TVC-Ohio POY???

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g w mclintock
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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by g w mclintock »

hawkeyepierce wrote:With all due respect, I will once again try to explain this phenomenon called "face-guarding" and the difference in straight Man-to-Man defense.

First, straight Man-to-Man is a on ball pressure, (that is whoever has the ball faces constant pressure), help defense. Now, the other four defensive players act accordingly to where the ball is in relationship to their man. If the ball is to one side of the court, not at the mid-line (an invisible line through the middle of the court from basket to basket), there is ON BALL pressure by the defender who guarding the offensive player with the ball, defenders that are ONE PASS away are in deny defense, that is the defender is trying to deny the pass coming back to their man. A defender who might be more than one pass away should be at the MID-LINE IN HELP defense. Again, that depends on the defender relationship to the ball and the man in which they are guarding. Now, nobody does this better than Denton Guthrie's Alexander team. I know that, but lets not be confuse with the following defense.

Coach Guthrie also runs a sagging Man-to-Man defense against better players that they may face. In the late 80's it was called the Micheal Jordan tactic. It is as follows. Against a great player a SAGGING MAN-TO-MAN defense allows a teams BEST DEFENDER to COMPLETELY DENY the star player the ball and limit their offensive touches, THIS IS CALLED FACE-GUARDING. Face-guarding because the defender is looking at the player NO MATTER WHERE THE BALL IS, THEY ARE NOT IN HELP DEFENSE, THEIR JOB IS NOT TO ALLOW THE OTHER TEAM "STAR" TO GET THE BALL. The other four defenders play off their man, SAGGING, to keep them in front of them, because there may be no help defense if they were to get beat off the dribble. If their player pull up for a shot, the defender aggressively close out (contesting a shot with a hand up) and box out. This defense is akin to a Box-and-one. The point of this defense is not to let "Micheal Jordan" beat you.

However, a true Box-and-One is a ZONE defense with one defender (usually the best defender) FACE-GUARDING the other team's star player. The other four play a two-two zone, two players at the elbows of the key and two players on each block guarding areas on the floor, ZONE defense. This defense is usually employed by teams that might not be as athletic as their opponent and/or because they are bigger than their opponent.

These are the kind of defenses that Tori Dixon has faced all year. Whether it was a face-guarding Man-to-Man or a true Box-and-One, she has not been played straight up on. And as I have said before, we could argue whether not that these kind of defenses is called a "junk" defenses, some coaches call it "junk" and there are some who do not. However, do not miss the point that there different subtleties that might go unnoticed doing the course of a game.

Wow HP- does Bob "Knight" Grillo know that you stole his defensive philosophy book? :122245

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Ironman92 »

Great senior moment by Dixon last night....WOW.

I suppose only 1 girl was a "teammate" of Dixon.....but with the 3 that are gone with what VC has.....TVC Ohio is lucky....most games would've been very ugly!

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Solomon »

There are 3 girls that play at OH but still live in VC. 2 transfer before the 7th grade.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Ironman92 »

regardless....they are all from would've been a great team with a long tourney run....not as successful as the school they went to...but history making I'm sure for VC.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Run Bubba Run »

VC would have been awesome this season if they had those three who went to Oak Hill, Strite, Caudill and Puckett would have been sweet.

They certainly would have given the Alex defenders something to chew on.

Never have understood why we lost those three. Could it have been their AAU experiences?

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by applenut »

IMO they left because:

Good Coaches make Good Teams. If you don't have good coaching, it will show in your team.
So.....good players go where good coaches are. Makes sense to me....

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

applenut wrote:IMO they left because:

Good Coaches make Good Teams. If you don't have good coaching, it will show in your team.
So.....good players go where good coaches are. Makes sense to me....

So they left for their own self-serving reasons? If that is the case, then Tori Dixon is the better human being for staying loyal, to her school, her friends, and her fans; and despite the hardships of the last two seasons, she has competed and did it with dignity and grace. In all of the adversity she has held her head high and she will be long remembered for not what she did on the court but how she persevere and maintain her character off the court.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Pol pot »

Tori didn't go to Oak Hill because they were already at their limit of players from one high school :-D

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 1974Viking »

hawkeyepierce wrote:
applenut wrote:IMO they left because:

Good Coaches make Good Teams. If you don't have good coaching, it will show in your team.
So.....good players go where good coaches are. Makes sense to me....

So they left for their own self-serving reasons? If that is the case, then Tori Dixon is the better human being for staying loyal, to her school, her friends, and her fans; and despite the hardships of the last two seasons, she has competed and did it with dignity and grace. In all of the adversity she has held her head high and she will be long remembered for not what she did on the court but how she persevere and maintain her character off the court.

Hawkeye...Don't you think it is time to let it go. I agree Tori is a greast human being, but to say the other girls are you are treading on some ground that you better back off of..As far as being loyal, I went to Vinton, and let me tell you, the people there are not so loyal if it doesn't fit their own personel vendetta's. Enough said, please let it die.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I am sorry I do not mean to disparage the other girls as much as I meant to point out the nobility in loyalty. I believe that it is of higher character to have stayed and fought the good fight than to leave for perceived "greener pastures." Everyone knows that this is how I feel and I apologize to no one for having this opinion. I have been guilty of wearing "Maroon-colored glasses" so be it, I am Vinton Countian through and through.

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???



It never ceases to amaze me when you go on here and disparage the reasons these girls left without literally knowing exactly why either decided to go. You constantly ridicule these girls for lack of loyalty and state what a character flaw that is, when someone living in your own home did exactly the same thing by going to Wellston. When are you going to realize we are no longer living in a society where loyalty is based on staying with a sinking ship but having the wisdom and strength of character to find a way to survive? By the way, this is an analogy and not an attempt to degrade Vinton County so don't let me get those "maroon colored glasses" all fogged up!

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 1974Viking »

Back on Subject. I wish the best of luck to all the Girls in the running for this Award. I sure am glad that I do not have to make the choice who is the best. In my mind they all are the best, even more so are the girls who plays the roll model of practice player to make the other girls better.They may not score the points or have the most rebounds, but they usually are the ones with the biggest heart. Not saying the starters do not have heart, but the non starters help make the team click. Just my own opinion, just tired of all the negative things that come out on here over something trivial. We think we have it rough, think about the young men and women who are stationed in some remote part of the world. Thay are the true Players of the Year. I am proud of the TVC. We do not need to give the other people in our area any more amminunation to use against us by fighting within. Again Good Luck To All The Players in the TVC, you have made it an enjoyable year to watch girls Basketball, Thank You

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by Bballfan71 »

KNOLLWOOD wrote:Hawkeye,

It never ceases to amaze me when you go on here and disparage the reasons these girls left without literally knowing exactly why either decided to go. You constantly ridicule these girls for lack of loyalty and state what a character flaw that is, when someone living in your own home did exactly the same thing by going to Wellston. When are you going to realize we are no longer living in a society where loyalty is based on staying with a sinking ship but having the wisdom and strength of character to find a way to survive? By the way, this is an analogy and not an attempt to degrade Vinton County so don't let me get those "maroon colored glasses" all fogged up!

Pay no mind to what Hawkeye writes. It appears that each time he puts on the "maroon colored glasses" and then writes about the Lady Oaks his panties bunch up.

Now back to the topic. Good luck to Dixon she is quite deserving of the honor. :-D

Go Lady Oaks!

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Re: TVC-Ohio POY???

Post by 93Bulldog »

Geeez ... what happened to TVC-Ohio P.O.Y?

I swear these threads are jinxed - they just bring out the worst in adults ... I'll go ahead and lock this topic -

Perhaps we can re-visit it after the voting is overwith and ab award has been handed out ... maybe by then heads will have cooled down a bit.


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