Some may disagree, but in my opinion Dennis Biddinger is, was, and will always be one of the best coaches and teachers ever. After 35 years of teaching in Warren Local School District his is taking his retirement leave and heading for warmer weather! "Coach/Mr. B" has influenced countless lives over that time and he would be the first to acknowledge that the things I will list are NOT necessarily his greatest accomplishments but they are quite worth mention to me. I do not know the exact numbers but these are close.
As a Girls Basketball coach for 13 years at Warren his teams won 200+ games and finished as the D-II State Runners-up in 1997. They won the District tournament four times and the TVC and SEOAL ? times (probably 6-8).
He was an assistant FB coach for 21 years under several head coaches including Ernie Moore, Kuzmaul (sp), Bob Hill, and Al Riffey. (Sorry I have forgotten at least one other name maybe 2-3)
He also was the JV Baseball coach for something like 12 years and only had one losing record in that time.
In one season or another he coached wrestling, track (I think), freshmen, JV, and assistant boys basketball.
He began teaching at WHS in 1973-74 and moved to B-V Elementary in the 95-96 school year. just a rough estimate of students he would have had in class at one time or another would be 2000+. He has been very proud to be a member of the schools throughout this time while raising his three sons and now being grandpa to four grandsons. He and his wife have always been big supporters of Warren and will continue to be in the future!
I would like to extend MY congratulations to Coach B and hope he catches some sun and foul balls at Indians Spring training!