Jackson Ironladies????

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Jackson Ironladies????

Post by jackson1 »

Guess some people didn't like the truth.

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Post by Ty Webb »

Its all opinions, but I'm a bit confussed as to where the other thread was a violation of SEOP rules of conduct. I don't recall anything that crossed a line.

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Post by Ironman92 »

Who is in line for the job??? I honestly have no idea...but would guess that Greg Potter would be a possibility.

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Post by BBallin fool »

wow!!! Who is next ?

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Post by jackson1 »

Who wants to step in the shoes of a coach that has averaged 12 wins per season and the kids love to play for. Also factor that with no support from the administration and this is going to be the 3rd coach in four years. Go figure?!?!?!?

titan pride
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Post by titan pride »

Rumor has it that Adam Cox might apply for it?

Have you heard of anyone else?

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Post by jackson1 »

Titan, what can you tell us about him?

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Post by JHS4EVER »

:lol: It could be Anna Remy from Oakhill. I read in the paper where the school board hired her as a teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Ironman92 »

Anna Ramey?

It would be nice to have a clue as to who is being looked at and what are they waiting for???

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Post by MightyOaksFan »

Anna got a teaching job there. She does not want to be involved in that mess I am sure. She wants to coach a long time. Not be some fill in to stop the bleeding.

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Post by know your role »

Now what would you say if Anna wanted the job. I am sure you would feel pretty bad about your statement. If you are a coach that can stop the bleeding, than I am sure that you are a coach that could stick around for a long time. Just because Jackson does not have the rich tradition that the MIGHTY Oaks have there is no need to say such things. Also, you MUST be loyal to your school (who you work for).

I am sure they are trying their hardest to find someone to fill the position. Just because there aren't names leaking out on this forum doesn't mean they aren't interviewing.

Not to be mean here, but Jackson plays a pretty weak schedule, averaging 12 wins is somewhat of a misleading statistic. Two years ago they had the player of the year in the league and finished in 4th place, last year they finished in 8th place in the league. They also did not win a sectional title. I agree Coach McKinniss did a great job, but let's try to look at the whole picture.

Out of Bounds
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Post by Out of Bounds »

No disrespect to Anna Remy. But hiring her would be a huge contradiction to one of the reasons they rail roaded Coach McKinnis. They said he was too young and inexperienced. I don't see the administration putting their foot in their mouth (again) on that one.

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Post by VIKED_MAN »

They are testing the waters because the job is listed on OHSAA website. I never saw the boys job listed on the site, so must have someone in mind for that position.

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Post by jackson1 »

Know your Role, with all due respect, you know that our league is tough. Plus we had a decent nonleague beating Minford who won their league and played Huntington Ross close who is one of the best in their league. We have a group of young kids coming. The kids love playing for Coach and want to continue. Jackson has replaced their football, boys basketball (twice), girls basketball (now twice) and baseball coach all in the last four years. Grave yard of Coaches!!!!!

The parents have been told that Anna will probably be on staff. I think it is a good move having her involved.

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Post by MightyOaksFan »

know your role: just letting you know what I know. Anna was offered the job and didn't take it. If she changes her mind between now and when they hire is yet to be seen. Just going on what I have been told from the family. Jackson is lucky to get such a fine young lady. IF she were to coach then you would be very lucky to have her as the coach. I have just been told that she doesn't want to be Varsity head coach right now. In a couple of years, yes but not right now.

This has nothing to do with Oak Hill. I am going on what the best man in my wedding said, which happens to be her brother.

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Post by JHS4EVER »

8) Kim Conley from Minford and Anna Remy would be a great pair of coaches for the Ironladies.

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Post by Black Panther »

Didn't Jackson just hire a girls varisty coach last year?Seems like I saw some threads on another board a year ago talking about possible canidates.

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Post by Out of Bounds »

Carey Montgomery, Jackson Board Member, had every opportunity to right the ship last night when a recomendation was brought to the floor to re-hire Coach McKinnis. Since Coach McKinnis was not recommended by the Superintendant, it would require a 4-1 vote by the board to approve this position. Diana Bowman was the other board member who voted no, but she hasn't been straddling the fence. She is standing her ground and won't budge! But Mr. Montgomery has told people two different stories and the "All about the kids" position is getting old. I for one thought after personnaly having him explain his side and thoughts on the matter he would vote in Coaches favor. He specifically said, "If he had known 2 months ago the whole situation, he would have voted differently". Well, here was his chance, and he dropped the ball! The kids want to play for McKinnis! That is very clear. The support that coach has gotten should speak for itself. The Superintendant has let personnal relationships become a major part of his discision, which is sad, and has not been open minded at all!

I feel for the girls who are involved and seem to have no say. Except....for the ones with negative comments and the ones with the personnal relationship with Mr. Anderson! Good luck girls.

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Post by Ironman92 »

I wish I was never wrong about anything.

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Post by Black Panther »

Ironman92 wrote:I wish I was never wrong about anything.
I will ask again,didn't you just hire a coach last year?

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