- JV Team
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Re: Recruiting
I have an idea. If the player is so great then why don't they stay at their home school and make them better? Make a winning tradition there and people can talk about how that kid helped turn their program around and many years down the line people will be talking about this player. Or they can transfer go play for a winnning team and soon as a better transfer comes in then they lose their spot. Just be careful how loyal that team is to the new kid on the block.
Re: Recruiting
Correct and when they are welcomed with open arms then its o.k.? I guess we should just take the choices away.
- JV Team
- Posts: 269
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Re: Recruiting
No they have choices as long as they follow OHSAA rules. My point is transferring to a winning program is kind of taking a short cut. There are no short cuts in life. My child will never turn his back on his friends because he or she might have a better chance to win at another school. Just my parenting philosophy. If you want to win work harder and make those around you better. Very simple. I am big on loyalty, hard work, and sportsmanship, hopefully I can instill those values in my children.
- theassassin
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Re: Recruiting
Sorry, PtofReason. I liked it.
Oh and You need to be Loyal to yourself aswell.
Yes and follow ALL the OHSAA rules and lets not forget to treat the athletes fair aswell.
Oh and You need to be Loyal to yourself aswell.
Yes and follow ALL the OHSAA rules and lets not forget to treat the athletes fair aswell.
- JV Team
- Posts: 269
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Re: Recruiting
Being loyal to self and selfishness- very fine line between the two. I know many people think loyalty is dead but if we do not teach it to our children then it will be gone.
Re: Recruiting
Since we are not talking about any school in particular, what would you say about an exceptional athlete that may have a future in their sport and the school system is not providing the best coaching staff? Again, I am not talking about any school in particular. Just a hypothetical.
- JV Team
- Posts: 269
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Re: Recruiting
If the player is good enough they will find him or her. Most players learn most of their fundamentals from camps, and other offseason activities. How do you judge if the coaching staff is not good enough? I would like to know? My biggest concern would be if the coaches are not offering enough off-season work-outs.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Recruiting
OS, I'm with you. I hope to instill loyalty to my children and teach them life isn't always simply about them. We live in a world of instant gratification, it is evident everywhere. I want to teach my children to work hard and make the people around them better. I do however acknowledge that each parent has a choice. Not knocking your choices, only stating mine (so don't attack me) 

- Waterboy
- Posts: 22
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Re: Recruiting
[quote="ocho stinko"]If the player is good enough they will find him or her. Most players learn most of their fundamentals from camps, and other offseason activities. How do you judge if the coaching staff is not good enough? I would like to know? My biggest concern would be if the coaches are not offering enough off-season work-outs.[/quote="ocho stinko"]
It is not hard to spot a bad coaching staff, or a bad program for that matter. If there is one very talented player, surrounded, not just by bad players, but by players who do not care to improve, why on earth should the good player have to suffer. They shouldn't. They should take their hard work to a program willing to work hard in return.
It is not hard to spot a bad coaching staff, or a bad program for that matter. If there is one very talented player, surrounded, not just by bad players, but by players who do not care to improve, why on earth should the good player have to suffer. They shouldn't. They should take their hard work to a program willing to work hard in return.
- JV Team
- Posts: 269
- Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:10 pm
Re: Recruiting
Not attacking anyone. Just stating how I am going to raise my child. Hard work, no easy short cuts. Take the hand your dealt and make it better. Thats all. Everyone has a choice not knocking or attacking. I am a loyalist thats all. People don't always agree with me but I am what I am and I was raised a certain way. It is a discussion forum and I thought people were allowed to state their opinion. In todays day in age how many schools have that bad of coaching where aplayer should jump ship?
- Spartan4Life
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Recruiting
If it results in winning teams then who cares. Anyone who has a problem with it is just jealous that their school doesn't do it and win.
Re: Recruiting
I don't think it has anything to do with jealousy. High school athletics are an extracurricular activity which gives student a chance to represent their school and in turn community in their chosen sport. A community pays property taxes to support the schools and in turn athletics in their community. Boosters donate and raise money to assist in funding their particular high school athletics. How can someone justify sending their child to another school outside their community,based soley on an athletic program, that they have not supported prior to the time their child starts attending and potentially taking a spot from another athlete who chooses not to move and may have attended that school from the time they started school. In my opinion any school or coach who encourages transfers have forgotten the intent and spirit of interscholastic athletics.
High schools are there to educate, athletics are a bonus for the students who attend.
High schools are there to educate, athletics are a bonus for the students who attend.
Re: Recruiting
Open enrollment has hurt so many schools in this area. I think that is should never have started. If you or your children do not like the school district that you live in, academic/athletic wise, then you should have to move into the district that you like. When our family looked in to buying a house for the first time, school district was a big factor.
Transfers have hurt and helped our district but it would have never been a factor if it weren't for open enrollment.
Transfers have hurt and helped our district but it would have never been a factor if it weren't for open enrollment.
- JV Team
- Posts: 269
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- JV Team
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Re: Recruiting
It's all about ME. That is why there is no loyality.It's not just the players. Parents,coaches & adimistration too. Who would want a player willing to turn their back on their team to better theirself? Who would want a coach who would turn their back on a team of loyal players? Who would want parents coming to your school who just cared about their kid and only their kid? Who would want an adminstration that let this go on? What school would want to win with players that were'nt from their school? The answer to all these questions are greedy selfish people. If you are a player who thinks you are not getting enough looks on your team. Play AAU ball, you will get more looks there anyway. OHSAA are the only ones who will stop this because you got to many greedy schools,coaches,players and parents for it to every stop. They ought to make a rule that you have to go to a school at least 100 miles from your old school before you can transfer.
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
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Re: Recruiting
some interestings points BUT, coach's leave all the time for greener pastures and to better themselves, so what makes an athlete different. college coach's are even worse because they have actually recruited players that play for them and guess what, they jump at the next coaching job that will further their career or make them more money. there are only a handful of coach's that dont turn on their players. just some food for thought.