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Nelsonville-York Football History
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:07 pm
by NYBuckeye96
I was thinking that it would be nice to have a website that lists every season of Nelsonville-York football, the opponents played and scores to the games. I figure that between everyone from NY that is on this site, at least one person has access to a yearbook from each season.
What do you guys think about this.......what if we went through our yearbooks for our 4 years of high school and posted the football scores on here? After all of the years are compiled, that information could be posted on a website somewhere? Maybe start a webpage or maybe a current website, such as the Athletic Boosters, might put that information on their website.
As many people as use SEOPS from NY, I think we have the individual resources to do this, we just have to consolidate all of the information we each have!
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:23 pm
by NYBuckeye96
1992 - 10 wins, 1 loss
NY 35 Athens 0
NY 33 Logan 7
NY 29 Meigs 0
NY 34 Alexander 0
NY 34 Miller 0
NY 41 Vinton County 7
NY 41 Federal Hocking 0
NY 34 Belpre 0
NY 27 Wellston 0
NY 34 Trimble 14
State Playoffs
(Regional Semifinals @ Portsmouth)
NY 0 Ironton 14
1993, 8 wins, 2 losses
NY 38 Athens 0
NY 18 Logan 35
NY 24 Portsmouth West 0
NY 35 Alexander 16
NY 50 Trimble 14
NY 14 Vinton County 13
NY 65 Meigs 7
NY 32 Wellston 0
NY 27 Belpre 21
NY 0 Magnolia, WV 10
1994, 11 wins, 1 loss
NY 28 Athens 0
NY 20 Logan 19
NY 16 Portsmouth West 6
NY 48 Alexander 14
NY 58 Trimble 0
NY 26 Vinton County 21
NY 43 Meigs 6
NY 41 Wellston 3
NY 47 Belpre 6
NY 48 Jackson 7
State Playoffs
(Regional Semifinals @ Zanesville)
NY 41 Coshocton 16
(Regional Finals @ Portsmouth)
NY 7 Wheelersburg 28
1995 - 6 wins, 4 losses
NY 22 Athens 15
NY 18 Logan 21
NY 0 Portsmouth West 9
NY 20 Alexander 14
NY 19 Trimble 6
NY 12 Vinton County 13
NY 22 Meigs 20
NY 16 Wellston 0
NY 24 Belpre 6
NY 20 Oak Hill 21
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:22 pm
This is a great idea
If someone was really industrious they could go to the high school library and get a copy of each of the yearbooks since NY consoladated.
I talked about doing this when I was doing games on the radio, but I never got around to it.
Good luck with this. It would be great to have the ALL-TIME scores, win/loss records, and series record between NY and all their opponents.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:24 pm
by loganlocos
4 horseman -
I can tell from my experience (doing that yearbooks are a great place to start, but it's also best to verify scores if possible from newspapers, etc.
I'd be glad to give advice to anyone who is interested in this type of project. It's a lot of work, but worth it IMO!
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:35 pm
I appreciate the offer. I have always been very impressed with what a great job the folks of the SEOAL have done at keeping their records. I didn't really realize it until I did a couple SEOAL games and it was SO easy to find all the stats and info I was looking for.
It would be nice to have this done for ALL the teams in the area.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:29 pm
by otterslide
This kills me:
1992 - 10 wins, 1 loss
NY 35 Athens 0
NY 33 Logan 7
NY 29 Meigs 0
NY 34 Alexander 0
NY 34 Miller 0
NY 41 Vinton County 7
NY 41 Federal Hocking 0
NY 34 Belpre 0
NY 27 Wellston 0
NY 34 Trimble 14
State Playoffs
(Regional Semifinals @ Portsmouth)
NY 0 Ironton 14
Where you at that game Belpre vs Nelsonville. Boy that game was hyped up. Then he opening kickoff went really bad for Belpre....we never recovered....we went 9-1 and still didn't make the playoffs. That sucked.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:30 pm
by otterslide
If there was site for the TVC OHIO and HOCKING and the old TVC. I bet you could get alot of older folks on there and share alot of stories.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:53 pm
by d-5
Three other games vs Wheelersburg
1981 Nelsonville-York 14-Burg 0
1997 Nelsonville-York 41 Burg 14
1998 Burg 61 Nelsonville-York 14
All are playoff games

vs. Burg visit it shows history for the Burg and stuff on Wheelersburg football
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:57 pm
by NYBuckeye96
I'm actually thinking about taking this on. I'll have some time after Thanksgiving. If I can handle writing a 50 page seminar paper, I think I could handle this. I could at least get the history back to 1967. It might be harder to get the old Greyhound stuff. But I don't think anyone wants to remember those years anyways! lol
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:12 pm
by otterslide
Going to do it for the entire TVC years? Make a web page for TVC to post the information?
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:28 pm
by NYBuckeye96
Well, my background is not in webpage design. If I did make a webpage, it would be very basic. I'm more interested in just retrieving the information first and then see what happens from there.
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:49 pm
by d-5
Good luck. you can do it,It would be nice for your Buckeyes
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:39 am
I would LOVE to see you do this. I really think that it is something that needs to be done and a lot of people would appreciate it (it is just that none of the rest of us will get off our fat duffs and do the work

For what it is worth, I would say you only go back to 1967 and the consolodation. Before 67 there was a combination of different schools and Lord knows you better not confuse Nelsonville with Nelsonville-YORK

(I know a UPS man in Buchtel who will have a heart attack if you do that

Besides, there are some Bulldog fans who LIVE to try and include Greyhound stats with Buckeye stats (They haven't faired nearly as well since the consolidation

Good Luck.
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:15 pm
Very funny and very accurate
Add in the fact that you are watching a SOCCER game there and not football, and then you would really see Armageddon
I always liked saying "Nelsonville" on the radio just to see how many people would get upset

(the hilarious part is that I grew up in Buchtel)
But I am a "York" boy through-and-through. I am a combination of the two "old" schools just like N-Y (My Dad was a Buchtel-York Bruin, and my Mom a Nelsonville Greyhound)
Me..... I'm a N-Y Buckeye

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:42 pm
by NYBuckeye96
My mom was a Buchtel-York Bruin and my dad was a Waterloo Rocket!
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:20 pm
I have a ton of old Athens Messenger articles.Will help.I Would like to see a NY WEB SITE.
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:35 pm
by Warpig
When I created the Trimble website, I used the geocities program off of yahoo. For $9 a month you can get a advertiser-free site (I'm sure that N-Y would have a booster organization that would be willing to give ten a month for the site, the Alumni Football Association over here does that for my site). The only computer knowledge that I have is what I taught myself and the geocities program was great for a novice like me. I highly recommend it, and look forward to seeing a site for the Buckeyes in the future.
BTW I was given some old films of Trimble and it has the complete 1981 Trimble/Nelsonville-York game on it. I'll make a few copies and get them floating around for anyone that is interested.
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:26 pm
by orange-n-brown 365
NYBuckeye96 wrote:I'm actually thinking about taking this on. I'll have some time after Thanksgiving. If I can handle writing a 50 page seminar paper, I think I could handle this. I could at least get the history back to 1967. It might be harder to get the old Greyhound stuff. But I don't think anyone wants to remember those years anyways! lol
The Library may be a place to look for old stuff like that in the history room.. I love that room!
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:26 pm
I would love to see some of that vintage 1981 film. Last year channel 15 showed the Wheelersburg game from 81 and I just sat in amazement of Brian Mays.
You know how you remember most people as being better than they actually were....... Well I think Mays may have been even better than I remember....
He was a beast