ervbaseball13 wrote:First off you need to back off on your language and tone partner unless you wanna come out from behind your screen name. You could had said that stuff without being so disrespectful, I don't talk to people that way and you won't talk to me that way. I do know OU doesn't set the prices and they don't get the gate. Thats not my grip. OU charging the pep bus is my biggest grip. Who makes the call about the bleachers if its not OU? So since you know so much are you gonna say OU doesn't get the parking, concession and not to mention the money from the group that rented the facility? As far as them clearing the gym, I think if they don't clear the gym they have more people stick around and have a better atmosphere. JMO. If you wanna have an opinion thats cool but don't bad mouth me about mine pol pot.
My problem is you get on here, you spout half truths and judgments without knowing the facts. Sorry if I offended you, but it just gets old having people spout and go off about things they do not know! On parking, I called parking services this morning. They charge $20 because a bus takes up 4 parking spaces, and the occupants of that bus are paying customers. I may not like it, but there are the facts, I did not post half truths, I went and found out the truth. As for the bleachers, I clearly stated who makes that call the group or organization that rents the facility makes that call. I am not going to say that OU does not get parking, they do, I never said the didn't so maybe you should READ! Concessions is a contract basis, OU gets a % of concessions, same as any other real sporting venue you go to. Concessions are ran by an outside vendor who contracts with the University. Facility rental is very minor and is in fact cheaper than what some high schools charge for their facilities. As for more people sticking around if the gym is not cleared, again you are missing the issue. The issue is about the finances and the accounting. Also please do not forget that their has to be some money made on these events by the organizer or they would not be able to put on other tournaments that do not make money such as Softball, Cross Country, Golf, Bowling, and provide those opportunities for every student Athlete. As well several sectional sites in the smaller divisions and especially in the girls side LOSE money, so something has to MAKE money to subsidize these events.