
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:29 pm
by Steely Dan
Eagle - That is an excellent post, with some extremely valid points, that some folks just don't want to hear.......
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:34 pm
by eagle25
LoganElm_grad09 wrote:Not necessarily; with a move into the district or a change of legal guardianship within the new district, players can play the year they go to the other school.
If they move they wont be on open erollment. If they open enroll they have to sit out a year.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:03 pm
by 1987chieftains
theres ways around everything.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:03 pm
by datchillicav
To the article:
Split tournaments would be terrible. MUCH WORSE THAN THE CURRENT SITUATION.
I would LOVE to see a multiplier for enrollment. That would even the playing field in most cases other than the private schools that are already in D1. I don't think there is any way to solve that problem that I can see.
The part about statewide open enrollment would make things more "fair" but we would see a lot more situations with "superteams" and a lot more "dynasty" type schools where it would be hard for unsuccessful schools to turn things around because kids would always just be going to the schools that are already good and make them even better in a lot more circumstances than they already do.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:30 pm
by Steely Dan
datchillicav wrote:To the article:
Split tournaments would be terrible. MUCH WORSE THAN THE CURRENT SITUATION.
I would LOVE to see a multiplier for enrollment. That would even the playing field in most cases other than the private schools that are already in D1. I don't think there is any way to solve that problem that I can see.
The part about statewide open enrollment would make things more "fair" but we would see a lot more situations with "superteams" and a lot more "dynasty" type schools where it would be hard for unsuccessful schools to turn things around because kids would always just be going to the schools that are already good and make them even better in a lot more circumstances than they already do.
I've been thumping the drum of using a multiplier for at least three years. While not perfect, it would certainly change the landscape, especially for the small schools.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:57 pm
by The Flying Dutchman
I guess someone fogot to tell Ironton St. Joe and Portsmouth Notre Dame how easily they should be winning

Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:18 pm
The Flying Dutchman wrote:I guess someone fogot to tell Ironton St. Joe and Portsmouth Notre Dame how easily they should be winning

I think everyone in the state and especially in SEO knows the status of those two schools and god bless'em. Those two schools are not in the class with the Catholic schools up north just like the public schools in SEO are in the same boat against other public schools around the rest of the state. The biggest problem with this whole thing is that you can't change the socio-economic status of a whole region and that is why SEO has got to work harder in sports than any other part of the state to accomplish the big goal. You work with what you have, give it your all and see what happens.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:12 pm
by alabama mike
There is no reason to debate, private schools have an unfair advantage over public high schools.
Re: OHSAA asked to enter Public - Private Debate
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:03 am
by pistolpete40
2010 OHSAA State Tournament Champions
Public Schools 3 Jackson-Massilon, Dayton Dunbar, Dayton Jefferson-Township
Private Schools 1 Lima Central Catholic