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oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:02 am
by bryanc45
good luck at webster ladies.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:40 pm
by MightyOaksFan
55-10 at halftime. Lady Oaks 7 3's in the first quarter again and 9 for the first half.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:46 pm
by MightyOaksFan
65-20 after 3

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:48 pm
by Ironman92

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:59 pm
by MightyOaksFan
79-39 final

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:02 pm
by bryanc45
what can you say about the lady oaks but wow. Anyone know who was lead scorer.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:18 am
Does anyone really care? I would rather know who played well on BOTH ENDS of the floor...
I guess you have to get past high school ball to realize there is so much more to the game than just scoring.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:29 am
by Ole_Cuzin_Funk
Well thats not an issue considering all our girls play wall on both ends of the floor. I was nice to see websters jvs get a chance to play when we put ours in. Oh wait, Websters JVs didnt get in. My bad. But to answer you question, I think Hale was.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:36 am
by footballfanatic1
what you mean there is other things than scoring ? i don't think most coach's or fans understand that somebody played defense or rebounded on the other end or made the pass for the assist to get the ball to the " scorer" if you disagree look at the local papers or sports casts.....scores only....even on here thats all we see....thats why in high school ball you have a lot of individuals but not many teams..... if you want to be succesful in my oppinion do what oak hill does play team ball....

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:04 am
footballfanatic1 wrote:what you mean there is other things than scoring ? i don't think most coach's or fans understand that somebody played defense or rebounded on the other end or made the pass for the assist to get the ball to the " scorer" if you disagree look at the local papers or sports casts.....scores only....even on here thats all we see....thats why in high school ball you have a lot of individuals but not many teams..... if you want to be succesful in my oppinion do what oak hill does play team ball....
I had the best laugh over your post. "You don't think coaches or fans understand there is more to a game than shooting the ball." That's hilarious! Yes, I do know that all you see in papers and in print are usually the points made. That is a shame! When you talk about team ball, then the rest of the players who worked their rear ends off during the game should have their accomplishments mentioned as well. You would not have the points if it were not for the rebounds, steals and assists that go along with them. That is where the "TEAM" part of basketball comes in. I think only listing the points helps propagate the individualism that plagues ball teams. Not one time did I say Oak Hill does not play team ball.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:49 am
by footballfanatic1
the first part of the post was meant to be funny. but if you disagree listen to some of the coachs or fans after a game. WOW jane doe had 30 or a coach that says jane doe sure was on tonight she hit 20 points..... the good coachs understand.....

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:53 am
by favabeans
Cuz, I'm just wondering what your sarcastic remark about Webster's JV was all about. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:06 am
by Ole_Cuzin_Funk
Well, the JV players never got in. It was obvious what the outcome of the game was gonna be. They practice too.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:10 am
footballfanatic1 wrote:the first part of the post was meant to be funny. but if you disagree listen to some of the coachs or fans after a game. WOW jane doe had 30 or a coach that says jane doe sure was on tonight she hit 20 points..... the good coachs understand.....
Can't help still have me laughing. I have attended somewhere close to 3000 basketball games and not one time can I honestly say I heard a coach say "Wow, so and so had ??? points." Good coaches do know what it takes to be a great player. Are you sure you are not talking about dad's coaching biddy league games?

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:22 am
by Captain Cavalier

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:24 am
by Captain Cavalier
Ole_Cuzin_Funk wrote:Well, the JV players never got in. It was obvious what the outcome of the game was gonna be. They practice too.
When did yours go in? I've seen Oak Hill keep the starters in and still pressing in these type of games in the past.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:31 am
by Esully63
Ole_Cuzin_Funk wrote:Well, the JV players never got in. It was obvious what the outcome of the game was gonna be. They practice too.
Excuse me bub if the starting line up for the Jeeps is 4 sophmores and a freshman, I believe Oak Hill played the JV team all night. Why ya gotta be such a Pud? You have a great team dont tarnish thier accomplishments with you childish gloating! Sorry, we did start one Junior last night.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:38 am
by favabeans
Oak Hill's Jv got in with about 3 mins left in the game. Our 4 jv players did not get in at all in the varsity game. Oak Hill left their starters in for most of the game and were up by 40. It was obvious the outcome of the game. Why didn't your jv get in sooner? They practice too.

Both teams left the starters in to work on some things.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:45 am
by Captain Cavalier
digger wrote:Oak Hill's Jv got in with about 3 mins left in the game. Our 4 jv players did not get in at all in the varsity game. Oak Hill left their starters in for most of the game and were up by 40. It was obvious the outcome of the game. Why didn't your jv get in sooner? They practice too.

Both teams left the starters in to work on some things.
I know, I've seen them do this many times..The last time I saw it personally was at Waverly last year.

Re: oak hill at webster.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:49 am
by Esully63
I guess it just goes to show you "As great a team as Oak Hill is they still cant choose thier fans". If they could I believe they would look for fans with at least a little class.