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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:33 pm
by VisionQuest
My emotions and passions sometimes get the best of me. I get caught up in the Banter back and forth between rivals and I have been guilty of lowering myself to that type of behavior. For this I apologize and apologize to any I have harmed with my words either directly or inderectly. I have said things I don't truly mean and sometimes actually the opposite of what I truly believe to try and get under the skin of those who got under my skin.
I am proud of and will support any athlete from this area who goes on to compete at the next level no matter what the sport. I will and do support any team from the TVC and will and have cheered them on in the post-season.
I also enjoy what certain posters bring to this Forum. Those being danicalifornia, pfloyd and Ironman92 among others and apologize to them directly with my actions.
With all this being said, I will check back occasionally to check updates, etc. but this will be my last post, I have no more "dog" in the fight.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:42 pm
by Ironman92
VisionQuest wrote: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:33 pm
My emotions and passions sometimes get the best of me. I get caught up in the Banter back and forth between rivals and I have been guilty of lowering myself to that type of behavior. For this I apologize and apologize to any I have harmed with my words either directly or inderectly. I have said things I don't truly mean and sometimes actually the opposite of what I truly believe to try and get under the skin of those who got under my skin.
I am proud of and will support any athlete from this area who goes on to compete at the next level no matter what the sport. I will and do support any team from the TVC and will and have cheered them on in the post-season.
I also enjoy what certain posters bring to this Forum. Those being danicalifornia, pfloyd and Ironman92 among others and apologize to them directly with my actions.
With all this being said, I will check back occasionally to check updates, etc. but this will be my last post, I have no more "dog" in the fight.
No need to apologize to me as far as I’m concerned. Athens kids had a great 2nd half and future seems bright.
No worries. Won’t bother me at all if you continue posting. Have a good one.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:56 pm
by mlittle
I agree. Just add mlittle to that list and we’re good here.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:02 pm
by OHHS old timer
We are all human beings, no one is perfect. I've only been here for a little over a month and had someone "get under my skin". And yes, I did go off a little bit...then I remembered my mom and just got out of that thread. Banter is going to happen...I prefer the friendly type of back and forth.
Don't be too hard on, like me and others here are only imperfect human beings.
And you can add me to the apology list...I should not have jumped on that person the way I did.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:47 pm
by The Ghost of Swanker
Man if I left every time someone got butt hurt with me I’d have been gone years and years ago. No harm no foul.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:24 pm
by noreply66
There is no need to stay away. I don't think anyone on the site is mad at you. If a coach jumps on a player it is mostly to let them know what was done wrong. If the player realizes that he puts that behind him and moves on with the team. We here hope we can put things behind us and you continue on here.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:38 pm
by danicalifornia
No worries. No reason to stay away at all.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:42 pm
by bburner
VisionQuest wrote: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:33 pm
My emotions and passions sometimes get the best of me. I get caught up in the Banter back and forth between rivals and I have been guilty of lowering myself to that type of behavior. For this I apologize and apologize to any I have harmed with my words either directly or inderectly. I have said things I don't truly mean and sometimes actually the opposite of what I truly believe to try and get under the skin of those who got under my skin.
I am proud of and will support any athlete from this area who goes on to compete at the next level no matter what the sport. I will and do support any team from the TVC and will and have cheered them on in the post-season.
I also enjoy what certain posters bring to this Forum. Those being danicalifornia, pfloyd and Ironman92 among others and apologize to them directly with my actions.
With all this being said, I will check back occasionally to check updates, etc. but this will be my last post, I have no more "dog" in the fight.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:45 pm
by bburner
VC - My philosophy has always been. "What happens in the gym, stays in the gym"......same goes for this gym pilgrim. Stick around.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:58 pm
by pfloyd
VisionQuest - no need to "disappear" from posting imo ... I have posted many times and have gotten under the skin of many, "texting" is inherently one of the worst forms of communication as the inflection , the tone of a conversation, the sarcasm is in the "eyes" of the reader ... can't make everyone happy most days, can seemingly PO EVERYONE on other days LOL ... post on !!!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:33 pm
by OHHS old timer
pfloyd wrote: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:58 pm
VisionQuest - no need to "disappear" from posting imo ... I have posted many times and have gotten under the skin of many, "texting" is inherently one of the worse forms of communication as the inflection , the tone of a conversation, the sarcasm is in the "eyes" of the reader ... can't make everyone happy most days, can seemingly PO EVERYONE on other days LOL ... post on !!!
Well said!!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:22 pm
by Johnstown
SEO strong. So proud of the fellas that play hard. Some great ones get scholarships or walk on with a chance to get college paid for and most enjoy the journey. Keep rooting for all our athletes from this region. SEO strong.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:01 am
it takes a fine person in my book to publically apologize for their actions. I have no idea what transpired. and don't care to know. I just wanted to give you a thumb's up for your sincere apology to whomever it was intended for. I've had to do the very same thing myself on more than one occasion, and felt better for it.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:11 am
by Pickoff42
Sometimes we say and do things we regret later. That does not make you a bad person. We ALL make mistakes and we are all just talking ball on here. I had to realize a long time ago after seeing a counselor that good people do bad things all the time; that does not make them bad people. I'm not saying you did a bad thing, I'm just saying that you probably said something you regret now after getting caught up in the emotions of a conversation. God teaches us to forgive one another, and I'm sure if you met the person/people you said whatever you said to in person, they'd forgive you in about 2 seconds. Please stop being so hard on yourself. I think with all of the replies I've seen on here that I'm not the only one who says to PLEASE COME BACK! It won't be the same on here without you. It's all good buddy!!
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:24 pm
by thebarlowbandit
All League selections must have leaked out.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:29 pm
by therealNY
thebarlowbandit wrote: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:24 pm
All League selections must have leaked out.
LOL - we know what Vision thinks of you
Welcome back Vision, don't stay away, otherwise all I will read is what Meigs coulda, shoulda woulda crap...
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:23 am
by bman
VisionQuest, stay aboard we love to have all the posters we can.
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:17 am
by DreamFollower
VisionQuest wrote: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:33 pm
My emotions and passions sometimes get the best of me. I get caught up in the Banter back and forth between rivals and I have been guilty of lowering myself to that type of behavior. For this I apologize and apologize to any I have harmed with my words either directly or inderectly. I have said things I don't truly mean and sometimes actually the opposite of what I truly believe to try and get under the skin of those who got under my skin.
I am proud of and will support any athlete from this area who goes on to compete at the next level no matter what the sport. I will and do support any team from the TVC and will and have cheered them on in the post-season.
I also enjoy what certain posters bring to this Forum. Those being danicalifornia, pfloyd and Ironman92 among others and apologize to them directly with my actions.
With all this being said, I will check back occasionally to check updates, etc. but this will be my last post, I have no more "dog" in the fight.
I can't believe you would bring these kind of problems here. No one really cares buddy. Take your problems back to the nursery and cry about it pal.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:39 am
by noreply66
What he is talking about is some of the things he said on this site and now he is giving an apology to certain people. He has a right to do that and many of us feel he doesn't have to take it somewhere else. It sounds like you haven't read what people have been posting above cause you seem to be the first that doesn't care. Strong words for a first post.
Now maybe you can give him a apology.
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:01 am
by Truth&fiction
How many times have we all said something we regret and can not take back . You can not change what has already happened but we can go forward with our actions . Keep posting and your passion for the Bulldogs is documented in your posts but be aware that some will not be as forgiving . I for one note that you are a fan of the sport of Basketball and need not to issue an apology.