"your right ks78...all i do is read what the local newspaper reporters report.......rebounds and points....get real....."
No ff1, these two posts above warranted you being called an idiot.
And what is "warrents"?
Again, ROFLMAO at ff1!!!!!!

Thanks, MOF.MightyOaksFan wrote:Keyser and bdubya work their tails off for the local student athletes. They do a great job of making sure everyone gets noticed. Their coverage for the area is unbelieveable. A girls' team from the southeast district has only finished as the AP poll champion twice I believe. Those 2 times would not have been possible without the work of these two men.
sportygrl wrote:This subject is a little confusing to me on exactly what info. is looked at in determining the voting. This poll is put up annually so it is based on a players overall stats for that yr. So, in comparison for the publics view, why don't they post the players stats that actually made the list? That would even show and seperate the POYs and why and how of they were selected.
From the looks of your spelling each post; it probably wouldn't take much to confuse you, you poor thing you.....aawww.Vlad III the Impaler wrote:sportygrl wrote:This subject is a little confusing to me on exactly what info. is looked at in determining the voting. This poll is put up annually so it is based on a players overall stats for that yr. So, in comparison for the publics view, why don't they post the players stats that actually made the list? That would even show and seperate the POYs and why and how of they were selected.
That make us even. I have been confused about your posts all this and most of last year.
Sportygirl - Before you make fun of Vlad's typing skills, maybe you should read the last line of your post he quoted... Your English teacher would be cringing.sportygrl wrote:From the looks of your spelling each post; it probably wouldn't take much to confuse you, you poor thing you.....aawww.Vlad III the Impaler wrote:sportygrl wrote:This subject is a little confusing to me on exactly what info. is looked at in determining the voting. This poll is put up annually so it is based on a players overall stats for that yr. So, in comparison for the publics view, why don't they post the players stats that actually made the list? That would even show and seperate the POYs and why and how of they were selected.
That make us even. I have been confused about your posts all this and most of last year.
A lot of times, unfortunately, the coach's all district is based on points and loyalty to their team and teams you are familiar with. Here is how it works, let's say a coach gets 8 votes. Whoever he "thinks" is the best gets 8 points, then next will get 7 and so on all the way down to 1 point. The girls with the most points fill up first team then on to second and then finally special mention. A difference between coaches and AP is that a lot less girls are selected for these honors. What could happen is that your coach my vote for you near the top of his list but other coaches not even vote for them because they have their players that they want to get in there and also their conference players.Bballfan71 wrote:Congratulations to The Lady Oaks on a spectacular season! The Oaks are a hard working well deserving team. The team, having lost arguably the best player in Southern Ohio, regrouped and formed a winning combination. Their spirit and determination is quite commendable.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'll get to my question. Having watched the Lady Oaks, both near and from afar, and reading this website from time to time this thread is the first I have felt compelled to ask a question about. Looking over both the AP All- Southeast District and the All District 13 Team Polls I was surprised to see that they differed quite a bit. Would not the same best players from AP All-Southeast poll still be the best players when the District 13 Poll was conducted? I will name just a few of the glaring differences although I am sure there are countless more. For instance a player that placed on third team (All District Team) is nowhere to be found on the District 13 Poll. And not to mention our player of the year (All District) is only good enough for the Second Team (District 13 Poll)?? I, like countless others, are miffed that there could be so much variance between the two polls. Could the problem lie with the voting process? Or is it that the attributes of the players are valued differently from one poll to the next? How about the good old fashioned problem called nepotism? Whatever the case may be I hope it gets sorted out before next year and deserving girls are not omitted.
Best of luck to the Lady Oaks! Bring home a victory to Oak Hill from the Schott!We believe!