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NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:49 pm
by ny_bucks
NY travels to Zane Trace saturday. Should be a good game. Leave your thoughts

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace 12/10

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:22 pm
by QBear
Zane Trace is 1-2.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:56 am
by nice guy
What time is this game?

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:19 pm
by ny_bucks
Game started at 1. Both JV and Varsity lost. Both JV and Varsity didnt play well but it is what it is. Lets get back on track monday!! Go Buckeyes!!

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:59 pm
by 93Bulldog
I didn't even have the game on my schedule?

If anyone has a score - that would be cool.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:12 pm
by QBear
ZT wins 54-39.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:28 pm
by indianabuck
Its going to happen to very young teams like this. They will learn from it. They will be fine. Its still early.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:33 pm
by athens78
How'd the JV team to. Did they win by 50?

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:07 am
by Rufus
Umb...No? They lost. Didn't you read like the 4th post?

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:11 am
by warningtrackpower
Pictures from this game can be found on

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:23 am
by danicalifornia
Good bounce back win for the very inexpierenced Pioneers after a couple of tough league losses during the week. Coach Dunkle has some very good athletes and should be a fun team to watch the rest of the season.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:31 am
by strongunderneath
This would've been a good game if it wouldve been 5 on 5 and not 8 on 5. When you have an official jumping up and down and cheering when the opposing team makes a basket at the buzzer then there is definitely something wrong with that picture. It's sad to say but ZTs officials made the whole game ugly and their fans had to see that the refs were screwing NY. If not, well....NY had 2 girls foul out, 3 girls with at least 4 fouls, and the rest of the team had at least one foul. Come tourney time ZT won't make it too far according to some of the NY fans. On a neutral court with neutral officials this would be ONE HECK OF A GAME! They have great players although if you can find number 1 and shut her down their game is over. She had at least half of their points. Good luck to all teams this season, may every team win because of their playing ability and not the help of the officials!

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:26 am
by danicalifornia

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:58 am
by strongunderneath
Danicalifornia-that thread is of no use because if you see I mentioned that ZT has
good players and they are a good team.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:25 pm
by proudmama
I would like to know if waterboy saw the same game I saw?!? Zane Trace played better and won fair and square. There were some missed calls (but every game has them) but the officials did not aide in the Pioneer victory. When you say an official jumped up and down at a last second shot you are out of your mind! First of all there was no last second shot (that was made anyway) and the officals were professional in their actions. The NY girls had so many fouls becasue for the last 2 minutes of the game they were intentionally fouling to stop the clock! Which by the way is a stupid move on the coaches part when you are already down by almost 20 points!! NY needs more gym time in my opinion and a deeper bench. Best of luck to both teams but don't get on here and make up lies about the officials in order to justify crappy playing on your teams part.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:56 pm
by athens78
Well were the refs employed by Zane Trace as Nelsonville does? I know from other topics that there is a Middle School teacher that does the Varsity games at nelsonville. Take your loss and move on you're not as good as you thing and Athens will show you on Thursday.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:58 pm
by athens78
Danicalifornia good point and it does fit strongunderneath since you blamed the officials.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:35 am
by strongunderneath
Athens78-sounds to me like you have a personal vendetta against nelsonville and their teams. I think the officials who are from a community should NOT be permitted to ref at a local school. Again, it may have been a different story if we would've played on a neutral court. They are both good teams.

Re: NY (2-0) vs. Zane Trace (1-2) 12/10

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:15 pm
by proudmama
Waterboy I would like to know if you were actually at the game? I happened to be there and although there were a few questionable calls, ZT won fair and square. When you said the refs were jumping up and down when a last second shot was made,,,that is ludicrous! No such thing happened. You also mentioned something about NY players fouling out, well when you intentionally foul to stop the clock you will get alot of fouls called. And why would a coach have the team foul like that when you are down by about 20 points anyways? NY was just outplayed fair and square...take the loss and move on.