Officer at a game

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Officer at a game

Post by ZacBrownBand »

Last night at the Valley VS. West game, there was an officer that threw a kid out.
But the thing is, the kid didn't do a single thing to get thrown out.
He was pulled into the stands by his own cheerblock and fell across a few people.
The officer then came in and escorted him out.
He had only been there for about 2 or so minutes, and did nothing wrong.
Just wondering what everyone elses thoughts were on this.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by rockyraccoon »

Unless he was asked to remove the kid by the AD or ref, I don't see why he would pull him out.
At the Clay vs Green game last week, 2 sheriffs walked onto the floor when two boys were fighting over a loose ball. There had been some rough tug of wars over the ball before, but no fouls called, so they decide they are going to step in? No foul called again. After the game was over and Clay was running off the floor, a little kid runs in front of the Clay player involved in the loose ball incidents and gets bumped. The sheriff graps the players jersey and points his finger in his face and tells him to "watch it". Unbelievable conduct from the police. I guess at some places you have to beat 5 players, 3 refs and 2 sheriffs.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by WestSportsFan »

I don't know what happened, but considering the the sheriff was standing directly beside the the cheer block the entire pre-game and game Im sure it was legit. I would like to know what the last chant that Valley cheer block was saying. Couldnt make out what it was but if it's what it sounded like Valley has some very low class students.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by Amarranavajas »

As I have been reading on this site and also listening to the people in the stands at games I have found a few things to be the predominant perception among fans. One thing I have found is that many of you feel there is an overall lack in quality officials, and now police officers, who are working at these games. Therefore, I make the following proposal to game management officials and site coordinators: Stop wasting your money on these people you have been hiring. According to what I have read and heard many fans believe they are doing a pi## poor job to say the least. I say you cease to hire them, and just begin each contest by making an announcement that you will choose the officials and security officers for the game from the fans who are in attendance. Of course you will have to choose wisely. It would be best to get the ones who have the most knowledge. They are easy to find since they are usually the loudest at the games. It is time to stop wasting their talent, and put it to good use. I am sure those types are so fed up with the current state of the game so much that they will gladly offer their expertise free of charge just to improve the overall quality of the game and the atmosphere. This will also save the schools money. It will be a winning outcome for all involved. At least until a team loses, or someone has to be asked to leave the game. Then of course we will once again have to replace the "homer refs" and "overzealous security officers." :roll:

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I ask everyone this boys and girls tourney time to go to a game that isnt your team. Sit around the largest group of fans and watch and listen. You will be amazed at how crazy some of them get, is that you? lol

I PA for a team, and since I have to keep my mind on the flow of the game, we sit sometimes at the table and just look at each other when a fan shows themselves! lol

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Amarranavajas and Eagles73,
Very well said!!

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by treehugger »

West sports fan:

How ignorant you sound by saying “I don't know what happened, but considering the the sheriff was standing directly beside the the cheer block the entire pre-game and game Im sure it was legit.” If you do not know something how can you say that?

Then you accentuate your ignorance by saying “. I would like to know what the last chant that Valley cheer block was saying. Couldnt make out what it was but if it's what it sounded like Valley has some very low class students.”
If you do not know what it was they chanted then how can you judge that bunch of teenagers who are at a game to root on their team and have a great time? That is what High School Sports is all about. Get a life and have something to backup statements.

I have watched and listened to cheer blocks at the state finals for years and all the students are doing is having a good time, get over it and be a REAL WEST SIDE SPORTS FAN, and root for your team instead of making remarks on here that make no since.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by Pol pot »

Wow, no wonder our society is in the shape it is in, with declining morals and values. Things really are pretty simple, show respect, think before you speak and act and you will be amazed how simple life can be. Not to mention the silly situations you will avoid!

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

But, our Governor thinks all cops are idiots. :mrgreen:

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by footballfanatic1 »


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Re: Officer at a game

Post by The D »

WestSportsFan wrote:I would like to know what the last chant that Valley cheer block was saying. Couldnt make out what it was but if it's what it sounded like Valley has some very low class students.
seriously?...get over it...they're teenagers having you haven't ever done something stupid or said something that you shouldn't have in your life...cheer blocks are a fun addition to the games, and its all done in the name of fun...if you're going to let a chant get under your skin that much, get out more...i personally love the cheer blocks...

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by WestSportsFan »

treehugger wrote:West sports fan:

How ignorant you sound by saying “I don't know what happened, but considering the the sheriff was standing directly beside the the cheer block the entire pre-game and game Im sure it was legit.” If you do not know something how can you say that?

Then you accentuate your ignorance by saying “. I would like to know what the last chant that Valley cheer block was saying. Couldnt make out what it was but if it's what it sounded like Valley has some very low class students.”
If you do not know what it was they chanted then how can you judge that bunch of teenagers who are at a game to root on their team and have a great time? That is what High School Sports is all about. Get a life and have something to backup statements.

I have watched and listened to cheer blocks at the state finals for years and all the students are doing is having a good time, get over it and be a REAL WEST SIDE SPORTS FAN, and root for your team instead of making remarks on here that make no since.

If we really want talk abut ignorance maybe we should start with the original post of doubting why an officer did his/her job, that shows ignorance.

Secondly I personnally love cheer blocks as well as student participation in sporting events. But before you start talking about ignorance read the post for what they're worth. I simply stated that if what i (including others around) heard what we thought being said it was wrong.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by rockyraccoon »

WestSportsFan wrote:
treehugger wrote:West sports fan:

How ignorant you sound by saying “I don't know what happened, but considering the the sheriff was standing directly beside the the cheer block the entire pre-game and game Im sure it was legit.” If you do not know something how can you say that?

Then you accentuate your ignorance by saying “. I would like to know what the last chant that Valley cheer block was saying. Couldnt make out what it was but if it's what it sounded like Valley has some very low class students.”
If you do not know what it was they chanted then how can you judge that bunch of teenagers who are at a game to root on their team and have a great time? That is what High School Sports is all about. Get a life and have something to backup statements.

I have watched and listened to cheer blocks at the state finals for years and all the students are doing is having a good time, get over it and be a REAL WEST SIDE SPORTS FAN, and root for your team instead of making remarks on here that make no since.

If we really want talk abut ignorance maybe we should start with the original post of doubting why an officer did his/her job, that shows ignorance.

Secondly I personnally love cheer blocks as well as student participation in sporting events. But before you start talking about ignorance read the post for what they're worth. I simply stated that if what i (including others around) heard what we thought being said it was wrong.
You're making the assumption that the officer was doing his or her job professionally. A lot of the local guys are about 2 bullets above Barney Fife. I appreciate the job that they have to do, but don't think for a minute that many of them aren't unprofessional. The kid was obviously there and he asked if anyone knew why the boy got ejected, unless you witnessed it and know one way or the other, how can you call the question ignorant.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by Rvbballdude »

Police Officers at games should be seen and not heard unless called upon or an situation arises that breaks or threatens to break a law,other than that they are there to provide security and show a presence,that is it!
Getting involved in the game or student section is a blatant over use of power and that should not be asked to come back to a game.
The School should handle all discipline for students and if further assistance is needed the officer should be used.

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Re: Officer at a game

Post by rockyraccoon »

Rvbballdude wrote:Police Officers at games should be seen and not heard unless called upon or an situation arises that breaks or threatens to break a law,other than that they are there to provide security and show a presence,that is it!
Getting involved in the game or student section is a blatant over use of power and that should not be asked to come back to a game.
The School should handle all discipline for students and if further assistance is needed the officer should be used.
Amen, brother. Stepping out on the court during a game while two boys are fighting over a ball was ridiculous, and those two should never work another game.

Here's video of the Green/Clay game. Why did this sheriff decide to stand directly behind the Basket the entire time Clay shot at that end? At about 1:45 is where the boys fight for a ball on the floor and the two sheriffs walk up to the court. If you watch after the game at 2:20 you will see Josh Porter start to leave the court, he may have bumped somone, but I didn't see it. The sheriff is waiting for him at the other side and grabs his jersey as he passes by. He appears to tell Coach Trainer that he pushed someone afterwards. This guy needs reported and not assigned to anymore basketball games.

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