SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

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SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by The_X_Factor »

I think I'm handing off duties in updating and maintaining a composite schedule/standings thread but want to get things off on the right foot.

**PLEASE CHECK YOUR TEAM'S SCHEDULE AND POST ANY CORRECTIONS** It's easy for me to mess things up -- and lots of them -- going through these schedules in bulk like this. Especially when Excel wants to call East Eastern every time I start to type the team's name.

SOC I schedules
Clay Panthers (2-2, 1-0)
11/30 Clay 45 vs. Paint Valley 55 (Clay Tip-off Classic)
12/01 Clay 40 vs. Manchester 39 (Clay Tip-off Classic)
12/04 Minford 95 at Clay 38
12/07 Clay at Western
12/11 Clay at St. Joe's
12/14 Symmes Valley at Clay
12/18 Clay at Eastern
12/21 Clay at Northwest
12/28 Valley at Clay
01/04 East at Clay
01/08 Clay at Green
01/11 Clay at Nortre Dame
01/15 Clay at New Boston
01/18 Western at Clay
01/19 Clay at Rock Hill
01/22 Clay at Symmes Valley
01/25 Eastern at Clay
01/29 Clay at East
02/01 Green at Clay
02/02 South Webster at Clay
02/08 Notre Dame at Clay
02/15 New Boston at Clay

East Tartans (4-0, 1-0)
11/30 West Union 54 at East 67
12/01 Rose Hill (Ky.) at East
12/04 St. Joe's at East
12/07 East 55 at Symmes Valley 46
12/14 East at Notre Dame
12/18 Western at East
12/28 East vs. TBD (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
12/29 East vs. TBD (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
01/04 East at Clay
01/05 South Webster at East
01/08 East at Eastern
01/11 New Boston at East
01/15 East at Green
01/18 Symmes Valley at East
01/19 East at St. Joe's
01/22 Notre Dame at East
01/25 East at Western
01/29 Clay at East
02/01 Eastern at East
02/05 East at Rose Hill (Ky.)
02/08 East at New Boston
02/15 Green at East

Eastern Eagles (2-2, 0-1)
11/30 Wellston 55 at Eastern 63
12/01 Eastern 73 at St. Joe's 53
12/04 Oak Hill 72 at Eastern 64
12/07 Notre Dame 57 at Eastern 52
12/14 Eastern at New Boston
12/18 Clay at Eastern
12/28 Eastern vs. Waverly (Holiday Classic)
12/29 Eastern vs. TBD (Holiday Classic)
01/04 Eastern at Symmes Valley
01/08 East at Eastern
01/11 Green at Eastern
01/15 Eastern at Western
01/18 Eastern at Notre Dame
01/22 New Boston at Eastern
01/25 Eastern at Clay
01/29 Symmes Valley at Eastern
02/01 Eastern at East
02/02 Eastern at Zane Trace
02/05 Northwest at Eastern
02/08 Eastern at Green
02/09 West at Eastern
02/15 Western at East ern

Green Bobcats (1-2, 1-0)
11/30 Green 35 at West 65
12/04 South Webster 61 at Green 43
12/07 Green 60 at New Boston 53
12/11 Green at Wheelersburg
12/14 Western at Green
12/15 Southern at Green
12/18 Green at Symmes Valley
12/21 Green at Rock Hill
12/22 Rose Hill (Ky.) at Green
01/04 Green at Notre Dame
01/08 Clay at Green
01/11 Green at Eastern
01/12 Green at St. Joe's
01/15 East at Green
01/18 New Boston at Green
01/22 Green at Western
01/25 Symmes Valley at Green
01/29 Notre Dame at Green
02/01 Green at Clay
02/05 Green at Manchester
02/08 Eastern at Green
02/15 Green at East

New Boston Tigers (0-2, 0-1)
12/04 Wellston 60 at New Boston 43
12/07 Green 60 at New Boston 53
12/11 New Boston at West
12/14 Eastern at New Boston
12/18 Notre Dame at New Boston
12/21 New Boston at West Union
12/28 New Boston vs. TBD (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
12/29 New Boston vs. TBD (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
01/04 New Boston at Western
01/05 New Boston at St. Joe's
01/08 Symmes Valley at New Boston
01/11 New Boston at East
01/15 Clay at New Boston
01/18 New Boston at Green
01/22 New Boston at Eastern
01/25 New Boston at Notre Dame
01/29 Western at New Boston
02/01 New Boston at Symmes Valley
02/05 St. Joe's at New Boston
02/08 East at New Boston
02/12 New Boston at Northwest
02/15 New Boston at Clay

Notre Dame Titans (3-0, 1-0)
11/30 Whiteoak 52 at Notre Dame 67
12/04 Notre Dame 67 at Northwest 33
12/07 Notre Dame 57 at Eastern 52
12/11 Notre Dame at Minford
12/14 East at Notre Dame
12/18 Notre Dame at New Boston
12/21 South Point at Notre Dame
12/22 Notre Dame vs. Wesley Christian (Ky.) (Ironton Classic)
12/29 Raceland (Ky.) at Notre Dame
01/02 St. Joe's at Notre Dame
01/04 Green at Notre Dame
01/08 Notre Dame at Western
01/11 Clay at Notre Dame
01/15 Notre Dame at Symmes Valley
01/18 Eastern at Notre Dame
01/22 Notre Dame at East
01/25 New Boston at Notre Dame
01/29 Notre Dame at Green
02/01 Western at Notre Dame
02/08 Notre Dame at Clay
02/12 Notre Dame at St. Joe's
02/15 Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Symmes Valley Vikings (1-1, 0-1)
12/04 Rock Hill 43 at Symmes Valley 67
12/07 East 55 at Symmes Valley 46
12/08 Symmes Valley at Coal Grove
12/11 Symmes Valley at Oak Hill
12/14 Symmes Valley at Clay
12/18 Green at Symmes Valley
12/28 Symmes Valley at South Gallia
01/04 Eastern at Symmes Valley
01/08 Symmes Valley at New Boston
01/11 Western at Symmes Valley
01/15 Notre Dame at Symmes Valley
01/18 Symmes Valley at East
01/19 Coal Grove at Symmes Valley
01/22 Clay at Symmes Valley
01/25 Symmes Valley at Green
01/29 Symmes Valley at Eastern
02/01 New Boston at Symmes Valley
02/05 Symmes Valley at Rock Hill
02/08 Symmes Valley at Western
02/09 Symmes Valley at St. Joe's
02/12 South Gallia at Symmes Valley
02/15 Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Western Indians (0-3, 0-1)
12/01 Western 38 vs. Zane Trace 69 (Zane Trace Tip-off Classic)
12/04 Manchester at Western
12/07 Clay at Western
12/08 Peebles at Western
12/14 Western at Green
12/18 Western at East
12/28 Western vs. Piketon (Holiday Classic)
12/29 Western vs. TBD (Holiday Classic)
01/04 New Boston at Western
01/05 Western at Southeastern
01/08 Notre Dame at Western
01/11 Western at Symmes Valley
01/12 Western at Paint Valley
01/15 Eastern at Western
01/18 Western at Clay
01/22 Green at Western
01/25 East at Western
01/29 Western at New Boston
02/01 Western at Notre Dame
02/05 Western at West Union
02/08 Symmes Valley at Western
02/15 Western at Eastern

SOC II schedules
Minford Falcons 1-1, 0-1
12/04 Minford 95 at Clay 38
12/07 Valley 64 at Minford 62
12/11 Notre Dame at Minford
12/14 Minford at Waverly
12/15 Minford at Raceland
12/18 Minford at South Webster
12/21 Minford at North Adams
12/28 Minford at Portsmouth
01/04 Northwest at Minford
01/08 Minford at Wheelersburg
01/11 West at Minford
01/15 Oak Hill at Minford
01/18 Minford at Valley
01/22 Waverly at Minford
01/25 South Webster at Minford
01/29 Minford at Northwest
02/01 Wheelersburg at Minford
02/02 Rock Hill at Minford
02/05 Minford at Chesapeake
02/08 Minford at West
02/12 Adena at Minford
02/15 Minford at Oak Hill

Northwest Mohawks 1-3, 0-1
11/30 Northwest 41 vs. Manchester 33 (Clay Tournament)
12/01 Northwest 41 vs. Paint Valley 45 (Clay Tournament)
12/04 Notre Dame 67 at Northwest 33
12/07 Northwest 40 at South Webster 65
12/11 Northwest at Peebles
12/14 Valley at Northwest
12/18 Oak Hill at Northwest
12/21 Clay at Northwest
01/04 Northwest at Minford
01/08 Northwest at West
01/11 Waverly at Northwest
01/15 Northwest at Wheelersburg
01/18 South Webster at Northwest
01/22 Northwest at Valley
01/25 Northwest at Oak Hill
01/29 Minford at Northwest
02/01 West at Northwest
02/05 Northwest at Eastern
02/08 Northwest at Waverly
02/12 New Boston at Northwest
02/15 Wheelersburg at Northwest

Oak Hill Oaks (3-0, 1-0)
11/30 Fairland 56 at Oak Hill 60
12/04 Oak Hill 72 at Eastern 64
12/07 Oak Hill 64 at West 60
12/11 Symmes Valley at Oak Hill
12/14 South Webster at Oak Hill
12/18 Oak Hill at Northwest
12/22 Wellston at Oak Hill
12/28 Oak Hill at Rock Hill
01/04 Oak Hill at Waverly
01/08 Valley at Oak Hill
01/11 Wheelersburg at Oak Hill
01/15 Oak Hill at Minford
01/18 West at Oak Hill
01/19 Oak Hill at Alexander
01/22 Oak Hill at South Webster
01/25 Northwest at Oak Hill
01/29 Waverly at Oak Hill
02/01 Oak Hill at Valley
02/05 River Valley at Oak Hill
02/08 Oak Hill at Wheelersburg
02/09 Oak Hill at St. Joseph CC (W. Va.)
02/15 Minford at Oak Hill

South Webster Jeeps (3-0, 1-0)
11/30 Portsmouth 39 at South Webster 54
12/04 South Webster 61 at Green 43
12/07 Northwest 40 at South Webster 65
12/14 South Webster at Oak Hill
12/18 Minford at South Webster
12/28 South Webster vs. TBA (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
12/29 South Webster vs. TBA (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
01/04 South Webster at Wheelersburg
01/05 South Webster at East
01/08 South Webster at Waverly
01/11 Valley at South Webster
01/12 South Webster vs. TBA (Beasts of the Southeast)
01/15 South Webster at West
01/18 South Webster at Northwest
01/22 Oak Hill at South Webster
01/25 South Webster at Minford
01/29 Wheelersburg at South Webster
02/01 Waverly at South Webster
02/02 South Webster at Clay
02/08 South Webster at Valley
02/15 West at South Webster

Valley Indians (2-1, 1-0)
12/01 Valley 71 vs. Hillsboro 47 (Zane Trace Tip-Off Classic)
12/04 Valley 50 at Ironton 84
12/07 Valley 64 at Minford 62
12/11 Piketon at Valley
12/14 Valley at Northwest
12/18 Wheelersburg at Valley
12/28 Valley at Clay
12/29 Valley at Unioto
01/04 West at Valley
01/05 Valley at Huntington
01/08 Valley at Oak Hill
01/11 Valley at South Webster
01/12 Adena at Valley
01/15 Valley at Waverly
01/18 Minford at Valley
01/22 Northwest at Valley
01/25 Valley at Wheelersburg
01/26 North Adams at Valley
01/29 Valley at West
02/01 Oak Hill at Valley
02/08 South Webster at Valley
02/15 Waverly at Valley

Waverly Tigers (1-2, 0-1)
11/30 Waverly 59 at Washington C.H. 58
12/04 Waverly 32 at Vinton County 47
12/07 Wheelersburg 65 at Waverly 40
12/11 Waverly at Ironton
12/14 Minford at Waverly
12/18 Waverly at West
12/28 Waverly vs. Eastern (Holiday Classic)
12/29 Waverly vs. TBD (Holiday Classic)
01/04 Oak Hill at Waverly
01/05 Waverly at North Adams
01/08 South Webster at Waverly
01/11 Waverly at Northwest
01/12 Waverly vs. TBD (Beasts of the Southeast)
01/15 Valley at Waverly
01/18 Waverly at Wheelersburg
01/22 Waverly at Minford
01/25 West at Waverly
01/29 Waverly at Oak Hill
02/01 Waverly at South Webster
02/08 Northwest at Waverly
02/09 Waverly at Greenup Co.
02/15 Waverly at Valley

West Senators (1-2, 0-1)
11/30 Green 35 at West 65
12/04 Coal Grove 61 at West 57
12/07 Oak Hill 64 at West 60
12/11 New Boston at West
12/14 West at Wheelersburg
12/18 Waverly at West
12/20 West vs. Ironton St. Joe's (Ironton Classic)
01/02 Rock Hill at West
01/04 West at Valley
01/08 Northwest at West
01/11 West at Minford
01/15 South Webster at West
01/18 West at Oak Hill
01/22 Wheelersburg at West
01/25 West at Waverly
01/29 Valley at West
02/01 West at Northwest
02/08 Minford at West
02/09 West at Eastern
02/12 Manchester at West
02/15 West at South Webster
02/16 West at Adena

Wheelersburg Pirates (1-1, 1-0)
12/04 Wheelersburg 46 at Portsmouth 49
12/07 Wheelersburg 65 at Waverly 40
12/08 Wheelersburg 61 vs. Jackson 34 (@ Rio Grande)
12/11 Green 42 at Wheelersburg 60
12/14 West at Wheelersburg
12/18 Wheelersburg at Valley
12/22 Alexander at Wheelersburg
12/28 Fairland at Wheelersburg
01/04 South Webster at Wheelersburg
01/08 Minford at Wheelersburg
01/11 Wheelersburg at Oak Hill
01/15 Northwest at Wheelersburg
01/18 Waverly at Wheelersburg
01/22 Wheelersburg at West
01/25 Valley at Wheelersburg
01/29 Wheelersburg at South Webster
02/01 Wheelersburg at Minford
02/02 Gallia Academy at Wheelersburg
02/05 Wheelersburg at Ironton
02/08 Oak Hill at Wheelersburg
02/12 Wheelersburg at Greenup Co.
02/15 Wheelersburg at Northwest
Last edited by The_X_Factor on Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:47 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: SOC team schedules **All teams listed!!!***

Post by TitanPride »

Notre Dame plays December 22 at 11:00 AM against Wesley Christian(KY) in the Ironton Classic.

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Re: SOC team schedules **All teams listed!!!***

Post by The_X_Factor »

TitanPride wrote:Notre Dame plays December 22 at 11:00 AM against Wesley Christian(KY) in the Ironton Classic.
Updated. Thanks so much!

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!***

Post by TitanPride »

Not a problem! Thank you!

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by airforcejm »

Does anyone have the game times for the Clay tournament?

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by The_X_Factor »

Every schedule I've seen just says 6 p.m. I would guess Northwest and Manchester play at 6 while the host school takes the court following the first game. Saturday's contests will also get under way at 6 p.m.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

This needs stickied so hard

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Lightle04 »

I agree can this get stickied !?!

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by js7_22 »

I guess if it's not TVC you get no love? I agree to Sticky this.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by CoachClaytor »

On December 21st New Boston travels to West Union

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by The_X_Factor »

CoachClaytor wrote:On December 21st New Boston travels to West Union
Updated. Thanks, coach!

Hoping the composite schedule goes up soon and traffic (and sticky requests) can run through that thread. I don't expect to be able to update much after this month concludes.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Valley 64
Minford 32

Burg 43
Waverly 25

Webster 65
Northwest 40

Oak Hill 64
West 60

That last one was a little closer than I expected. Good start for Burg and Valley. No league games until next Friday.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Bulldog....hook us up with a sticky!

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by The_X_Factor »

Thanks, Crab's brother! I see what you did there with the Valley-Minford score. :122249

We're updated through Friday night's contests.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by pfloyd »


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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Eaglesnest »


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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by ManitouDan »

Sticky !

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by 4thgoal »

Wheelersburg 61 - Jackson 34
Wheelersburg 60 - Green 42

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by coop »

Piketon 78
Valley 63

Valley 67
Northwest 51

Valley 56
Wheelersburg 51

Indians are 4-2 (3-0 SOC II)

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by mglight88 »

12/11 Notre Dame at Minford - Minford 60-53
12/14 Minford at Waverly - Minford 60-48
12/15 Minford at Raceland - Minford 61-41
12/18 Minford at South Webster - South Webster 62-49
12/21 Minford at North Adams - Minford 52-39
12/28 Minford at Portsmouth - Minford 63-51
1/4 Northwest at Minford - Minford 71-43
1/8 Minford at Wheelersburg - Minford 48-45
1/11 Portsmouth West at Minford - Minford 61-52
1/15 Oak Hill at Minford - Minford 48-36
1/18 Minford at Valley - Valley 83-70 (ot)
1/22 Waverly at Minford - Minford 68-49
Last edited by mglight88 on Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:31 am, edited 4 times in total.

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