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Varsity Coaches
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:14 am
by sitting in the stands
Just an inquisitive question. How many hoops varsity programs have male head coaches and how many have female head coaches?
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:08 pm
by Nagol1
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:56 pm
by sitting in the stands
Why not? It's just a question about the programs. Obviously there aren't "many" women as head coaches
of male programs. Just wondering.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:30 pm
by bogo
Washington county has 6 high schools, all male coaches
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:02 pm
by MightyOaksFan
Jackson County
Oak Hill- male
Jackson- female
Wellston- male
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:34 pm
by sitting in the stands
Thank you bogo and mighty oaks fan, I appreciate the info.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:31 pm
by Nagol1
That's it? Now what?
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:45 am
by bogo
Nagol1, how about some info from you instead of the hate. do you know any coaches or just want to yack
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:05 pm
by sitting in the stands
I do appreciate the information. I may ask this question again once everyone is back in school and gearing up for the season. I know that there are a lot of good coaches out there both male and female. Just seems that there are definitely more male coaches coaching these female teams. Would be nice to see more women involved.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:58 am
by MightyOaksFan
SOC 2 basketball
all coaches male except for South Webster
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:04 pm
by West Side Pride
1st ass. coach for West is a female.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:49 pm
by pfloyd
Good question SITS ... Title IX -even though it did not mention sports - has been felt most at the high school/college levels IN sports, where girls programs are provided so as not to discriminate based on sex ... would be interesting to see the number of female head coaches in hoops at the college level ... even more interesting (as evidenced by the few head girls bb coaches in SEO who are female) to get feedback as to why that is the case in high school sports ...
... more feedback from those in the know in each of the leagues in SEO will be interesting to read ...

Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:22 pm
by sitting in the stands
It IS interesting finding out about how the programs are ran in southeastern ohio. I have always been curious as to how many female coaches are involved in many locations. I'm sure that part of it is due to the lack of women who are willing to coach, which is sad within itself. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with raising families and the time commitment that it takes to be a good coach. There are some pretty amazing female coaches at the college level. Teams that return to the "dance" every year. It is good to see female coaches coaching female teams, as it should be. I grew up with male coaches. They were some of the best coaches around, but we were an extremely small school district in size and finding a female willing to coach sports was extremely difficult.
I thank those who are sharing the information with me. I'm just taking a look at who is out there doing what. I know that changes happen and there have been some really good female head coaches who have moved on to other jobs.
I also know that Logan is all men from 7th grade up. Pretty sure that Marietta's head coach is male as well.
SPG9 - too bad you always have to be negative about everything. Not stirring up anything. Just asking questions. Sad that you are on the attack for no reason, BUT I am not surprised. Attacking people is a way to make yourself feel better then attack away.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:11 pm
by sitting in the stands
gahs4ever, thank you for your insight and I have indeed looked into other sports. I know for a fact that there are fewer female head coaches in track and field also. Again, issues with those wanting to coach the sport and those that have the time committment to coach a sport. It is tough getting women to coach sports, I understand. I also know that there are many women who coach volleyball as head coaches. Again, that seems to be a good fit. Same for softball, tennis, soccer and so on. My guess would be that males outnumber the females in all categories.
Just would like to see more women get involved and be involved in the sports where there are female athletes, whether that is as an assitant coach, or as a head coach, or a coach in the lower ranks.
Gallia County has an extremely talented group of young women, as I can attest to in track and field as well as in basketball. They are always well coached and are very competitive. Congrats on such a long string of super hoops years.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:20 pm
by klaw10
sitting in the stands wrote:It IS interesting finding out about how the programs are ran in southeastern ohio. I have always been curious as to how many female coaches are involved in many locations. I'm sure that part of it is due to the lack of women who are willing to coach, which is sad within itself. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with raising families and the time commitment that it takes to be a good coach. There are some pretty amazing female coaches at the college level. Teams that return to the "dance" every year. It is good to see female coaches coaching female teams, as it should be. I grew up with male coaches. They were some of the best coaches around, but we were an extremely small school district in size and finding a female willing to coach sports was extremely difficult.
I thank those who are sharing the information with me. I'm just taking a look at who is out there doing what. I know that changes happen and there have been some really good female head coaches who have moved on to other jobs.
I also know that Logan is all men from 7th grade up. Pretty sure that Marietta's head coach is male as well.
SPG9 - too bad you always have to be negative about everything. Not stirring up anything. Just asking questions. Sad that you are on the attack for no reason, BUT I am not surprised. Attacking people is a way to make yourself feel better then attack away.
How can you make such a statement? "female coaches coaching female it should be"? First it is neither practical or possible for the reasons you note above. Most qualifed individual should get the job....end of story. Title IX as no place in this discussion as it is intended to ensure no discrimination in the participation of any educational activity supported by federal aid based on gender.....Participation is the key word here.....who coaches those sports is up to the adminstration. Maybe you are suggesting a bias exists within the system, which, if is the case, I would like to sight some examples.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:33 pm
by pfloyd
klaw10 ... I see what you are saying AND I was not suggesting a bias within the system ... imo Title IX does have to be a starting point, without Title IX we would not have to discuss many of the women sports and/or whether they are being coached by male or female coaches ... Title IX, even though equal opportunity in sports was not mentioned specifically, it apparently was interpreted as a point of emphasis for secondary schools/colleges , as you brought up klaw Title IX's intent was to ensure no discrimination ...
gahs good points you bring up to consider 1) other sports besides basketball and 2) how many female coaches are involved at the lower levels (all sports as well ... with SITS original question being to find out the number of female coaches as hoops head coaches it could definitely be expanded to look at female coaches in all sports at all levels) ...
... as
klaw brought up in his/her post - the BEST candidate for the job (head job) IS the bottom line for choosing the head PERSON position ... would be interesting though to see numbers/information as to why at the lower levels there are few females coaching? and what IS the answer for getting more females involved in the coaching ranks? ...
gahs -
thanks for dealing with the issue my friend ... I know that you have been involved with BOTH the boys and girls side of the sports at GAHS - your input on this discussion is appreciated and insightful ... with this being summer - topics of discussion are pretty open - this one by SITS is a good topic for continued discussion ... some of those who have given some information (mightyoaksfan) ARE always good sources of information on the girls side of sports as well ... I on the other hand LOL have little to provide but do have opinions that I can throw out there to add to the discussion...
... looking forward to dropping in on this discussion through the summer to see where this thread leads ...

Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:14 pm
by klaw10
I can say for a fact that the number of applicants at lower grade levels is astonishingly low for both boys and girls. More so with girls. This is often why you see non-teachers coaching the lower grades.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:33 pm
by ironmen1987
I would love to see more women involved at the high school and jr high level. A coach is somebody that can make a real difference in the lives of the athletes. More young girls might consider coaching as an option if they actually played for female coaches. I've noticed a special gleam in my daughters eyes whenever she finds out a female is coaching her. She completely respects the males and does her best for them but there is just something different that as a male i guess i don't understand but as her dad i am able to pick up on.
Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:08 pm
by pfloyd
klaw - definitely a trend is this day and age of school coaching ... as we see the numbers of "non teachers" coaching at the lower levels increasing - there are some districts that are seeing some "negatives" coming with this trend of non teaching personnel coaching, so much so that they are setting a goal as districts to reverse this trend from within ... how they plan to get more teachers into the coaching ranks?not sure what the answer is BUT as
ironmen1987 posted girls having a FEMALE coach does make a positive difference for many participants (not saying that girls do not participate because they would have a male coach) ... I think there is a "comfort" level having a female coach that isn't there with a male coach ... good input
ironmen1987... need to get some input from
TallOne on this female vs male coach issue ...

Re: Varsity Coaches
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:11 pm
by ironmen1987
I sometimes wonder if we are pushing our kids at too young an age. They go non-stop year round seven days a week. Many play two sports at once. Injuries continue to increase as does drug use. Could it be from the stress or maybe just looking for an escape outlet ? Are they playing because they want to or because they don't want to let us down ? Unfortunately its the parents that are one of the biggest reasons that people don't want to coach and that leaves you with one of the over-aggressive parents sometimes calling the shots. I could point out some instances i witnessed last year alone but i don't want to point out schools. I want my child to love being a part of Jackson's tradition and look back on it with pride and satisfaction.