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Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:43 am
by Wings Teaford
I see where people are speculating about various jobs opening up on here. This is an exciting time of the year for HS basketball if your team has been down. Time to circulate those petitions to get rid of the dumb coach in charge of your schools team. Here in Racine, we have always had a strong program. Back in the 80s we were almost state champions twice. We have a checklist of characteristics we look for in a coach so that when we have to hire we never rebuild we just reload. I cant share everything as the official document is locked up in a cabinet under the sink at The Butcher shop. But here is what I can remember:
1. Run lots of suicides
2. Play only man defense
3. enforce the rule of everyone getting a bowl haircut
4. Stay AWAY from the weightroom and dont let yer players go there neither
5. Play offseason open gym basketball starting on April 1 and ending on November 1
6. Give every new baby in town a basketball
7. Shoot the ball every day for 45 minutes
8. Ask members of the almost champions for advice whenever you dont know what to do
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:21 pm
by local superstar
Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are.

Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:22 am
by Golfer101
Someone is really upset over those Southern teams from the eighties. We get that here in Trimble over football success. Hard to believe they're still jealous over thirty years
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:01 pm
by rockbiter
Oh, I can show you cases where they're still jealous over FIFTY years.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:24 pm
by The Dog
Wings Teaford wrote:I see where people are speculating about various jobs opening up on here. This is an exciting time of the year for HS basketball if your team has been down. Time to circulate those petitions to get rid of the dumb coach in charge of your schools team. Here in Racine, we have always had a strong program. Back in the 80s we were almost state champions twice. We have a checklist of characteristics we look for in a coach so that when we have to hire we never rebuild we just reload. I cant share everything as the official document is locked up in a cabinet under the sink at The Butcher shop. But here is what I can remember:
1. Run lots of suicides
2. Play only man defense
3. enforce the rule of everyone getting a bowl haircut
4. Stay AWAY from the weightroom and dont let yer players go there neither
5. Play offseason open gym basketball starting on April 1 and ending on November 1
6. Give every new baby in town a basketball
7. Shoot the ball every day for 45 minutes
8. Ask members of the almost champions for advice whenever you dont know what to do
Wings Its dern good to here from one of you front row boys on this. Yer number 4 is killing us cuz that ther basketball coach cant keep them boys outta that danged wait room. Them waits throws off ther shot. Can you imagine one of the Wolf boys from Carls team liften waits? Wy heeda throwd em off the team if they woulda. And numbr 7 needs sum fixin to cuz them boys aint shootin like the almost champions did.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:05 pm
by Wings Teaford
Thanks dog....and you are right. Them boys need to shoot at least an hour a day. Plus, the coach needs to get us front row boys on his side. We are an adavnatge when we are pulling leg hair on the opposing kids when they take the ball out. Plus, we can really ride the refs for him. We may get tossed but he wont get the technical foul. Maybe he could text us what he wants us to say next year.......
For all you haters, we aint jealous.....we proud of our tradition. Just wish the SVAC hadnt died.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:24 pm
by The Dog
Wings Teaford wrote:Thanks dog....and you are right. Them boys need to shoot at least an hour a day. Plus, the coach needs to get us front row boys on his side. We are an adavnatge when we are pulling leg hair on the opposing kids when they take the ball out. Plus, we can really ride the refs for him. We may get tossed but he wont get the technical foul. Maybe he could text us what he wants us to say next year.......
For all you haters, we aint jealous.....we proud of our tradition. Just wish the SVAC hadnt died.
You dern tootin on the SVAC. That ther darn leeg was alot better basketball then that danged Twin Vally Confernce cuz its a football leeg an tell me who in Racine cares abotu football.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:09 pm
by Rutterkickballer
I dont know what the list of ingredients might be. But, I know a winner when I see one:

Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:15 pm
by Binary
^^^ Is it the guy sitting behind Howie? The one we can't see very well? :122246
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:16 am
by blue1
The ingredients of a winning basketball coach involves many things in my opinion. I think the head varsity coach and the coaches in his program need to live it, breathe it, and enjoy it. If coaching is in the Varsity head coaching's blood you are off to a good start. Then its important for the head coach to have a background and knowledge for the game. After that it's important for the coach to be able to relate with the kids. The kids have to buy into what the coach is selling. If the kids believe in their leader good things will follow.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:44 pm
by Wellston Ironman
I think the guy needs the ability to get kids to run through a wall.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:06 pm
by rockbiter
Above all, he needs to master THE STOMP!
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:05 am
by Wings Teaford
He also needs a complete understanding of the transfer rule and how to beat it. I bet the right kid could find good housing in trimble right now if he wanted it. All of those properties have a basket mounted on the utility pole.
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:01 am
by athens78
Backing from Administration, Parents nose's out of the program, full community support. That's the main things
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:06 pm
by Peake
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:32 pm
by 4thgoal
Re: Ingredients of a Winning Basketball Coach
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:45 pm
by Trojan_Pride
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^gotta love that 1 LOL