Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
qualified- That is not exactly what I ask you. you left part of it out. I ask if you would rather have your child practice with the varsity/jv and sit the bench, or have your child be with the group where she can get the most playing time. It would seem that no lower level coach is good enough for your kid, because you bashed the freshmen volleyball coach, who is just a kid herself, and now you are bashing coach Burns. It makes me wonder if next year you will bash the JV coaches, thinking that the varsity coaches would be better for your kid. This public forum is not the place to take out your frustrations. If your kid (or any kid) is good enough in the coaches eyes, as a freshmen she will be moved up. It pretty much doesn't matter what you or I think, we are not the coaches. She is a freshmen, she will get her chance to shine. Let her shine this year with the freshmen team if that is where the coaches want her. She will have alot less pressure, except from you it would seem. Honestly, I am sick and tired of all the negative whining coming from you. Your kid is probably very frustrated also, because she probably feels like she isn't living up to your expectations
Varsity Schedule
Nov. 16......Fairfield Union................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 45 to 25--scoring for Logan--Klinger 7-Bosch 8-Bolen 11-Klingenberg 9-Reynolds 3-M. Hoffman 3-Harris 4---(Rebounds) M. Hoffman 9-Harris 8-Bolen 6-Bosch 5-Reynolds 5-(Assists-Harris 6-Cassady 4-M. Hoffman 2---(Steals) Cassady,Klingenberg, Harris Reynolds 2 each---as per LDN
Nov. 20......New Lex........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 59 to 24--scoring for Logan--Klinger 8-Cassady 6-Bolen 15-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 2-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 5-Harris 14---Rebounds- Harris 15-Bolen 5--Assists-Bosch 4-Harris 4-Cassady 3--Steals-Cassady 4-Harris 4-M.Hoffman 2 as per LND
Logan wins 61 to 34--scoring for Logan--Klinger 2-Bosch 14-Cassady 5-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 7-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 4-Topf 3-Bolin 6-Harris 14--rebounds-Harris 11-Bolen 5-M. Hoffman 5-Assists-Cassady 7-Reynolds 5 Bosch3-Steals- K.Hoffman 4-Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2-Harris 2--as per LDN
Nov. 27......Warren.........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 56 to 38-scoring for Logan-Bosch 13-Cassady 3-Bolen 13-Reynolds 5-K.Hoffman 2-M.Hoffman 2-Harris 19---Rebounds-Harris 24--Assists- Harris 4-Bosch 3- Bolen 3-Reynolds 2-Steals- Bosch 4-Harris 4-Cassady 2--as per LDN
Nov. 30......Gallia............................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 72 to 24--Scoring for Logan--Klinger 2-Bosch 8-Cassady 4-Bolin 15-Klingenberg 6-Reynolds 7- K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 6
Topf 14-Harris 8---Rebounds--Harris 9- Klinger 4-Cassady 4-K. Hoffman 4-M. Hoffman 4-Assists-Reynolds 4- Bosch 3-Harris 3-Klinger 2-Cassady 2-M. Hoffman 2--Steals--Cassady 4-Bolin 4-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 3- M.Hoffman 2 as per LDN
Dec. 03......Alexander......................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 56 to 36--scoring for Logan-Bosch 7-Cassady 2-Bolen 12-Klingenberg 2-Reynolds 13-M. Hoffman 2-Harris 18--Rebounds Harris 22---Assists-Harris 4-Bosch 3-Cassady 2--Steals- Bosch 4-Harris 2 as per LDN
Dec. 05......Ironton..........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins make up game 67 to 43--scoring for Logan--Bosch 3-Cassady 5-Bolen 17-Reynolds 10-Harris 23-Hughes 3-Klingenberg 2-K. Hoffman 3---Rebounds Harris 13-Bolen 8--Assists Reynolds 2-Harris 2--Steals Harris 3-Bosch 2--as per LDN
Dec. 08......Athens...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 69-17--scoring for Logan-Klinger 14-Bosch 4-Cassady 9-Bolen 4-Klingenberg 4-K. Hoffman 6-M. Hoffman 4-Topf 7-Harris 17--Rebounds-Harris 11-Klinger 6-K. Hoffman 5-M. Hoffman 5-Assists--Bosch 5-Topf 4- Cassady 3-Klingenberg 2-M.Hoffman 2-Harris 2-Steals-Harris 5- Bosch 4- Klingenberg 3 as per LDN
Dec. 19......Marietta.........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 58-51--scoring for Logan-Hughes 2-Klinger 5-Bosch 9-Cassady 3-Bolin 8-Klingenberg 6-Reynolds 3-K.Hoffman 2 Harris 20--Rebounds-Harris 18-Bosch 7-Assists-Cassady 5-Reynolds 3 Bosch 2-Steals- Bosch 3-Cassady 2-as per LDN
Dec. 22......Zanesville.......................1:30.....Home
Logan wins 66-27--scoring for Logan--Hughes 2-Klinger 4-Bosch 11-Cassady 9-Bolen 14-Reynolds 11-K. Hoffman 5-Topf 3-Harris7-Rebounds-Reynolds 8-Harris 7- Bolen 6--Assists-Bosch 4-Reynolds 4-Cassady 3-Bolen 3--Steals--Bolen 3-Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2--as per LDN
Dec. 28......Hol. Class........................7:30.....Home
Logan gets first loss to Maysville--50 to 47--scoring for Logan--Klinger 6-Bosch 14- Cassady 4-Bolin 8-Klingenberg 2- Reynolds 2-M. Hoffman 2-Harris 9- rebounds--Harris 9-Bolen 6- Klinger 5--Assists- Cassady 3- Bosch 2- Bolen 2-Steals Cassady 5- Bosch 4-Harris 4--as per LDN
Dec. 29......Hol. Class........................TBA......Home
Logan beats Little Miami--scoring for Logan---Hughes 5-Klinger 2-Bosch 4-Cassady 2-Bolen 14-Reynolds 13-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 1-Harris 20--Rebounds--Harris 15-Bolin 4--Assists- Bosch 2-Reynolds 2-Steals-Harris 6-Bosch 4-Cassady 3-Blocks Harris 8--as per LDN
Jan. 05.......Chillicothe.......................2:30.....Home
Logan wins 51 to 30--scoring for Logan--Klinger 5-Cassady 9-Bosch 5-Bolen 14-Reynolds 2-Harris 12--Rebs--Harris 8-Reynolds 5-K.Hoffman 5-Assists--Cassady 4-Bolen 3-Reynolds 2-Harris 2--Steals-Harris 5-Bosch 3-Cassady 2-
Jan. 07.......Warren...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 55 to 41--Scoring for Logan--Hughes 2-Klinger 4- Bosch 8-Cassady 4-Bolen 16-K. Hoffman 3- Harris 18-Rebs-Harris 15-Assists-Bosch 3-Harris 3- Cassady 2-Steals-Harris 3- Klinger 2-Bosch 2- Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 09.......Athens............................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 54/16--Scoring for Logan--Klinger 4-Bosch 4-Bolen 9-Reynolds 3-K. Huffman 4-M.Hoffman 7-Topf 7-Harris 16--Rebs-Harris 10-Assists-Cassady 6-Hughes 2- Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2- Harris 2-Steals--Harris 11-Bosch 6- K.Hoffman 4-Cassady 3-Reynolds 3--as per LDN
Jan. 12.......Portsmouth......................7:30.....Away
Logan wins-Scoring for Logan-Klinger 10- Bosch 7- Cassady 2-Bolen 8-Klingenberg 12-Reynolds 15-M. Hoffman 6-Topf 7-Harris 9-Rebs--Hughes 9-Topf 5-Harris 5-Klinger 4-Klingenberg 4-M. Hoffman 4-Assists-Klingenberg 5-Cassady 4-Reynolds4-Topf 4-Harris 3-Bosch 2-M. Hoffman 2-Steals-Reynolds 6-Hughes 4- Cassady 3- Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2-as per LDN
Jan. 19.......Jackson...........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 51 to 35--scoring for Logan Hughes 2-Klinger 1-Bosch 10-Cassady 3-Bolen 16-Reynolds 2-K.Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 6-Harria 9--Rebounds--Harris 10-Bolen 6- Bosch 5-Assists--Cassady 4- Bolen 2- Harris 2-Steals-- Cassady 5-Bosch 3-Harris 3- Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 23.......Zanesville........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 51 to 41--Scoring for Logan--Hughes 4-Klinger 2-Bosch 6-Cassady 3-Bolen 15-Klingenberg 4-K.Hoffman 2-M.Hoffman 4-Harris 11-Rebounds-Harris 11-Bolen -8--Assists-Bolen 3- Bosch,Reynolds,Harris 2-Steals Harris 3-Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 30.......Marietta...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 59 to 46
Feb. 02.......SEOAL.............................7:30.....????
Logan wins 45 to 28 to finish 13-0 in league play
Reserve Schedule
Fairfield Union
Logan wins 51 to 14---scoring--Evans 10-Klinger 7-K. Hoffman 7-Smart 7-Klingenberg 7-Vermillion 4-Smith 2-Topf 2-Murphy 2--(Rebounds) Evans 10-(assists) Vermillion 5--as per LDN
New Lex
Logan wins 44 to 13--scoring for Logan--Topf 11-Evans 8-Graf 6-Vermillian 6-Fridley 6-Murphy 3-Bachem 2-Smart 2--Rebounds Fridley 7-Evans 6-Murphy 4--assists- Topf 2 Graf 2 as per LDN
Logan wins 49 to 13--Scoring for Logan--Klingenberg 11-Evans 8-Bailey6-Smith 6-Vermillion 4-Fridley 4-Topf 3-Murphy 3-Graf 2-Smart 2-Assists-Vermillion 3-Murphy 2-Rebounds- Baily 5-Murphy 3-Smart 3---as per LDN
Logan wins 39 to 35--scoring for Logan--Topf 10-Evans 8-Vermillion 7-Graf 5-Klingenberg 4-Fridley 2-Smart 2-Bachen 1--Rebounds-Evans 8-Fridley 5--Assists-Klingenberg 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 55 to 25--scoring for Logan--Evans 11-Vermillion 10-Topf 8-Klingenberg 6-Murphy6-Graf 4-Smart 4-Bailey 4-Bachem 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 54 to 26--scoring for Logan-Evans 24-Vermillion 9-Topf 6- Fridley 5-Klingenberg 4-Graf 2-Bachem 2-Smart 2--Rebounds-Evans 4-Fridley 5-Assists-Vermillian 4-as per LDL
Logan wins 42 to 39--scoring for Logan--Evans 12-Klingenberg 8-Vermillion 7-Graf 6-Topf 5-Bailey 4-Smart 3-Bachem 2-Murphy 2--Rebounds-Evans 5--Assists--Graf,Smith,Topf,Klingerberg,Baily all had 2--Steals Bachem 2 as per LDN
Logan wins 36 -17--scoring for Logan--Vermillion 8-Fridley 8-Murphy 8-Graf 3-Evans 3-Smith 2-Bailey 2-Smart 2-Rebounds Evans 5-Vermillion 4-Smart 4-Assist Vermillion 3-Graft 3 -Smith 2-Steals--Vermillion 5-Bailer 2-Smart 2--as per LDN
Logan take first L--Scoring for Logan--Topf 17-Vermillion 14-Klingenberg 7-Evans 4- Graf 3- Murphy 2- Fridley 1--
Logan drops their second in a row---37-33--scoring for Logan--Topf 11-Evans 7-Klingenberg 5-Murphy 4-Graf 2-Vermillion 2-Fridley 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 61 to 13--Scoring for Logan--Topf 16-Bachem 12- Smart 10- Evans 9-Klingenberg 6-Bailey 4- Smith 2-Murphy 2-as per LDN
Logan wins-39-35--Scoring for Logan--Topf 18-Evans 8-Graf 4-Klingenberg 3-Bailey 3-Fridley 3--as per LDN
Logan wins 44/17--scoring for Logan--Topf 17-Graf 12-Bailey 6-Bachem,Fridley,Murphy, Smart all had 2-Klingenberg 1--Assists Bailey and Murphy had 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 2q game 24- 15--scoring for Logan-Topf 13-Fridley 4-Klingenberg 2-Bailey 2-Murphy 2-Bachem 1-Assists Klingenberg 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 49 to 16--Scoring for Logan--Evans 10-Smith 9-Klingenberg 8-Bailey 6-Murphy 5-Bachem 4-Graf 3-Fridley 2-Smart 2-Assists-Topf 4-the JV are now 13/2 overall and 9/2 in the league as per LDN
Logan falls 36 to 33--Scoring for Logan--Evans 8-Topf-7-Klingenberg 7-Bailey 6-Bachem,Murphy 2-Fridley 1-as per LDN
Logan wins this time
Freshman Schedule
11-16.......Fairfield Union-----------..5:00.......Home
Logan wins 32 to 15---scoring for Logan-Murphy 13-Linton 11-Graf 2-Wagoner 2-Bennington 2-McBride 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 37 to 27--scoring for Logan-Murphy 12-Linton 7-Wagoner 6-Sampson 5-McBride 4-Wharton 2-Griggs 1--as per LDN
12/03.......Canal Winchester...........6:00.......Away
Logan wins
Logan falls 33-27--scoring for Logan--Murphy 12-Linton 6-Wagoner 4-McBride 3- Bennington 2--Rebs-Linton 5-Wagoner 6-Smith 5-Blocks Linton 2-Steals Sampson 3-Assists Wagoner 2-Smith 3-as per LDN
Logan falls 21-15--scoring for Logan-Wagoner 5-Murphy 4- McBride 4-Wharton 2--Rebs- Sampson 8-Wagoner 7-Steals Sampson 5-as per LDN
12-29......Tri Valley...................................Away
Logan wins 32-21--Scoring for Logan--Linton 9- Murphy 6-McBride 5-Sampson 4-Wagoner 3-Smith-3-Hoag 2--Rebounds Sampson 4-Steals-Sampson 4-Wagoner 3-Linton 3- Assist- Murphy 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 45-34--Scoring for Logan--Murphy 17-Wagoner 14-Sampson 7- Hoag 4-Linton 2-McBride 1--Rebs--McBride 6-Wagoner 5-Linton 4- Murphy 4-Assists-Linton 2-Murphy 2-Steals-Murphy 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 25-14--scoring for Logan--Wagoner 11-Murphy 4-Sampson,Smith, Taylor,Bennington,McBride all scored 2--Rebs Wagoner 9-Sampson 4-Steals-Murphy 5-Blocks Linton 2-as per LDN
7th and 8th Schedule
12-08.....Athens...............10 am...Away
12-10.....G. Cleveland.......5:30.....Away
01-10.....G. Cleveland.......5:30.....Home
Nov. 16......Fairfield Union................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 45 to 25--scoring for Logan--Klinger 7-Bosch 8-Bolen 11-Klingenberg 9-Reynolds 3-M. Hoffman 3-Harris 4---(Rebounds) M. Hoffman 9-Harris 8-Bolen 6-Bosch 5-Reynolds 5-(Assists-Harris 6-Cassady 4-M. Hoffman 2---(Steals) Cassady,Klingenberg, Harris Reynolds 2 each---as per LDN
Nov. 20......New Lex........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 59 to 24--scoring for Logan--Klinger 8-Cassady 6-Bolen 15-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 2-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 5-Harris 14---Rebounds- Harris 15-Bolen 5--Assists-Bosch 4-Harris 4-Cassady 3--Steals-Cassady 4-Harris 4-M.Hoffman 2 as per LND
Logan wins 61 to 34--scoring for Logan--Klinger 2-Bosch 14-Cassady 5-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 7-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 4-Topf 3-Bolin 6-Harris 14--rebounds-Harris 11-Bolen 5-M. Hoffman 5-Assists-Cassady 7-Reynolds 5 Bosch3-Steals- K.Hoffman 4-Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2-Harris 2--as per LDN
Nov. 27......Warren.........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 56 to 38-scoring for Logan-Bosch 13-Cassady 3-Bolen 13-Reynolds 5-K.Hoffman 2-M.Hoffman 2-Harris 19---Rebounds-Harris 24--Assists- Harris 4-Bosch 3- Bolen 3-Reynolds 2-Steals- Bosch 4-Harris 4-Cassady 2--as per LDN
Nov. 30......Gallia............................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 72 to 24--Scoring for Logan--Klinger 2-Bosch 8-Cassady 4-Bolin 15-Klingenberg 6-Reynolds 7- K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 6
Topf 14-Harris 8---Rebounds--Harris 9- Klinger 4-Cassady 4-K. Hoffman 4-M. Hoffman 4-Assists-Reynolds 4- Bosch 3-Harris 3-Klinger 2-Cassady 2-M. Hoffman 2--Steals--Cassady 4-Bolin 4-Klingenberg 4-Reynolds 3- M.Hoffman 2 as per LDN
Dec. 03......Alexander......................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 56 to 36--scoring for Logan-Bosch 7-Cassady 2-Bolen 12-Klingenberg 2-Reynolds 13-M. Hoffman 2-Harris 18--Rebounds Harris 22---Assists-Harris 4-Bosch 3-Cassady 2--Steals- Bosch 4-Harris 2 as per LDN
Dec. 05......Ironton..........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins make up game 67 to 43--scoring for Logan--Bosch 3-Cassady 5-Bolen 17-Reynolds 10-Harris 23-Hughes 3-Klingenberg 2-K. Hoffman 3---Rebounds Harris 13-Bolen 8--Assists Reynolds 2-Harris 2--Steals Harris 3-Bosch 2--as per LDN
Dec. 08......Athens...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 69-17--scoring for Logan-Klinger 14-Bosch 4-Cassady 9-Bolen 4-Klingenberg 4-K. Hoffman 6-M. Hoffman 4-Topf 7-Harris 17--Rebounds-Harris 11-Klinger 6-K. Hoffman 5-M. Hoffman 5-Assists--Bosch 5-Topf 4- Cassady 3-Klingenberg 2-M.Hoffman 2-Harris 2-Steals-Harris 5- Bosch 4- Klingenberg 3 as per LDN
Dec. 19......Marietta.........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 58-51--scoring for Logan-Hughes 2-Klinger 5-Bosch 9-Cassady 3-Bolin 8-Klingenberg 6-Reynolds 3-K.Hoffman 2 Harris 20--Rebounds-Harris 18-Bosch 7-Assists-Cassady 5-Reynolds 3 Bosch 2-Steals- Bosch 3-Cassady 2-as per LDN
Dec. 22......Zanesville.......................1:30.....Home
Logan wins 66-27--scoring for Logan--Hughes 2-Klinger 4-Bosch 11-Cassady 9-Bolen 14-Reynolds 11-K. Hoffman 5-Topf 3-Harris7-Rebounds-Reynolds 8-Harris 7- Bolen 6--Assists-Bosch 4-Reynolds 4-Cassady 3-Bolen 3--Steals--Bolen 3-Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2--as per LDN
Dec. 28......Hol. Class........................7:30.....Home
Logan gets first loss to Maysville--50 to 47--scoring for Logan--Klinger 6-Bosch 14- Cassady 4-Bolin 8-Klingenberg 2- Reynolds 2-M. Hoffman 2-Harris 9- rebounds--Harris 9-Bolen 6- Klinger 5--Assists- Cassady 3- Bosch 2- Bolen 2-Steals Cassady 5- Bosch 4-Harris 4--as per LDN
Dec. 29......Hol. Class........................TBA......Home
Logan beats Little Miami--scoring for Logan---Hughes 5-Klinger 2-Bosch 4-Cassady 2-Bolen 14-Reynolds 13-K. Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 1-Harris 20--Rebounds--Harris 15-Bolin 4--Assists- Bosch 2-Reynolds 2-Steals-Harris 6-Bosch 4-Cassady 3-Blocks Harris 8--as per LDN
Jan. 05.......Chillicothe.......................2:30.....Home
Logan wins 51 to 30--scoring for Logan--Klinger 5-Cassady 9-Bosch 5-Bolen 14-Reynolds 2-Harris 12--Rebs--Harris 8-Reynolds 5-K.Hoffman 5-Assists--Cassady 4-Bolen 3-Reynolds 2-Harris 2--Steals-Harris 5-Bosch 3-Cassady 2-
Jan. 07.......Warren...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 55 to 41--Scoring for Logan--Hughes 2-Klinger 4- Bosch 8-Cassady 4-Bolen 16-K. Hoffman 3- Harris 18-Rebs-Harris 15-Assists-Bosch 3-Harris 3- Cassady 2-Steals-Harris 3- Klinger 2-Bosch 2- Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 09.......Athens............................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 54/16--Scoring for Logan--Klinger 4-Bosch 4-Bolen 9-Reynolds 3-K. Huffman 4-M.Hoffman 7-Topf 7-Harris 16--Rebs-Harris 10-Assists-Cassady 6-Hughes 2- Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2- Harris 2-Steals--Harris 11-Bosch 6- K.Hoffman 4-Cassady 3-Reynolds 3--as per LDN
Jan. 12.......Portsmouth......................7:30.....Away
Logan wins-Scoring for Logan-Klinger 10- Bosch 7- Cassady 2-Bolen 8-Klingenberg 12-Reynolds 15-M. Hoffman 6-Topf 7-Harris 9-Rebs--Hughes 9-Topf 5-Harris 5-Klinger 4-Klingenberg 4-M. Hoffman 4-Assists-Klingenberg 5-Cassady 4-Reynolds4-Topf 4-Harris 3-Bosch 2-M. Hoffman 2-Steals-Reynolds 6-Hughes 4- Cassady 3- Bosch 2-Klingenberg 2-as per LDN
Jan. 19.......Jackson...........................7:30.....Home
Logan wins 51 to 35--scoring for Logan Hughes 2-Klinger 1-Bosch 10-Cassady 3-Bolen 16-Reynolds 2-K.Hoffman 2-M. Hoffman 6-Harria 9--Rebounds--Harris 10-Bolen 6- Bosch 5-Assists--Cassady 4- Bolen 2- Harris 2-Steals-- Cassady 5-Bosch 3-Harris 3- Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 23.......Zanesville........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 51 to 41--Scoring for Logan--Hughes 4-Klinger 2-Bosch 6-Cassady 3-Bolen 15-Klingenberg 4-K.Hoffman 2-M.Hoffman 4-Harris 11-Rebounds-Harris 11-Bolen -8--Assists-Bolen 3- Bosch,Reynolds,Harris 2-Steals Harris 3-Bolen 2-as per LDN
Jan. 30.......Marietta...........................7:30.....Away
Logan wins 59 to 46
Feb. 02.......SEOAL.............................7:30.....????
Logan wins 45 to 28 to finish 13-0 in league play
Reserve Schedule
Fairfield Union
Logan wins 51 to 14---scoring--Evans 10-Klinger 7-K. Hoffman 7-Smart 7-Klingenberg 7-Vermillion 4-Smith 2-Topf 2-Murphy 2--(Rebounds) Evans 10-(assists) Vermillion 5--as per LDN
New Lex
Logan wins 44 to 13--scoring for Logan--Topf 11-Evans 8-Graf 6-Vermillian 6-Fridley 6-Murphy 3-Bachem 2-Smart 2--Rebounds Fridley 7-Evans 6-Murphy 4--assists- Topf 2 Graf 2 as per LDN
Logan wins 49 to 13--Scoring for Logan--Klingenberg 11-Evans 8-Bailey6-Smith 6-Vermillion 4-Fridley 4-Topf 3-Murphy 3-Graf 2-Smart 2-Assists-Vermillion 3-Murphy 2-Rebounds- Baily 5-Murphy 3-Smart 3---as per LDN
Logan wins 39 to 35--scoring for Logan--Topf 10-Evans 8-Vermillion 7-Graf 5-Klingenberg 4-Fridley 2-Smart 2-Bachen 1--Rebounds-Evans 8-Fridley 5--Assists-Klingenberg 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 55 to 25--scoring for Logan--Evans 11-Vermillion 10-Topf 8-Klingenberg 6-Murphy6-Graf 4-Smart 4-Bailey 4-Bachem 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 54 to 26--scoring for Logan-Evans 24-Vermillion 9-Topf 6- Fridley 5-Klingenberg 4-Graf 2-Bachem 2-Smart 2--Rebounds-Evans 4-Fridley 5-Assists-Vermillian 4-as per LDL
Logan wins 42 to 39--scoring for Logan--Evans 12-Klingenberg 8-Vermillion 7-Graf 6-Topf 5-Bailey 4-Smart 3-Bachem 2-Murphy 2--Rebounds-Evans 5--Assists--Graf,Smith,Topf,Klingerberg,Baily all had 2--Steals Bachem 2 as per LDN
Logan wins 36 -17--scoring for Logan--Vermillion 8-Fridley 8-Murphy 8-Graf 3-Evans 3-Smith 2-Bailey 2-Smart 2-Rebounds Evans 5-Vermillion 4-Smart 4-Assist Vermillion 3-Graft 3 -Smith 2-Steals--Vermillion 5-Bailer 2-Smart 2--as per LDN
Logan take first L--Scoring for Logan--Topf 17-Vermillion 14-Klingenberg 7-Evans 4- Graf 3- Murphy 2- Fridley 1--
Logan drops their second in a row---37-33--scoring for Logan--Topf 11-Evans 7-Klingenberg 5-Murphy 4-Graf 2-Vermillion 2-Fridley 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 61 to 13--Scoring for Logan--Topf 16-Bachem 12- Smart 10- Evans 9-Klingenberg 6-Bailey 4- Smith 2-Murphy 2-as per LDN
Logan wins-39-35--Scoring for Logan--Topf 18-Evans 8-Graf 4-Klingenberg 3-Bailey 3-Fridley 3--as per LDN
Logan wins 44/17--scoring for Logan--Topf 17-Graf 12-Bailey 6-Bachem,Fridley,Murphy, Smart all had 2-Klingenberg 1--Assists Bailey and Murphy had 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 2q game 24- 15--scoring for Logan-Topf 13-Fridley 4-Klingenberg 2-Bailey 2-Murphy 2-Bachem 1-Assists Klingenberg 2-as per LDN
Logan wins 49 to 16--Scoring for Logan--Evans 10-Smith 9-Klingenberg 8-Bailey 6-Murphy 5-Bachem 4-Graf 3-Fridley 2-Smart 2-Assists-Topf 4-the JV are now 13/2 overall and 9/2 in the league as per LDN
Logan falls 36 to 33--Scoring for Logan--Evans 8-Topf-7-Klingenberg 7-Bailey 6-Bachem,Murphy 2-Fridley 1-as per LDN
Logan wins this time
Freshman Schedule
11-16.......Fairfield Union-----------..5:00.......Home
Logan wins 32 to 15---scoring for Logan-Murphy 13-Linton 11-Graf 2-Wagoner 2-Bennington 2-McBride 2--as per LDN
Logan wins 37 to 27--scoring for Logan-Murphy 12-Linton 7-Wagoner 6-Sampson 5-McBride 4-Wharton 2-Griggs 1--as per LDN
12/03.......Canal Winchester...........6:00.......Away
Logan wins
Logan falls 33-27--scoring for Logan--Murphy 12-Linton 6-Wagoner 4-McBride 3- Bennington 2--Rebs-Linton 5-Wagoner 6-Smith 5-Blocks Linton 2-Steals Sampson 3-Assists Wagoner 2-Smith 3-as per LDN
Logan falls 21-15--scoring for Logan-Wagoner 5-Murphy 4- McBride 4-Wharton 2--Rebs- Sampson 8-Wagoner 7-Steals Sampson 5-as per LDN
12-29......Tri Valley...................................Away
Logan wins 32-21--Scoring for Logan--Linton 9- Murphy 6-McBride 5-Sampson 4-Wagoner 3-Smith-3-Hoag 2--Rebounds Sampson 4-Steals-Sampson 4-Wagoner 3-Linton 3- Assist- Murphy 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 45-34--Scoring for Logan--Murphy 17-Wagoner 14-Sampson 7- Hoag 4-Linton 2-McBride 1--Rebs--McBride 6-Wagoner 5-Linton 4- Murphy 4-Assists-Linton 2-Murphy 2-Steals-Murphy 3-as per LDN
Logan wins 25-14--scoring for Logan--Wagoner 11-Murphy 4-Sampson,Smith, Taylor,Bennington,McBride all scored 2--Rebs Wagoner 9-Sampson 4-Steals-Murphy 5-Blocks Linton 2-as per LDN
7th and 8th Schedule
12-08.....Athens...............10 am...Away
12-10.....G. Cleveland.......5:30.....Away
01-10.....G. Cleveland.......5:30.....Home
Last edited by noreply66 on Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:10 pm, edited 46 times in total.
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
get out the cryin towel!
do you have a dog in this hunt?
i bashed coach burns? i have never said anything about coach burns in the last two pages. i did say some things early on in this forum and have since apologized on this forum. the freshmen coach can only play with the hand that she is dealt. practicing with the jv for a few individuals would be alot better for the future mainly because of who you are practicing against. you can only get better by playing better athletes oh wise one.
i was more ashamed of our community than anything with the volleyball thing. she was pretty much thrown into the position because nobody wanted to do it. tough spot to be put in. actually she improved over the course of the season and guess what, i posted that. as ive said before, im an equal opportunity poster. good or bad.
thanks for the psych evaluation on my own kid. she knows what i expect, and she is the first to tell me what she did wrong after a game. recognizing, then learning from your mistakes is what growing up is all about. if you dont like my posts then dont read them. most people do not like to hear negative stuff but guess what, its part of life. you dont have to like it but that doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. i am a natural pessimist, so i'll take the "negative" thing as a compliment.
you are right about being frustrated, but for the wrong reason.
as always, good luck to the lady chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you have a dog in this hunt?
i bashed coach burns? i have never said anything about coach burns in the last two pages. i did say some things early on in this forum and have since apologized on this forum. the freshmen coach can only play with the hand that she is dealt. practicing with the jv for a few individuals would be alot better for the future mainly because of who you are practicing against. you can only get better by playing better athletes oh wise one.
i was more ashamed of our community than anything with the volleyball thing. she was pretty much thrown into the position because nobody wanted to do it. tough spot to be put in. actually she improved over the course of the season and guess what, i posted that. as ive said before, im an equal opportunity poster. good or bad.
thanks for the psych evaluation on my own kid. she knows what i expect, and she is the first to tell me what she did wrong after a game. recognizing, then learning from your mistakes is what growing up is all about. if you dont like my posts then dont read them. most people do not like to hear negative stuff but guess what, its part of life. you dont have to like it but that doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. i am a natural pessimist, so i'll take the "negative" thing as a compliment.


you are right about being frustrated, but for the wrong reason.

as always, good luck to the lady chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
ole chief: i post good or bad. if you have a problem with me then come sit with me at a game and we'll talk about it like grown ups, unless you would rather hide behind a user name and take cheap shots. who knows, we may have more in common than you think. plus i would love to talk strategy with you and watch a game.
freshman won
reserve won
varsity up 21-12 at half.
great job girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
freshman won
reserve won
varsity up 21-12 at half.
great job girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logan BB: All three teams won last night against Fairfield Union.
The freshman team showed a lot of talent in there easy win.
The JV team really played good and made some nice passes in transistion. Strong performance.
The Varsity game was an all out "in your face" defensive game. The level of intensity by every player was outstanding. IMO the game revolves around the defensive play.
Great way to start the season.
Congrats to all the teams.
The freshman team showed a lot of talent in there easy win.
The JV team really played good and made some nice passes in transistion. Strong performance.
The Varsity game was an all out "in your face" defensive game. The level of intensity by every player was outstanding. IMO the game revolves around the defensive play.
Great way to start the season.
Congrats to all the teams.
Qualified, You may call it hiding behind a user name, but I call protecting my children. I know how all this stuff works and there is nothing a coach hates more that a parent trying to tell them how to do their jobs. as you may have noticed I don't believe I have said anything negative about the coaches, the kids or the program. My posts have supported the coaches. Some may call that sucking up, But I call it being respectful and smart. That is a life lesson I had to learn the hard way, and one that has been instilled in my children. My kids also know what I expect out of them, I expect the best. They never here me voice things like your coach doesn't know what he is doing, I wish you had coach so and so. They here me say your coach is doing the best he can do. They have also heard me say things like " I know this is a rough year, but keep working hard to stay positive, keep working hard to improve. Get thru this year the best you can because next year will be different." I would imagine your kids teammates read this stuff. You might want to think about the position you are putting her in. I'm not real sure who your kid is other than she is a freshmen that has been moved around, that narrows it down to about all of the freshmen it would seem. I don't care who your kid is, but just know that her teammates and her coaches know what her dad thinks about the whole situation.
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
... didn't make it to opening night at the Kati for the girls squads (went to Athens for the Shriners TVC+1 Get Together) BUT it read in the LDN like good openers to build on for ALL 3 levels ... Congratulations to Coach Burns and her Freshman girls, Coach Huntsberger and the JV ladies, and last but not least those Varsity ladies and Coach Walsh ...


Last edited by noreply66 on Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.