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Coaches vs Horses
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:21 pm
by wink
Did Oak Hills split season (great team early and mediocre team after their horses went down) give credence to the 10% coach and 90% horses theory?
What's your beliefs on this? (Not particularly on Oak Hills season but on the Coach vs Horses in general)
Re: Coaches vs Horses
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:01 pm
by 3ydsnacldfdst
It's not the x's and o's its the jimmies and joes
Re: Coaches vs Horses
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:52 pm
by live4sport
I have seen talent carry a team and I have seen some great coaching with lesser talent be successful as well. I hear parents all the time talk about how talented their kid/team is and I understand that but it's usually not like they're talking about a team loaded with D1 prospects. I believe champions are made when you have that special combination of good coaches and good players. No way does one make it far without the other.
Re: Coaches vs Horses
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:07 pm
by Larry Bird
Great players make great coaches. Good players make good coaches. Im sure a lot of good coaches would be considered great if they had more great players. JMO
Re: Coaches vs Horses
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:56 am
by live4sport
I agree with you gahs4ever and would also like to add that sometimes a good/great player does more damage to a team( the word implies "team concept") than helps it. Players will rely on that one or two guys and if they have an off night ---game over. I would take balance and consistency as a coach----it's much harder to defend. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has ever coached a team or seen a team that lost its "star" and everyone writes them off just to turn around and see all the players pull together and be even better. It happens all the time. Coaching is a major part of that when it happens. The coach has to direct the transition into the new team dynamic and get everyone to buy into it. Just an example of less talent with success due to good coaching. I'm NOT saying in anyway that a coach or team doesn't want its studs--- I'm just saying their are many good teams and seasons without big talent that find a way to win and that all starts at the top---- in my opinion.