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Summer Shoot-Outs at University of Rio Grande

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 2:29 pm
by riohoops
Please make check or money order payable to:


University of Rio Grande

Basketball Office

Rio Grande, OH 45674

The Shootouts are $170 per team. A coaches hospitality room will be provided for each team participating.

June 6th: Varsity/JV One Day Shootout ($170)

June 8th: Jr. High One Day Shootout ($170)

June 12th: Varsity/JV One Day Shootout ($170)

June 13th: Varsity/JV One Day Shootout ($170)

June 19th: Varsity/JV One Day Shootout ($170)

June 20th: Varsity/JV One Day Shootout ($170)

Ken French
Head Men's Basketball Coach
University of Rio Grande
740.245.7294 Office
740.245.7555 Fax