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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:43 pm
by catsandbucks
Rumor in spartanland is that blaine gabriel is no longer head coach. Anyone heard the same thing?

Re: alexander

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:39 pm
by 93Bulldog
I know Guthrie isn't coaching the girls anymore - but nothing on Blaine.

That would be a shame if he's not ... Blaine is a HECKUVA coach!!!!

Re: alexander

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:18 pm
by catsandbucks
Looks like Coach Gabriel was able to play the politics game at last nights school board meeting and win his job back. I guess all that apparel and dinners he buys board members every year paid off. Congrats Blaine.

Re: alexander

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:35 am
by freethrow
Well we can see who didn't want him back. Mad because you didn't get dinners and apparel?

Re: alexander

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:37 pm
by catsandbucks
No I am mad because we got beat twice by Meigs in the last 5 games of the season and lost 7 other games by over 20 points. Shouldn't we want more?

Re: alexander

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:11 pm
by The Wizard
What are your players doing right now to see that doesn't happen again??

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:53 pm
by Spartan
I know that there was a long discussion of personnel. But that nothing was acted upon. Is this true, or have they already rehired Coach Gabriel?

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:14 pm
by 93Bulldog
catsandbucks wrote:No I am mad because we got beat twice by Meigs in the last 5 games of the season and lost 7 other games by over 20 points. Shouldn't we want more?
1) Meigs had more talent than what people gave them credit for - they did struggle to win games - but at the same time they were very capable of being 10-10 instead of 2-18. Plus, Alexander had NO HEIGHT WHAT-SO-EVER! Meigs just matched up with the Spartans well with 6-foot-6 Jesse Smith being their best player.

2) With only 9 players - and none taller than 6-foot-1 - what the heck did you expect from Alexander? I thought 4-16 was just about where I thought they would finish ... Bobby Knight could have been on the bench in Albany this year I don't think they win any more than 6 games, especially with teams like Oak Hill, Fairland, Amanda Clearcreek, Logan, Martin Luter King & Southern on the schedule ... Not to mention Vinton County & Athens twice.

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:16 pm
by G.W.A.
catsandbucks wrote:No I am mad because we got beat twice by Meigs in the last 5 games of the season and lost 7 other games by over 20 points. Shouldn't we want more?
Only one player that could make a lay up on last years team and you wana get rid of the coach? Grow up and get a clue before makeing all alex fans look dumb with a stupid post

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:19 pm
by CavsFan08
So who's fault is it that only one could make a layup last year? Gabrial has been in charge for many years, why hasn't there been better development of the program? Why is only one kid able to do anything? Isn't that what coaches youth programs and middle school programs are for? I am sure that NY football can't say they have had loaded classes every year, yet it is their program that allows them to have continued success.

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:22 pm
by catsandbucks
1 league title
no district final appearances

Maybe he has had one of worst stretches of bad luck of having no talent, but maybe not

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:32 pm
by 93Bulldog
CavsFan08 wrote:So who's fault is it that only one could make a layup last year? Gabrial has been in charge for many years, why hasn't there been better development of the program? Why is only one kid able to do anything? Isn't that what coaches youth programs and middle school programs are for? I am sure that NY football can't say they have had loaded classes every year, yet it is their program that allows them to have continued success.
NY football, Ironton football - a few teams/schools like that defy logic CavsFan08 ... 90% of all other high school sports teams fall on hard times, especially when your talking about rural areas here in Southeastern Ohio ... Lets look at one of the better coaches ever in these parts (IMO) Howie Caldwell ... Builds a dynamite program at Eastern, sustains success - even if he had stayed at Eastern this past year - they still go 5-15.

The fact of the matter is - Albany has like two stop lights (one of which is only because of the highway) - they are not going to have an abundance of athletes year-in-and-year out.

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:37 pm
by 93Bulldog
catsandbucks wrote:1 league title
no district final appearances

Maybe he has had one of worst stretches of bad luck of having no talent, but maybe not
Name another school/team (besides Vinton County) in the TVC-Ohio that has in the past 10 years.

Athens did win a league title a few years back I guess ... but outside of that - its been all Vinton County pretty much.
As far as district final appearances ... Nobody in the Ohio has except VC.
Only Southern & Eastern out of 9 schools in the Hocking has. (Scratch that, Trimble did back in the early 2000's)

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:40 pm
by catsandbucks
So no coach should ever be fired Bulldog? All coaches should be able to remain in thier positions as long as they want?

Re: alexander

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:51 pm
by 93Bulldog
catsandbucks wrote:So no coach should ever be fired Bulldog? All coaches should be able to remain in thier positions as long as they want?
No I don't think that ... I'm just looking at one situation individually - and I am voicing what is only 'my oppinion.' I've watched a lot of Alexander games over the past 6 or 7 years, I covered the Spartans a lot when I worked at the Messenger - I personally think Gabriel is a very good coach ... From an X's and O's standpoint, from watching his antics on the sideline, watching how players respond to him, etc... etc... Do I know everything? heck no. But from watching a lot of basketball - it looks from afar - that Gabriel does more with less than most coaches in southeastern Ohio every year.

To take the 2010/2011 team to the Convo - after Meadows, Bennett & Lawson decided they wanted to lift weights instead of play basketball - I thought was a pretty good coaching performance ... They still finished 2nd in the Ohio division and made it to the district tournament - that just happened a season ago.

Re: alexander

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:10 am
by spartans_fan
I have been impressed with how much Coach Gabriel does for the boys program at Alexander. You will not find a coach that gives more opportunities to the kids to be successful and compete at a high level than Coach Gabriel. I hope he gets a chance to keep working with the kids at Alexander. The biddy program is as good as any I have seen at a small school. The wins and loses will be better and the opportunities for the kids will continue.

Re: alexander

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by Birdman
93 bulldog I have to disagree with you on a couple of your points. I think alexander had enough talent to win a few more games than they did. You say they only had a few players on the varsity and reserve teams. If I remember right they only had 15 total players in the school. I heard the lack of numbers is why the admin. and school board decided to non renew gutherie. Shouldn't this hold true for the boys side also? You talk about Alex having a hard schedule and winning games but who have they beat with a winning record in the last few years outside of the TVC. Yes they made it to the convo but who did they beat to get there. Went to scout them for the head coach this year and coach said don't watch coach gabriel watch the asst. coach he calls all the plays and the defense. I had to ask a parent at the game and they said he runs practice also, but you know how that goes with parents. I was told they have a good 8th grade team so they should win a few more games but they will still struggle with non league teams. I don't know anything about the biddy league I am sure he does a good job running it. I'm sure gabriel is a nice guy but if they are going to get rid of a coach as good as gutherie who has won more than anyone in the league, (38 straight) the non league wins, (their non league was absolutely brutal) plus the tournament wins than coach gabriel is expendable. New Supt. New A.D. equals new direction.. 93 I'm not trying to make you upset but this is my opinion of the alex program

Re: alexander

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:27 pm
by The Wizard
How many returning players are playing aau or some type of spring ball. To have the type of program some of you want then that must occur. Your league does not prepare you for the tourney so is your non league good enough. Are your players preparing on their own. Remember coaches have restrictions on out of season contact. Players need to be committed as much as some of you moms and dads.

Re: alexander

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:59 pm
by goinbroke
Preach it Wizard!! With today's game, if you as a player are going to be competitive with the big boys, then you have to put in the work and play outside of the regular fall/winter season. The game has changed so much over the years. We aren't in Kansas anymore Dorothy. I know kids are busy with other sports and that's great, but basketball players are made in the off season not the regular season. You have to make time for basketball in order to keep your edge. I know some of the younger kids from Alex coming up are playing AAU, so maybe a few are getting it. All you have to do is look around and see that even in the TVC, kids are working on their game in the off season. Athens, VC, Meigs, and Fed to name some all have kids playing travel ball. That's why they have a brighter future. There is talent in Alex, but the player commitment is lacking. That's one of the main things that doomed Guthrie.

Re: alexander

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:59 am
by catsandbucks
4 high school players are playing spring basketball currently and 5 in the 8th grade class are playing some type of spring basketball.

You can improve yourself in the off season yes by simply playing more during the high school 'dead periods'. However, anyone who watched our team play at the beginning of the season last year and the end, you could clearly see that our bball team did not get better. In fact, most would argue they got worse. Is that on the kids? Maybe they do not work hard in practice to get better, but shouldn't that be the coaches responsibility to make them work hard?