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Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:01 am
by 93Bulldog
ATHENS will host TRIMBLE/FED HOCK Friday night (Nov. 19th) at Athens High School ...

It will be a foundation game to benefit The Susan Cohan Kasoas Colon Cancer Foundation Nov. 19th. The Athens girls will face off against Trimble ... The Athens boys will play Federal Hocking. They also will be collecting canned foods for the Salvation Army with all the food staying right here in Athens County.

It should be a great opportunity to get an early glance at the 2010 Bulldogs & Lancers ... Also, I believe Foundation games are 4 quarters, which should provide a lot more insight into the teams' than the Shriners preview the followiong Friday in Athens.


Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:02 am
by 93Bulldog
The event kicks off at 6:00 pm

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:41 am
by PushMePullYou
Go Lancers.............................. :razz:

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:32 pm
by athens78
I'm suprised they had this on the night of the girls preview at Alexander and that Athens girls aren't playing there, but this is probably better since it's four quarters.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:08 pm
by Spartan
It is a worthy charitable cause.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:33 am
by freethrow
I know that all the money goes to the TVC from the girls preveiw I'd say that the TVC teams should be required to play in it especially the new ones that wanted in the league so bad. Granted it's not as good a cause as the other but that game could have been played on Saturday.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:14 am
by Spartan
The money really goes to the TVC and not to Alexander?

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:34 am
by freethrow

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:40 pm
by Spartan
Than both Trimble and Athens girls' probably should be playing in it. But as it stands according to the Messenger they have an even number of teams for the Alex Preview so it worked out that way at least. The foundation game does have a better cause though and the teams get to play 4 quarters.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:25 pm
by diamondD1
A very scary and surreal moment, which ended up concluding the game at 2:42 left in the 4th. Two Federal Hocking players collide during a loose ball scrum and one hit his head on the floor very hard, causing unconsciousness. Entire gym was silent and praying for what seemed like forever while awaiting EMS to arrive. I know many are still praying, and will appreciate hearing any good news about the young man as soon as it becomes available.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:05 pm
by freethrow
So what was the score at the time they stopped the game? Who hit each other? Any word on the boy's condition?

Also how did Athens girls do?

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:18 pm
by diamondD1
I believe it was 42-34 or something like that, Athens on top.

The injured player was Chris Saylor.

Athens girls lost by 15 or so. Not sure exactly the score.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:34 pm
by freethrow
Wow Athens girls should be loaded I can't beleive Trimble won by that much. Did some girls quit at Athens?

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:06 am
by Foxworthy
42-34 was the largest lead of the game. FH led by 7 early in the first, then it was a see-saw. A rough game with perhaps to few whistles. Freak things happen such as this unfortunate injury but it's time to play basketball, football season is over. Both teams layed it on the line and the young Lancers went toe-to-toe with the Bulldogs. Proud of your intensity Lancers! Best wishes to Chris Saylor and family, praying this is not a serious injury, some of the scariest moments you will ever see in HS sports.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:42 am
by 2short2dunk
Thanks to all for the many prayers for Chris! As of 11 pm he was setting up talking and joking with teammates at the ER! All the tests showed clear, and he was to be released later in the night. He recieved a couple of staples to close the cut on the back of his head....I was so proud of the boys on both teams and the fans of both teams......great game to boot.....Chris should be good to go in a few days. Again, thanks for all the prayers...his parents and his teammates greatly appreciate them all!

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:44 am
by Pol pot
greatone wrote:Wow Athens girls should be loaded I can't beleive Trimble won by that much. Did some girls quit at Athens?
According to Jason Arkley the Athens Girls shot 13 of 69 from the field and 8 of 17 from the foul line, while Trimble hit 11 3's.

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:52 am
by thatguy18
Federal Hocking really surprised me. They are going to be a force. If they can keep the turnovers under control and play a little more under control when being pressured they should be able to win anywhere from 13-16 games.
Do not under estimate the Lancers

Re: Athens Vs Federal Hocking (Nov. 19th - Foundation game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:57 pm
by Orange and Brown
Pol Pot wrote:
greatone wrote:Wow Athens girls should be loaded I can't beleive Trimble won by that much. Did some girls quit at Athens?
According to Jason Arkley the Athens Girls shot 13 of 69 from the field and 8 of 17 from the foul line, while Trimble hit 11 3's.
Trimble will be a very good offensive team this year.