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Who should be on the southeast district divison 4 teams?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:57 pm
by marathon rebel
List some stats about some of the best players you have seen, and try to create a list of a first team, and second team!

I know south webster has a couple good players that deserve first team attention. Waterford has one or two outstanding player(s). This is not a complete list by any means, i know i am missing a lot of talented players so that is why i am challenging you to create your own list.

Not sure of names or stats, but from what i have seen.
First Team
#44 Wiley New Boston
#30 Cook South Webster
#32 Cayton South Webster
#42 King Waterford
#12 Sheridan South Gallia (I think she finished with an avg. of 15.5ppg)

Second Team
#32 Turley Southern
#00 Fulks South Gallia
#15 ?? New Boston
#22 Drayer Waterford
I am leaving this blank so i can add a name or two :-D

Re: Who should be on the southeast district divison 4 teams?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:22 pm
by Gregg811
Sina King Waterford is #42 and Jessie Drayer Waterford is #22. Both of these girls along with Brittany Brown and Ashleigh Tornes should get recognition.

Re: Who should be on the southeast district divison 4 teams?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:34 pm
by jeeptrio
i agree with who you have listed so far.
btw..Cook is #30&&it's Cayton and she is #32.

Re: Who should be on the southeast district divison 4 teams?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:10 pm
by purpleandgold
Kasey Turley #32 of Southern averaged 17.7 ppg. this year (sophomore). She has a total of 706 points her first two years of high school basketball. A fine player deserving first team honors.