State rankings??

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State rankings??

Post by gobucks85 »

State rankings for d1 2 3 4

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Re: State rankings??

Post by cobweb »

National Guard OGBR JJHuddle Girls Basketball Power Poll: Jan. 14 -- > ... oll-jan-14

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Re: State rankings??

Post by cobweb »

Here's a link to the latest AP Ohio Girls Basketball rankings --> ... poll-fared

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Ironman92 »

Cobweb wrote:Here's a link to the latest AP Ohio Girls Basketball rankings --> ... poll-fared
In D2 we were 6th....but it has us losing to a team we don't play and beating a team we don't play. It has us at 13-1 instead of 15-0.

Do they have Jackson at #6 but then obtained results for Massilon Jackson for the week?

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Re: State rankings??

Post by mray23 »

Ironman92 wrote:
Cobweb wrote:Here's a link to the latest AP Ohio Girls Basketball rankings --> ... poll-fared
In D2 we were 6th....but it has us losing to a team we don't play and beating a team we don't play. It has us at 13-1 instead of 15-0.

Do they have Jackson at #6 but then obtained results for Massilon Jackson for the week?
I92, That is probably exactly what happened. This is the reason the AP poll is crap. Most of the pollsters have never seen 90% of the teams and just vote by the team's records in their region of the state. I've never given any credibility to the AP polls in any sport.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by cobweb »

I agree that the paper posting the recent results did get the incorrect Jackson. As you know, most of the state easily over looks the possibility that a SE team can contend in any sport.

The AP poll is tough to grab on-line, it must be proprietary to the newspapers.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

As someone with inside and accurate information on this matter, allow me to fill folks in.

The link provided here by Cobweb is to the AP's weekly release titled "TOP 10 How they Fared" that is released by the AP every Sunday.

It is simply a re-releasing of the top 10 teams in the poll in each division - and their scores from the previous week.

Indeed, the AP goofed here on the initial list sent out. They gave Massillon Jackson's record and its results from last week.

It was released at 5:15 p.m. on Sunday. I saw it a short time later Sunday evening in my email, and I MYSELF immediately contacted Rusty Miller - sports editor of the AP Columbus Bureau - about it.

I told him AP had the wrong "Jackson", and that it should be regular "Jackson", which is 15-0 and defeated Athens, Unioto and Portsmouth last week.

Within 15 minutes of that email, he had replied back to me and sent out a corrected list, which I still have.

Unfortunately, Cobweb's source did not have the corrected list.

So at least it was corrected.

As for mray and others.....It absolutely amazes me and makes me laugh each and every time someone posts on here about state rankings. It takes about two posts for someone to say "AP rankings are a joke, BS, etc. etc. etc."


It's as simple as that boys and girls. They are, after all, imaginary lists.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by BannersnRafters »

And yet again, another perfectly good reason to take "opinion rankings" out of the equation and simplify things with a system like football has, less arguement and more objective on which teams are truely worthy of consideration, although not as easy with statewide comparison as would be by sectional/district poll comparison because more teams play one another and would work itself out, curious as to how/when and why basketball is different than football rankings? Were they ever the same at one point or did something change along the way throughout the years? Not trying to bash anyone, just interested in history and thought process of this all regarding basketball rankings, my 2 biggest concerns with current way is that it is merely opinion-based and that it often times leads 2 great teams knocking each other off too early in tourney instead of playing one another later in tourney setting stage for bigger matchups as tourney rolls on

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Re: State rankings??

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

What amazes me is how members of the "media" hold the media above all others. They are critical of many things, and people, yet they want no criticism in return. How could you guys dare criticize the AP Poll? :lol:

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Motivator......Uh, nowhere in any of these posts are "media holding the media above all others" or are media "criticizing the AP poll."

The poll is not defended on here one way or the other.

Re-read the post please and please pay better attention next time. :122249

It sounds like you have a personal issue with a certain media member or media members, so why not address that to his or her face?


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Re: State rankings??

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

Apparently with all the knowledge you have, there was no more room for the ability to understand the concept of inferences? Did you not insinuate that you are a member of the media? Did you not criticize folks who criticize rankings, which are AKA "polls?" Seems like you are the one with personal issues with those who criticize polls? Apparently you now have a personal issue with me for pointing out the obvious? If you don't like the posts of others, please heed your own advise in that if you feel that way about my posts or any others don't start or add posts about them, if that helps you. ;-) Otherwise, set up one of those face to face meetings you spoke of. :mrgreen:

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Re: State rankings??

Post by 93Bulldog »

BannersnRafters wrote:And yet again, another perfectly good reason to take "opinion rankings" out of the equation and simplify things with a system like football has, less arguement and more objective on which teams are truely worthy of consideration
They have an AP poll in football as well - and it's not computer points related.
That's what this is - an AP ranking.

The only thing a computer point system would do is help with seeding ... but since every team makes the tournament, they probably felt such a system need not exist

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Re: State rankings??

Post by bdubya »

Couple of things, without getting too crazy.

How do you take opinions out of polls? AP poll, Presidential poll, etc., are based on people's opinions.

Football has six divisions to rank 60 teams, basketball has four divisions to rank 40 teams. The same process is used in both, but basketball is harder to narrow down to 10 because of the extra schools in each division.

A mistake was made, and corrected - as was pointed out by KS78. Someone that was critical of everything and everyone would NOT take the time to explain this on a blog.

If SEOPS did a poll and you participated, then you would feel a little stronger about something that you were part of. Then again, it is easier to attack something you have no vested interest in.

We never claimed that it was a perfect system, but we do try our best to make things as accurate as possible. You don't have to like it, but that doesn't make you right either.

If you want a say in the AP poll, all you have to do is quit your job and go work at a newspaper that has an AP vote. Otherwise, I guess your SOL and stuck pretending as a member of SEOPS.
Last edited by bdubya on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Excellent post bdubya......and thanks for the kind words.

Point very well explained.

As for Motivator.....I am offering him this chance for that face-to-face meeting. :mrgreen:

Anytime, anywhere.

But.......why waste time? Why put off until the next day what can be accomplished today.

It's 1:40 p.m. on my clock here at the office. I will be here for a while so he can just make his way down to my office, walk in the door, and I'm the first desk he'll see in the newsroom. We can settle this matter face-to-face and end his obvious personal issue with me — that has nothing to do with state rankings — once and for all. :!:

My money says he won't show, which proves our point even more.


"If Chow makes the transfer, you will get Teddy. If not, well, then, hey. It's Bangkok." — The Hangover II :lol:
Last edited by Keyser_sozeThrice on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

Hey pal, I have no personal issue with you. But if you have one with me by all means we can meet for a chat if you wish. :122249 Since you were kind enough to throw out the invite. However, I have no clue, nor care where you work. Nor do I know or care who you are. But hey, if you want to come see me come on over, as it appears you must know me. Or you can pm me if this obvious issue you have with me is that important to you. :mrgreen: By the way, what was your point you claimed to prove?
Last edited by M0TIVAT0R on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Again, my money says Motivator won't show. :mrgreen:


"If Chow makes the transfer, you will get Teddy. If not, well, then, hey. It's Bangkok." — The Hangover II :lol:

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Re: State rankings??

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

Yea funny guy you are. But the big money is betting you won't show. :mrgreen: Stop in at 2:37

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Re: State rankings??

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

Just what I thought, no show. :mrgreen: BTW, I love the AP poll, and state rankings. Those are where the real state champions are crowned. ;-)

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Re: State rankings??

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Actually, you are the no-show there no-show.

What a wacko you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"If Chow makes the transfer, you will get Teddy. If not, well, then, hey. It's Bangkok." — The Hangover II :lol:

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Re: State rankings??

Post by BannersnRafters »

Wow, that got out of hand really fast, geez.......thx for the info on the football AP stuff, again...just interested in how and when these systems came about, I guess what I was trying to say is that u cant be at all the games all the time, almost impossible... but many times as we all know pollsters take an educated guess on many teams they haven't seen, same thing happens in college FB where SID's vote on teams they've never watched, then again.....a strictly computer/numbers ranking system doesn't quite get it done either, many teams fall short record-wise but when seen in competition pass the "eye-ball" test so to speak, exhibit A- ND, undefeated yet many would say not quite worthy of their ranking, IDK I'm just glad I'm not directly involved voting cause I'm not sure there is a right answer completely, I will say though that this year will be interesting for seeding because there seems to be a larger volume of capable teams that if given the right opportunities and chance could really make some noise in the tourney

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