Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
... another regular season in the books ... hard to believe it all started back in late November - the 23rd of November to be exact with the Zane Trace Tip Off Classic, Warren's inaugural Clash at the Coliseum the 25 & 26 of November ... right up through this past Friday night regular season action on February 17th ... Mother Nature only got 1 Win during the regular season ! we as fans of the game had the opportunity to see some great basketball! ... one of the biggest takes I had of this past season was the "stockpile" of youngsters Below the Lancaster-Dixon Line! - we are SOOOOO set for outstanding basketball in the coming years - some of the TEAMS bringing back youngsters who have gotten lots of varsity experience , who will be and are the stars of the future : Minford, Warren, Circleville, Fairland, Unioto, Ironton, Chesapeake, South Point, Marietta, Eastern Brown, Jackson, North Adams, Peebles. Trimble, Waverly, Logan Elm, Fairfield Union to name but a few who will be in the top 20 of the 2023-24 Preseason Rankings ... the Head Coach must have decided that the sophomore class in the SE District was going to be one of the best ever to grace the hardwood courts in Southern/Southeast Ohio - loaded class !!! ... this has been a season I have put the most miles in on the Pfloyd Tour - but as I have met up with new fans, old friends, Coaches, players families, officiating crews - it's all worth it ... I've always said that THE reason I do what I do every year is because of the friendships with people that I have made over the years - all of us have the common interest of loving high school basketball, the appreciation of a game well played by young people, coached/taught by committed men and women who work hard to put the best product on the floor for 22+ games a season - I appreciate you all ...
... it's now time for "the post season" ... "one and done " ... "win or go home" ... "survive and advance" ... the Road to the Convo season ... playing the game to make it to the Roundhouse on Richland, the Mecca of High School Basketball in Southern Ohio ... Basketball :30 at the Convo with Lou Horvath - the Voice of high school basketball in Southern/SouthEast Ohio ... as the fans in the Cheap Seats we'll see teams that we THOUGHT would be at the dance get to the dance ... we'll see teams we THOUGHT would get to the promised land get beat by a Cinderella team along the way - who will play the role of each? ... sadly, the Convo doesn't get to be home for ALL of District play this year (only the finals and all of the regional action - perhaps it never will again) - but getting to walk into the Convo in the post season is like "going home" - an instant smile on the face remembering all of the great games/players of past years that have been witnessed, given the pfloyd "game wrap-up" with full on napkin stats ... seeing all of the familiar faces from the past courtside, on press row, at the scorers table and in the Cheap Seats - there is nothing like it ... I never take being at the Convo for granted - as in past years BEING there, having more playing time in life to return the next year - has not been a given ... this season as every season the ball is in the Head Coach's hands - pfloyd will be there as I know so many of you will as well ... Basketball :30 ... I type like I'm using one of the manual, typewriter ribbon spool, old school typewriters where you had to "pound" the keys, using only a few fingers on each hand, home keys? I have "floating fingers" that trace over the keys like ants at a picnic ... Basketball :30 ... I'm smiling as I hunt and peck to type it ... Basketball :30 ...
... great season ! thanks for reading, adding to , supporting the Elite 8 each year and again this past season ... the plan is to be back next year , got that competition from the Martin RPI rankings doing it all by the numbers ... ME - I use the numbers, use the "eye test" and once in awhile break out the Ouija Board from yesteryear to "get it right" each week LOL ... something about being there, seeing the players, teams, coaches ... on the court, vs actual opponents ... I don't know, maybe it's just me being old school - but all of THAT matters ... I can't let go and leave it up to an algorithm or analytics ... thanks to all of you for agreeing to disagree every year ...
Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio- Final Edition
1. Minford (20-1)
2. Fairfield Leesburg (22-0)
3. South Point (18-3)
4. Washington CH (18-4)
5. Fairfield Union (19-3)
6. Federal Hocking (19-3)
7. New Lexington (18-4)
8. Miami Trace (18-4)
... TreeHugger Wannabees ...
Zane Trace (19-3)
North Adams (18-4)
Ironton (16-6)
Warren (16-6)
Marietta (14-7)
Wheelersburg (16-6)
Lucasville Valley (16-6)
Gallia Academy (16-6)
Vinton County (16-6)
Paint Valley (16-6)
Fairland (14-8)
Alexander (16-6)
Westfall (13-9)
Unioto (14-8)
Sheridan (14-8)
Portsmouth Notre Dame (17-5)
Lynchburg Clay (13-9)
Jackson (11-11)
Northwest (14-7)
South Webster (14-8)
Green (17-5)
Chesapeake (8-14)
Eastern Pike (11-11)
Portsmouth (8-13)
Circleville (10-12)
Nelsonville York (14-8)
Whiteoak (11-11)
Belpre (13-9)
Waterford (13-9)
Rock Hill (9-12)
Logan Elm (8-14)
Western Pike (12-9)
Eastern Brown (8-14)
Peebles (10-12)
Portsmouth West (7-15)
Oak Hill (7-15)
Coal Grove (5-17)
Chillicothe (5-16)
Adena (7-15)
Trimble (10-12)
Piketon (7-15)
Southeastern (6-16)
Manchester (8-14)
Meigs (7-15)
New Boston (10-12)
Ironton St Joseph (8-11)
Logan (4-18)
Symmes Valley (7-12)
Athens (7-15)
Hillsboro (5-17)
Greenfield McClain (5-17)
South Gallia (7-15)
Huntington (5-17)
Southern (6-16)
Wellston (7-15)
Rdsville Eastern (4-18)
Crooksville (4-15)
Portsmouth East (5-16)
Waverly (2-18)
West Union (2-17)
... Teams on the End Table ...
River Valley (1-21)
Miller (1-17)
Portsmouth Clay (0-17)
...Pfloyd's Final Rankings by Division 2022-23 ...
1. Washington CH (18-4)
2. Fairfield Union (19-3)
3. New Lexington (18-4)
4. Miami Trace (18-4)
5. Ironton (16-6)
6. Warren (16-6)
7. Marietta (14-7)
8. Gallia Academy (16-6)
9. Vinton County (16-6)
10. Alexander (16-6)
11. Unioto (14-8)
12. Sheridan (14-8)
13. Jackson (11-11)
14. Circleville (10-12)
15. Logan Elm (8-14)
16. Athens (7-15)
17. Hillsboro (5-17)
18. Greenfield McClain (5-17)
19. Waverly (2-18)
20. River Valley (1-21)
1. Minford (20-1)
2. South Point (18-3)
3. Zane Trace (19-3)
4. North Adams (18-4)
5. Wheelersburg (16-6)
6. Lucasville Valley (16-6)
7. Fairland (14-8)
8. Westfall (13-9)
9. Lynchburg Clay (13-9)
10. Northwest (14-7)
11. Chesapeake (8-14)
12. Portsmouth (8-13)
13. Nelsonville York (14-8)
14. Belpre (13-9)
15. Rock Hill (9-12)
16. Eastern Brown (8-14)
17. Peebles (10-12)
18. Portsmouth West (7-15)
19. Oak Hill (7-15)
20. Coal Grove (5-17)
21. Adena (7-15)
22. Piketon (7-15)
23. Southeastern (6-160
24. Meigs (7-15)
25. Huntington (5-17)
26. Wellston (7-15)
27. Crooksville (4-15)
28. West Union (2-17)
1. Fairfield Leesburg (22-0)
2. Federal Hocking (19-3)
3. Paint Valley (16-6)
4. Portsmouth Notre Dame (17-5)
5. South Webster (14-8)
6. Green (17-5)
7. Eastern Pike (11-11)
8. Whiteoak (11-11)
9. Waterford (13-9)
10. Western Pike (12-9)
11. Trimble (10-12)
12. Manchester (8-14)
13. New Boston (10-12)
14. Ironton St Joseph (8-11)
15. Symmes Valley (7-12)
16. South Gallia (7-15)
17. Southern (6-16)
18. Rdsville Eastern (4-18)
19. Portsmouth East (5-16)
20. Miller (1-17)
21. Portsmouth Clay (0-17)
... it's now time for "the post season" ... "one and done " ... "win or go home" ... "survive and advance" ... the Road to the Convo season ... playing the game to make it to the Roundhouse on Richland, the Mecca of High School Basketball in Southern Ohio ... Basketball :30 at the Convo with Lou Horvath - the Voice of high school basketball in Southern/SouthEast Ohio ... as the fans in the Cheap Seats we'll see teams that we THOUGHT would be at the dance get to the dance ... we'll see teams we THOUGHT would get to the promised land get beat by a Cinderella team along the way - who will play the role of each? ... sadly, the Convo doesn't get to be home for ALL of District play this year (only the finals and all of the regional action - perhaps it never will again) - but getting to walk into the Convo in the post season is like "going home" - an instant smile on the face remembering all of the great games/players of past years that have been witnessed, given the pfloyd "game wrap-up" with full on napkin stats ... seeing all of the familiar faces from the past courtside, on press row, at the scorers table and in the Cheap Seats - there is nothing like it ... I never take being at the Convo for granted - as in past years BEING there, having more playing time in life to return the next year - has not been a given ... this season as every season the ball is in the Head Coach's hands - pfloyd will be there as I know so many of you will as well ... Basketball :30 ... I type like I'm using one of the manual, typewriter ribbon spool, old school typewriters where you had to "pound" the keys, using only a few fingers on each hand, home keys? I have "floating fingers" that trace over the keys like ants at a picnic ... Basketball :30 ... I'm smiling as I hunt and peck to type it ... Basketball :30 ...
... great season ! thanks for reading, adding to , supporting the Elite 8 each year and again this past season ... the plan is to be back next year , got that competition from the Martin RPI rankings doing it all by the numbers ... ME - I use the numbers, use the "eye test" and once in awhile break out the Ouija Board from yesteryear to "get it right" each week LOL ... something about being there, seeing the players, teams, coaches ... on the court, vs actual opponents ... I don't know, maybe it's just me being old school - but all of THAT matters ... I can't let go and leave it up to an algorithm or analytics ... thanks to all of you for agreeing to disagree every year ...
Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio- Final Edition
1. Minford (20-1)
2. Fairfield Leesburg (22-0)
3. South Point (18-3)
4. Washington CH (18-4)
5. Fairfield Union (19-3)
6. Federal Hocking (19-3)
7. New Lexington (18-4)
8. Miami Trace (18-4)
... TreeHugger Wannabees ...
Zane Trace (19-3)
North Adams (18-4)
Ironton (16-6)
Warren (16-6)
Marietta (14-7)
Wheelersburg (16-6)
Lucasville Valley (16-6)
Gallia Academy (16-6)
Vinton County (16-6)
Paint Valley (16-6)
Fairland (14-8)
Alexander (16-6)
Westfall (13-9)
Unioto (14-8)
Sheridan (14-8)
Portsmouth Notre Dame (17-5)
Lynchburg Clay (13-9)
Jackson (11-11)
Northwest (14-7)
South Webster (14-8)
Green (17-5)
Chesapeake (8-14)
Eastern Pike (11-11)
Portsmouth (8-13)
Circleville (10-12)
Nelsonville York (14-8)
Whiteoak (11-11)
Belpre (13-9)
Waterford (13-9)
Rock Hill (9-12)
Logan Elm (8-14)
Western Pike (12-9)
Eastern Brown (8-14)
Peebles (10-12)
Portsmouth West (7-15)
Oak Hill (7-15)
Coal Grove (5-17)
Chillicothe (5-16)
Adena (7-15)
Trimble (10-12)
Piketon (7-15)
Southeastern (6-16)
Manchester (8-14)
Meigs (7-15)
New Boston (10-12)
Ironton St Joseph (8-11)
Logan (4-18)
Symmes Valley (7-12)
Athens (7-15)
Hillsboro (5-17)
Greenfield McClain (5-17)
South Gallia (7-15)
Huntington (5-17)
Southern (6-16)
Wellston (7-15)
Rdsville Eastern (4-18)
Crooksville (4-15)
Portsmouth East (5-16)
Waverly (2-18)
West Union (2-17)
... Teams on the End Table ...
River Valley (1-21)
Miller (1-17)
Portsmouth Clay (0-17)
...Pfloyd's Final Rankings by Division 2022-23 ...
1. Washington CH (18-4)
2. Fairfield Union (19-3)
3. New Lexington (18-4)
4. Miami Trace (18-4)
5. Ironton (16-6)
6. Warren (16-6)
7. Marietta (14-7)
8. Gallia Academy (16-6)
9. Vinton County (16-6)
10. Alexander (16-6)
11. Unioto (14-8)
12. Sheridan (14-8)
13. Jackson (11-11)
14. Circleville (10-12)
15. Logan Elm (8-14)
16. Athens (7-15)
17. Hillsboro (5-17)
18. Greenfield McClain (5-17)
19. Waverly (2-18)
20. River Valley (1-21)
1. Minford (20-1)
2. South Point (18-3)
3. Zane Trace (19-3)
4. North Adams (18-4)
5. Wheelersburg (16-6)
6. Lucasville Valley (16-6)
7. Fairland (14-8)
8. Westfall (13-9)
9. Lynchburg Clay (13-9)
10. Northwest (14-7)
11. Chesapeake (8-14)
12. Portsmouth (8-13)
13. Nelsonville York (14-8)
14. Belpre (13-9)
15. Rock Hill (9-12)
16. Eastern Brown (8-14)
17. Peebles (10-12)
18. Portsmouth West (7-15)
19. Oak Hill (7-15)
20. Coal Grove (5-17)
21. Adena (7-15)
22. Piketon (7-15)
23. Southeastern (6-160
24. Meigs (7-15)
25. Huntington (5-17)
26. Wellston (7-15)
27. Crooksville (4-15)
28. West Union (2-17)
1. Fairfield Leesburg (22-0)
2. Federal Hocking (19-3)
3. Paint Valley (16-6)
4. Portsmouth Notre Dame (17-5)
5. South Webster (14-8)
6. Green (17-5)
7. Eastern Pike (11-11)
8. Whiteoak (11-11)
9. Waterford (13-9)
10. Western Pike (12-9)
11. Trimble (10-12)
12. Manchester (8-14)
13. New Boston (10-12)
14. Ironton St Joseph (8-11)
15. Symmes Valley (7-12)
16. South Gallia (7-15)
17. Southern (6-16)
18. Rdsville Eastern (4-18)
19. Portsmouth East (5-16)
20. Miller (1-17)
21. Portsmouth Clay (0-17)
Last edited by pfloyd on Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:15 am, edited 6 times in total.
- Posts: 11108
- Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:09 pm
- Location: Chillicothe
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Looks good! Appreciate all of the hard work you put into this
- 93Bulldog
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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Is this the first time a 22-0 team not finish first?
Wait, I can answer that. Trimble went 22-0 I believe in 2015 and I'm pretty sure they didn't finish on top.
Wonder if there is anyone else?
Wait, I can answer that. Trimble went 22-0 I believe in 2015 and I'm pretty sure they didn't finish on top.
Wonder if there is anyone else?
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
... 2009-10 Peebles went 18-0 finishing 2nd behind an 18-2 Logan Elm squad ... not sure of others ...
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
On to Basketball :30 !!!
Last edited by pfloyd on Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
... thanks VetteMan - edited and fixed
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Was South Point #1 with Todd Mayo?
You added Waverly into D3 and you put Waterford instead of Whiteoak in D4
You added Waverly into D3 and you put Waterford instead of Whiteoak in D4
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Edited - thank you...Ironman92 wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:53 pm Was South Point #1 with Todd Mayo?
You added Waverly into D3 and you put Waterford instead of Whiteoak in D4
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Awesome job as usual....pfloyd. Proud of my FU Falcons for staying in the top 8 all season. Now we hope for long tourney run. Hope to see you along the way !!!
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Great job this season. Thanks for your dedication to the real basketball.High School basketball. Respect!!
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Pfloyd great job all season as usual.
Maybe get to see you sometime during the one and done. Been a tough year for my Peake but things are looking up.
The health situation for me and my sister has continued to improve as the gamma knife surgery seems to have helped tremendously.
Maybe get to see you sometime during the one and done. Been a tough year for my Peake but things are looking up.
The health situation for me and my sister has continued to improve as the gamma knife surgery seems to have helped tremendously.
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
... keep the faith my friend ... you, your sister will continue in my prayers with the Head Coach ... we need to add trojandave to the chat list with the Head Coach as well ... get those Panthers to the Convo - anything can happen in the post season - when it's one game at a time for the right to move your "game piece(team)" to the next square/game/opponent ...peake71 wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:14 pm Pfloyd great job all season as usual.
Maybe get to see you sometime during the one and done. Been a tough year for my Peake but things are looking up.
The health situation for me and my sister has continued to improve as the gamma knife surgery seems to have helped tremendously.
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
Where's everyone going this week ? I'm not a fan of traveling a long distance - the way it's set up now - to watch 1 game BUT it is what it is , I'll make due ... pfloyd is choosing on games for Tuesday D3 , Wednesday D2 , Friday D4 ... then between D2 & D3 Saturday night depending on the matchups ... AND WE'RE OFF!!!!! ... have to get online to order the tickets ...
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
You'd be hard pressed to come up with a D2 game on Wednesday night that "ain't" a good matchup !!!:
Ok, the Washington CH vs Hillsboro game not on my list of potential games to go see, BUT:
Warren vs Vinton County
New Lex vs Jackson
Ironton vs Sheridan
Fairfield Union vs Logan Elm
Marietta vs Unioto
Miami Trace vs Circleville
Gallia Academy vs Alexander
... would have loved to have these games played over 2 days at a couple of neutral sites so we ALL could see these games !!! uggghhhhh ...
Ok, the Washington CH vs Hillsboro game not on my list of potential games to go see, BUT:
Warren vs Vinton County
New Lex vs Jackson
Ironton vs Sheridan
Fairfield Union vs Logan Elm
Marietta vs Unioto
Miami Trace vs Circleville
Gallia Academy vs Alexander
... would have loved to have these games played over 2 days at a couple of neutral sites so we ALL could see these games !!! uggghhhhh ...
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
I will be at The Peake vs Meigs hopefully.
- Posts: 11108
- Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:09 pm
- Location: Chillicothe
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
I believe I’ll only be at one, on Tuesday, as the Girls Districts start this week and we’ll be deep in coverage before starting back with the Boys next weekpfloyd wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:53 pm Where's everyone going this week ? I'm not a fan of traveling a long distance - the way it's set up now - to watch 1 game BUT it is what it is , I'll make due ... pfloyd is choosing on games for Tuesday D3 , Wednesday D2 , Friday D4 ... then between D2 & D3 Saturday night depending on the matchups ... AND WE'RE OFF!!!!! ... have to get online to order the tickets ...
I’ll be at Piketon at Westfall on Tuesday.
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
You are so right. All these games have aspects of uncertainty to them. Are all teams healthy? At the games foul trouble, just an unusual good or bad shooting night, etc. and most of these games are hard to predict for early-round games. Good luck to all.pfloyd wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:20 pm You'd be hard pressed to come up with a D2 game on Wednesday night that "ain't" a good matchup !!!:
Ok, the Washington CH vs Hillsboro game not on my list of potential games to go see, BUT:
Warren vs Vinton County
New Lex vs Jackson
Ironton vs Sheridan
Fairfield Union vs Logan Elm
Marietta vs Unioto
Miami Trace vs Circleville
Gallia Academy vs Alexander
... would have loved to have these games played over 2 days at a couple of neutral sites so we ALL could see these games !!! uggghhhhh ...
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
I'm sure bigdogg, Trojandave and the Portsmouth crew and myself will give you the news from Peebles ,where at least one PHS team will come out victorious. Safe travels everyone. Oh, and I still haven't figured out how my Indians ended up in D3 this year.haha!
Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Final Edition 2022-23
... keep us up to speed on this one Hoopie74! sounds like a rough crew you'll be sitting with Hoopie! I'm sure you'll see a good game - the Trojans looked much improved and ready for the post season based on what I saw at Portsmouth the other night ... enjoy!Hoopie74 wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:58 pm I'm sure bigdogg, Trojandave and the Portsmouth crew and myself will give you the news from Peebles ,where at least one PHS team will come out victorious. Safe travels everyone. Oh, and I still haven't figured out how my Indians ended up in D3 this year.haha!