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Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Feb 12

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:54 pm
by EasternDspy
Rematch of last years championship game that FF won.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:25 pm
by rickoshay
Lady Cadets better be up for this game.
Shadysides record speaks for them.
Anybody out there seen them play? Size, strong points?

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:08 pm
by mhs95_06
Where is this game being played, and what time?

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:33 pm
by rickoshay
Game at OU Eastern-St. Clairesville Sat. 4:00 pm.

Shadyside played four big schools, PKB.South, John Marshall, Wheeling Park, and Oak Glen , plus MC,Doah,ZBR, and River. These last four played twice each.

And add Steubenville to this list.

Got this info from school web page.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:55 pm
by Steely Dan
Sounds like the Lady Cadets will be the underdog in this one, until Captain Adjective gets on here and starts his hype machine with inflammatory adjectives..........And then the tide will turn in blogosphere, and the Cadets will be predicted to "CRUSH" their opponents........LOL!

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:39 pm
by EasternDspy
The spread should be even if anything.Fort Frye beat Shadyside last season in the championship.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:30 am
by buckcc
i seen on Shadyside school website there schedule and they played Albany Alexander what was the score of that game. on Alexander's league website it looks like they lost that game 49-31 is that right

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:36 am
by rickoshay
Steely Dan wrote:Sounds like the Lady Cadets will be the underdog in this one, until Captain Adjective gets on here and starts his hype machine with inflammatory adjectives..........And then the tide will turn in blogosphere, and the Cadets will be predicted to "CRUSH" their opponents........LOL!

Steely, me thinks you and "the Captain of the Fort" should set down and quaff a few suds. I'am sure you'ld have a lot to talk about and get along like long lost high school buddies. :lol:

You don't have to win every argument, agree to disagree ;-)

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:31 pm
by Steely Dan
rickoshay wrote:
Steely Dan wrote:Sounds like the Lady Cadets will be the underdog in this one, until Captain Adjective gets on here and starts his hype machine with inflammatory adjectives..........And then the tide will turn in blogosphere, and the Cadets will be predicted to "CRUSH" their opponents........LOL!

Steely, me thinks you and "the Captain of the Fort" should set down and quaff a few suds. I'am sure you'ld have a lot to talk about and get along like long lost high school buddies. :lol:

You don't have to win every argument, agree to disagree ;-)

Rickoshay - If you would go back and look at my history, I am one of the "first to agree to disagree"..... And won't argue with absolute nonsense to try and prove my point........Unlike some people :shock: :shock: :shock:

Now, that being said, no big problem with Kapono, other than his extreme use of inflammatory adjectives. Others, besides myself, have taken this exception as well.

King Adjective knows that he's going to wear that crown as long as he gets on this website and throws out inflammatory posts, with his overuse of adjectives........ :122245

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:07 pm
by rickoshay
Yea, Kapono was the the start of the ruination of JJ's Puddle.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:12 pm
by Steely Dan
rickoshay wrote:Yea, Kapono was the the start of the ruination of JJ's Puddle.
WOW! That is one of the truest, most accurate statements that I have read on any sports website in a long, long, time. Thanks for your honesty and candor, rickoshay!

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:42 pm
by rickoshay
Steely Dan wrote:
rickoshay wrote:Yea, Kapono was the the start of the ruination of JJ's Puddle.
WOW! That is one of the truest, most accurate statements that I have read on any sports website in a long, long, time. Thanks for your honesty and candor, rickoshay!
Hehe, I knew that statement would bring back a lot of memories ;-)

Hope East'Dspy sees the humor in this, cause he is a friend :12223

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:23 am
by rickoshay
Todays game on radio.....WJAW FM 100.9 ESPN radio for SE Ohio.

Should be on air about quarter till four. Tip off at four PM.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:35 pm
by EasternDspy
Who Won?

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:18 pm
by Steely Dan
Good question. I'm guessing not FF, since absolutely nothing has been posted by the FF faithful.......

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:00 pm
by Mr. Irrelevent
Shadyside won. Not sure of score, but at one point in the second quarter it was 33 - 10 in favor of Shadyside.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:28 pm
by EasternDspy
I heard FF had it down to 11 in 4th but lost by 16

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:31 pm
by mhs95_06
I think it was 33-6 and ended up 52-36.

Re: Fort Frye 16-2 vs Shadyside 17-0 AA OVAC Championship Fe

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:10 am
by rickoshay
Shadyside has really got game. All their girls move with the ball really well, and shoot (probably 60+%) just as good from outside the arc as down low.

They played zone at first, then in 2nd half when FF started making the 3's they went to the man defense.

No problem understanding why they are undefeated.

Score by quarters
Cadets 4, Tigers 18-1st.
10, 35- half
24, 43- 3/4
36 52-final

Lady Cadets go to Caldwell Monday for a makeup of Jan.20 game.