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Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:20 am
by bevo
If it clears the board? That is a BIG IF! Isn't this the guy who had run in with parents and could not control his emotions in the past? Had a good JV record at RV in the past ,BUT....... JV is not Varsity!!
All I have to say about this candidate, "would you entrust your child for a few hours a day and longer on game days to someone you would not let baby sit them"?
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:04 pm
by Who9Dey
Good luck Ryan.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:53 pm
by Runner00
Is this final?
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:21 pm
by Who9Dey
I heard it was offered to leach and Caldwell both said no then it was being offered to McCarly but now it's open again.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:45 am
by Judge and Jury
They need to just hire Stephens as interim head coach until they find the right coach. He may not want it but I'd rather have my kid play for him than rush to judgment and hire just someone to fill the spot.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:54 am
Who9Dey wrote:I heard it was offered to leach and Caldwell both said no then it was being offered to McCarly but now it's open again.
Caldwell? The one from Southern? What's going on at Southern? The girls coach quit, and they boys coach trying to get out?
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:53 am
by UKNate
What about applicants from last year? Any of those return and apply again?
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:59 am
by Prep Expert
The lack of interest in this job doesn't suprise me. The community complained about Hill because he ran a disciplined program and held kids accountable for their effort and actions. Quinn was the exact opposite. The kids were not held accountable. They were undisciplined and the players actions were embarrassing. The community loved him because he played everyone no matter what they did. This job isn't desirable to anyone with any common sense. There is very little talent and the community doesn't understand or care about winning. The only chance Stephens has is to hire a coach not from south eastern ohio with a big ego like sparling. That doesn't mean the new coach will be successful, but at this point there aren't a lot of options.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:04 pm
by Judge and Jury
Hiring outside of the community again will b a mistake. There's a gentleman in bidwell who has been overlooked for yrs. To either b head coach asst. Whatever was required he was the man for the job. Stephens played for him and was loved by the players now parents on the other hand may have trouble understanding that he is and always will b in control. To this day I don't think he's ever been asked to try to help fix RV.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:34 pm
by teach123
Add the volleyball to the departure list at Southern!
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:46 pm
by Prep Expert
Judge I hope your not talking about Tackett. Skidmore and him have hurt the basketball program for years.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 6:08 pm
by Judge and Jury
There again if u would learn to read and understand English Stephens played for him understand time age difference between people and u would understand that neither of them fit the time frame however your probably the problem there which would indicate the total lack if interest for that program that's why no one applies or would want the job because everyone and be one that's ever been a part of the RV system its always been their fault. I assure u one if u could go back in time and remove certain parents and fans from each generation and let coaches do their jobs RV wouldn't b where it is now. There's been good coaches at RV that had success before they came and left and had success after they left so some of the narrow minded people. Such as yourself have all the answers but fail to wanna apply to fix the problems but are very quick to point out what's wrong sounds same type of person that would watch a NBA and not have a clue what happened and flip to sports center and have all the answers the next day at the water coolers at work. Here's a bright idea change the culture and change of programs will come hold kids accountable and have parents stay out of team conversations and after game drama. I could care less who they hire just get it right and stick with one.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:32 pm
by Prep Expert
Some very good coaches have coached there and they couldn't change the culture. One of them is the hall of fame. It is an impossible job.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:06 pm
by Judge and Jury
U got that right cause people won't stay out of it.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:20 am
by galliagrad74
Here are some names that should be considered. Some have varsity experience and some just JV. Lynn Sheets, Todd Miller, Tom Moore, Tom Hopkins, Chris Elcessor, Mike Jenkins, Jimmy Brace, and Gene Layton. What does people think?
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:21 pm
by sportslifelove
galliagrad74 wrote:Here are some names that should be considered. Some have varsity experience and some just JV. Lynn Sheets, Todd Miller, Tom Moore, Tom Hopkins, Chris Elcessor, Mike Jenkins, Jimmy Brace, and Gene Layton. What does people think?
I hope you are joking on a couple of those? I won't name names but a couple are past their time, a couple are absolute laughers, and a couple are good options, that's just my opinion.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:34 pm
by sportslifelove
Prep Expert wrote:The lack of interest in this job doesn't suprise me. The community complained about Hill because he ran a disciplined program and held kids accountable for their effort and actions. Quinn was the exact opposite. The kids were not held accountable. They were undisciplined and the players actions were embarrassing. The community loved him because he played everyone no matter what they did. This job isn't desirable to anyone with any common sense. There is very little talent and the community doesn't understand or care about winning. The only chance Stephens has is to hire a coach not from south eastern ohio with a big ego like sparling. That doesn't mean the new coach will be successful, but at this point there aren't a lot of options.
As usual you are completely off base. Hill was given too much time and furthur destroyed the program by being a complete a** even being physically and mentally abusive to kids. Quinn was loved by the kids and at least he had people interested in playing basketball for RV again. The truth is 1 particular parent that was part of hiring Quinn turned and mid-year decided he didn't want him coaching his son anymore and Quinn was doomed from then on. Quinn works in admissions at Rio Grande and could encourage and help young people to get into college even outside of sports, not to mention he has connections to college coaches that could help kids. Some of the talent you say isn't there WAS at one time in the RV school system but has left due to poor administartion/coaching in the past. I was not a fan of the Quinn hire at first but I saw some positive things this past season and that is more than I can say for RV in many years!
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:37 pm
by Prep Expert
Any successful program has discipline. Allowing kids to continue to play when they have received multiple technicals show a lack of discipline in the program. It is also puts another black eye on a program that is a perennial loser. As far as Quinn's connections to college coaches that is irrevelant. There isn't a kid in any sport at rv that is talented enough to play next level.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:44 pm
by sportslifelove
Prep Expert wrote:Any successful program has discipline. Allowing kids to continue to play when they have received multiple technicals show a lack of discipline in the program. It is also puts another black eye on a program that is a perennial loser. As far as Quinn's connections to college coaches that is irrevelant. There isn't a kid in any sport at rv that is talented enough to play next level.
WOW! What a nice thing to say about all of the kids at River Valley High School, I'm not surprised that you hold that opinion however. I am absolutely certain that there are kids in sports at RV today and have been at RV in the past that are/were capable of playing college sports with hard work and the proper guidance.
Re: Ryan McCarly new River Valley Coach?
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:05 pm
by Prep Expert
You make no sense sportslife. Your key words in your last post were hard work and proper guidance. That is what hill demanded and provided and you said he was an a$$. You are a perfect representation of what the rv community is. They talk about hard work and discipline but when a coach tries to implement those things he is a a$$. That's why the community loves coaches like Quinn and sparling. Their teams aren't disciplined and they do not work hard.