Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

... I watched the game Saturday myself at the Convo - LE vs the Peake ... I KNOW how much Austin McMasters means at BOTH ends of the floor to the CHS TEAM ... the offense runs thru the big man ( as WELL IT SHOULD), AMc gets the ball to the rest of the TEAM when he draws the defense to himself ... as pantherdad posted AMc makes the rest of the 'Peake TEAM better just by being on the floor ... with that said LE picked up the "W" - congratulations to the Braves ... does that make LE better than the Peake? - when I consulted Ouija Board the game board arrow spelled out "tie" based on the loss by LE to Canal and the LE win over the "McMasterless" Peake ... does what Pfloyd say or how I rank the teams mean "anything" ? nada ... just my take on the teams in Southern/Southeast Ohio based on what I read/see/know/strength of schedules/"Ws" & "Ls" ...

... with everything I said - I'm hoping that A Mc is back in the lineup for this weeks action ... Coach Davis! thanks for the chat at the Convo Saturday ... still waiting to hear from the James as to when they plan to move on my current health situation ... best of luck to you and the Panthers the rest of the way ...


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by BUCKEYES »

pantherdad wrote:Logan Elm and Chesapeake play again and Chesapeake wins a close one. Both teams at full strength, it's a different game. It was very disappointing to see that nobody for the Peake was able to fill the void.

If anyone plays a team that is in this Elite 8 without their best player...they lose. Chesapeake still wins the OVC without McMaster. They lose to Logan Elm, Ironton, Portsmouth, etc. without him. Chesapeake plays Ironton next week...if Peake is at full strength and Ironton is missing Carter or Fletcher and Peake wins, I'm not going to hop on here and talk about how Ironton is overrated. When your leader is gone, and I'm not just talking about points, it is a huge deal. Just ask Ohio State if they'd like to play Kansas again. Think the voters didn't take Sullinger into account when they only dropped the Buckeyes one spot?

Chesapeake lost, Logan Elm won. You play with the players that suit up. Fortunately, this isn't BCS football. These opinions will be replaced by won-lost records and advancements in the Districts and Regionals.
I watched Ironton before LE and Peake played, sorry unless Peake's star is this years Mr. Ohio they ain't beating Ironton, Ironton was very impressive and would have no problem beating LE or Peake at full strength. Peake is a nice team but Ironton is at a different my opinion.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by streetballer »

Peebles at 8 is a stretch..seein as they have played only one good team to this point...when they get into league play they will drop considerably

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by danicalifornia »

LOL streetballer is my favorite poster ever. Manchester gets their doors blown off by Peebles and he won't stop blaming the refs and/or saying Peebles is bad. Relax man, it's only high school basketball.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by generalwatcher »

small update concerning Sheridan: The young guards got a baptism by fire the past week. they were beat by Maysville on a buzzer beating 3 ball (53 -50), but the game was really lost in the 1st half by committing 16 TO's against a full out assault of a press. Then playing John Glenn, the same thing happened in the 1st qtr while falling behind 19-4. To their credit, they kept battling back to pull with 6 points at half and kept the game with 4 points until the end when JG made free throws down the wire to extend the final 49-40. The road does not get any easier with Columbus Desales and their aggressive full court pressure in wait for tuesdays matchup. I think it is good for the freshman and sophs to get a solid taste of the varsity speed early in the season. When they get their feet under them, I still feel they could be pretty dangerous down the line. But at this point, it seems that Jacob Horsley (17ppg) is trying carry them on his back until they get comfortable.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by qualified101 »

pantherdad wrote:Logan Elm and Chesapeake play again and Chesapeake wins a close one. Both teams at full strength, it's a different game. It was very disappointing to see that nobody for the Peake was able to fill the void.

If anyone plays a team that is in this Elite 8 without their best player...they lose. Chesapeake still wins the OVC without McMaster. They lose to Logan Elm, Ironton, Portsmouth, etc. without him. Chesapeake plays Ironton next week...if Peake is at full strength and Ironton is missing Carter or Fletcher and Peake wins, I'm not going to hop on here and talk about how Ironton is overrated. When your leader is gone, and I'm not just talking about points, it is a huge deal. Just ask Ohio State if they'd like to play Kansas again. Think the voters didn't take Sullinger into account when they only dropped the Buckeyes one spot?

Chesapeake lost, Logan Elm won. You play with the players that suit up. Fortunately, this isn't BCS football. These opinions will be replaced by won-lost records and advancements in the Districts and Regionals.
I watched Ironton before LE and Peake played, sorry unless Peake's star is this years Mr. Ohio they ain't beating Ironton, Ironton was very impressive and would have no problem beating LE or Peake at full strength. Peake is a nice team but Ironton is at a different my opinion.

Ironton was good but not great enough to say that it would be an easy win over LE or Peake imo.

I had a friend of mine tell me LE was without a starter in their loss to Canal. Anyone know the real story? thx.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

generalwatcher THAT is one of the BIG issues with younger players being placed in the " varsity game" - the speed of the game ... sort of like driving 90mph - seems fast, is fast when you're used to 65 mph BUT as you get used to the speed EVERYTHING slows down for you ... the mind realizes that it has time to make adjustments, that you DO have time to breathe/step back/ make a GOOD pass vs a hurried one ... I'm glad to hear that the youngsters for Sheridan are "learning" under fire- seems cruel BUT it IS necessary for good things to happen down the road ... they need to realize that "just breathing" is a very REAL key to being successful at the varsity level/ the varsity game speed ... I have been watching the scores for Sheridan! that 40-47 loss to John Glenn IS a good gauge as to the youngsters getting things together ... those boyz need to know that there WILL BE the game that what is rushing thru their minds now DOES slow down AND what they are learning/TRYING to APPLY now WILL lead to positive results=> points => "Ws" as the season moves along ... THOSE "napkin stats" become important in building confidence that what they are doing IS working ... they will start to find out that ALL of the pressure that is seemingly attacking them every game leaves the same solutions open for solving it every single time down court - trust what they have been taught, trust that taking that extra breath/slowing down is all it takes to "SEEING" the floor more clearly ... generalwatcher I wish nothing but the best for those youngsters in Sheridan AND for Mr. Horsley to "let the youngsters learn" ... he can ONLY worry about taking care of himself BUT HELP with the youngsters to "cut down on that pesky learning curve" ... be that "coach/teacher" on the floor ... guide his troops/let them learn ... even it is painful now - IT WILL GET BETTER down the stretch ...


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by 93Bulldog »

We have two freshmen that have not only adjusted - they might actually get pulled over for speeding ... Both Leuhrman and Burrow have been the leading scorers in pretty much every game Athens has played ... They might only be 'pups' - but they bite like a dog!

Floyd - I might actually do what I stated to you at the Convo ... Make a trip deep into the woods to a place known to many as Corning. Hopefully it is in fact a town (since it doesn't appear on most Ohio maps) and boy do I hope there is a school there as well ... I would hate to venture deep into Perry County only to find out there is no such thing as Miller ... Wait, isn't a Miller like a bird or something? If someone could confirm that Miller is actually also a high school - I would appreciate it.

Alright, enough kidding aside ... Although its probably gonna make me sick sitting inside a PURPLE gymnasium tomorrow - I will hopefully find my way home afterward to give to you some in depth info on not only the Falcons - but South Gallia as well Pfloyd.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by givengo »

pantherdad wrote:Logan Elm and Chesapeake play again and Chesapeake wins a close one. Both teams at full strength, it's a different game. It was very disappointing to see that nobody for the Peake was able to fill the void.

If anyone plays a team that is in this Elite 8 without their best player...they lose. Chesapeake still wins the OVC without McMaster. They lose to Logan Elm, Ironton, Portsmouth, etc. without him. Chesapeake plays Ironton next week...if Peake is at full strength and Ironton is missing Carter or Fletcher and Peake wins, I'm not going to hop on here and talk about how Ironton is overrated. When your leader is gone, and I'm not just talking about points, it is a huge deal. Just ask Ohio State if they'd like to play Kansas again. Think the voters didn't take Sullinger into account when they only dropped the Buckeyes one spot?

Chesapeake lost, Logan Elm won. You play with the players that suit up. Fortunately, this isn't BCS football. These opinions will be replaced by won-lost records and advancements in the Districts and Regionals.
I watched Ironton before LE and Peake played, sorry unless Peake's star is this years Mr. Ohio they ain't beating Ironton, Ironton was very impressive and would have no problem beating LE or Peake at full strength. Peake is a nice team but Ironton is at a different my opinion.

This was on
25 POSSIBLE WINNERS FOR 2011-2012 Ohio Mr Basketball

• Adolphus Washington (6’4/Sr.)- Cincinnati Taft
• Andre Yates (6’1/Sr.)- Dayton Dunbar
• Antonio Hearn (5’9/Sr.)- Akron Kenmore
• Austin McMaster (6’6/Sr.)- Chesapeake
• David Walker (6’6/Sr.)- Stow
• Davonte Brunson (5’11/Sr.)- Akron East
• Deontae Hawkins (6’7/Sr.)- Dayton Dunbar
• Desmond Ridenour (6’1/Sr.)- Cleveland Benedictine
• Devin Williams (6’8/Jr.)- Cincinnati Withrow
• Devon Carter (6’2/Sr.)- Cleveland John Hay
• Devon Scott (6’8/Sr.)- Columbus Northland
• Evan Bradds (6’7/Jr.)- Jamestown Greeneview
• Geovonie McKnight (6’3/Sr.)- Middletown
• Jaaron Simmons (6’1/Jr.)- Kettering Alter
• Jack Gibbs (5’10/Jr.)- Westerville North
• Jake Kretzer (6’7/Sr.)- Waverly
• Jalen Robinson (6’8/Sr.)- Columbus Northland
• Jordy Barham (6’3/Sr.)- University School
• Kendrick Williams (6’0/Sr.)- Dayton Fairborn
• Lorenzo Cugini (6’7/Sr.)- Akron SVSM
• Marc Loving (6’8/Jr.)- Toledo St. John’s
• Nigel Hayes (6’7/Jr.)- Toledo Whitmer
• Reggie McAdams (6’5/Sr.)- Elida
• Terry Rozier (6’1/Sr.)- Shaker Heights
• Tony Farmer (6’7/Jr.)- Garfield Heights

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by qualified101 »

93, once you hit corning you still have another 15-20 minute venture to Hemlock, Oh to get to Miller. fyi, put the deercatcher on the front of the vehicle. lol

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

... 93dog when you start to hear "dueling banjos" THAT might tell you there "ain't" no such thang as a school nearby LOL ... wow a REAL report from a Miller game OF ANY KIND!!! a first in the storied history of the Huddle and/or SEOPreps - you realize that you will NOT have cellphone or internet connection with the outside world OR any world for that matter ... I wonder if the programs will list ALL three names per player ie. Jim Bob McCoy , Joe Bob Hatfield etc. ??? let us know about that one 93dog ... now I DID hear a conversation with the varsity basketball coach on A radio station at one time - don't know if they even keep score where you are going ... might even play 7 on the court at a time with 2 having stay on the defensive end of the floor all the times - let us know about that one as well LOL ...

... all kidding aside - it is GREAT to see that the Miller team is competitive this season ... I believe that the Miller win this past week ties their win total from last season! ... South Gallia will need to play a solid basketball game to come out of the "woods" with a "W" ... as we talked at the preview Miller IS much improved AND is NOT going to be in the basement of the TVC this season ... 93dog ! We'll leave a light on for you !!! ...


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by 93Bulldog »

qualified101 wrote:93, once you hit corning you still have another 15-20 minute venture to Hemlock, Oh to get to Miller. fyi, put the deercatcher on the front of the vehicle. lol
Hemlock? What the heck is Hemlock??? Now I'm really confused ... We got Corning, Miller, Hemlock - I'm starting to think folks are trying to send me on a wild goose chase here ... lol

I think I'm gonna have to pull up mapquest on this one ...

"93dog ! We'll leave a light on for you !!!"

Uh, yea, I think they use lanterns over their Floyd ... I don't know, just leave a torch lit or something for me.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by givengo »

This was on JJHuddle

25 POSSIBLE WINNERS FOR 2011-2012 Ohio Mr basketball

• Adolphus Washington (6’4/Sr.)- Cincinnati Taft
• Andre Yates (6’1/Sr.)- Dayton Dunbar
• Antonio Hearn (5’9/Sr.)- Akron Kenmore
• Austin McMaster (6’6/Sr.)- Chesapeake
• David Walker (6’6/Sr.)- Stow
• Davonte Brunson (5’11/Sr.)- Akron East
• Deontae Hawkins (6’7/Sr.)- Dayton Dunbar
• Desmond Ridenour (6’1/Sr.)- Cleveland Benedictine
• Devin Williams (6’8/Jr.)- Cincinnati Withrow
• Devon Carter (6’2/Sr.)- Cleveland John Hay
• Devon Scott (6’8/Sr.)- Columbus Northland
• Evan Bradds (6’7/Jr.)- Jamestown Greeneview
• Geovonie McKnight (6’3/Sr.)- Middletown
• Jaaron Simmons (6’1/Jr.)- Kettering Alter
• Jack Gibbs (5’10/Jr.)- Westerville North
• Jake Kretzer (6’7/Sr.)- Waverly
• Jalen Robinson (6’8/Sr.)- Columbus Northland
• Jordy Barham (6’3/Sr.)- University School
• Kendrick Williams (6’0/Sr.)- Dayton Fairborn
• Lorenzo Cugini (6’7/Sr.)- Akron SVSM
• Marc Loving (6’8/Jr.)- Toledo St. John’s
• Nigel Hayes (6’7/Jr.)- Toledo Whitmer
• Reggie McAdams (6’5/Sr.)- Elida
• Terry Rozier (6’1/Sr.)- Shaker Heights
• Tony Farmer (6’7/Jr.)- Garfield Heights
Last edited by givengo on Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

...while 93dog travels to "where NO GPS system has gone before" ... the rest of us Below the Lancaster-Dixon Line will be sitting in a gym (one where signs say "Boys" "Girls" not an out house with a sign that says "Git'r dun!!!" ...

... SEOAL menu for Tuesday 12/20/11 ...

THE GAME of the NIGHT: Portsmouth @ Chillicothe


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by Eaglepapaw »

93Bulldog wrote:
qualified101 wrote:93, once you hit corning you still have another 15-20 minute venture to Hemlock, Oh to get to Miller. fyi, put the deercatcher on the front of the vehicle. lol
Hemlock? What the heck is Hemlock??? Now I'm really confused ... We got Corning, Miller, Hemlock - I'm starting to think folks are trying to send me on a wild goose chase here ... lol

I think I'm gonna have to pull up mapquest on this one ...

"93dog ! We'll leave a light on for you !!!"

Uh, yea, I think they use lanterns over their Floyd ... I don't know, just leave a torch lit or something for me.
93 dog, just take 13 from Athens through Chauncy and Glouster,continue north on 13 until you get to Corning SR 155 turn left and keep going until you get to Miller High School on your left maybe 5 or 6 miles.Nice new school in the country.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

... other games to watch for results from Tuesday night ...


South Webster

Lucasville Valley

Oak Hill

Portsmouth ND
New Boston Glenwood

Lynchburg Clay

Reedsville Eastern



South Gallia

"Larry" County KY
Coal Grove

River Valley
Vinton County


Federal Hocking

Portsmouth Clay
Western Pike

Franklin Furnace Green
Symmes Valley

Portsmouth West

... got to be more out there somewhere ... please list them so we know what results to be "surfing" for Tuesday night after our game of choice ...


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by pfloyd »

... forgot to include MSL rivalry ...

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by BUCKEYES »

qualified101 wrote:
pantherdad wrote:Logan Elm and Chesapeake play again and Chesapeake wins a close one. Both teams at full strength, it's a different game. It was very disappointing to see that nobody for the Peake was able to fill the void.

If anyone plays a team that is in this Elite 8 without their best player...they lose. Chesapeake still wins the OVC without McMaster. They lose to Logan Elm, Ironton, Portsmouth, etc. without him. Chesapeake plays Ironton next week...if Peake is at full strength and Ironton is missing Carter or Fletcher and Peake wins, I'm not going to hop on here and talk about how Ironton is overrated. When your leader is gone, and I'm not just talking about points, it is a huge deal. Just ask Ohio State if they'd like to play Kansas again. Think the voters didn't take Sullinger into account when they only dropped the Buckeyes one spot?

Chesapeake lost, Logan Elm won. You play with the players that suit up. Fortunately, this isn't BCS football. These opinions will be replaced by won-lost records and advancements in the Districts and Regionals.
I watched Ironton before LE and Peake played, sorry unless Peake's star is this years Mr. Ohio they ain't beating Ironton, Ironton was very impressive and would have no problem beating LE or Peake at full strength. Peake is a nice team but Ironton is at a different my opinion.

Ironton was good but not great enough to say that it would be an easy win over LE or Peake imo.

I had a friend of mine tell me LE was without a starter in their loss to Canal. Anyone know the real story? thx.
Nope, they had all the same kids, just played horrible and Canal is talented team. LE is very young and should improve over the year as they learn to play together and figure out each others roles on the team. I did see some improvement on "D" this weekend but the offense really struggled against a good defensive team in Peake.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

If Irontons Trevor White gets back into the Varsity lineup watch out. He was very good as a starter last year adding 9 points a game and grabbing alot of rebounds. Hopefully we'll see him back on the court playing Varsity soon and getting some much needed playing time.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio Week #3

Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »

Something minor but you got West at 1-4 but they are 2-3

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