Countrygirl17 wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:01 pm
Gray Cat wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:19 am
Countrygirl17 wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:59 pm
You have got to be kidding me. If the tomcats were the best in the state— they would’ve been at state. Trimble and Waterford aren’t even in the same category anymore. The teams Waterford played and beat were exceptional teams. Did you even watch the two games Waterford played in - or any of the other d4 games. These team that played in the Final Four were the best. I’m pretty sure Fort Loramie and TriVillage aren’t sitting at home saying they are the best in the state after losing in their regionals.
Read much? I never said "the tomcats were the best in the sate." The Lady Cats did beat Waterford though. So, and yes I watched every tourney game Waterford had, I believe Trimble would have won the state IF they had beaten Waterford for the second time in the regional final. Last I checked each person on here is permitted an opinion, so I'm sharing mine. Too bad if it offends you. No safe spaces here on SEOPS so I guess you'll have to stop reading those posts that are offensive to you. SMDH
I love how you’re questioning my ability to read because obviously you can’t read your own post. And I quote
“ Two best teams in the state in the same league.”
I’m no English teacher but that pretty much says that you are saying the Trimble and Waterford are the two best teams in the state. One of them is. And it’s not Trimble.
And here is what you originally said about my post: "You have got to be kidding me. If the tomcats were the best in the state..." So, your English teacher must have pointed out your mistake to you because it looks like you're starting to figure it out. Keep practicing and you'll get better at reading, I promise. in he meantime, think about what I wrote. If you need more help, talk to your teacher. I think you'll find that what I actually said is, if Trimble had beaten Waterford in the tourney like they did in the regular season they would have gone on to win the state. Maybe by me writing it again you'll get it this time.