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Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by jacksonfan13
Any thoughts on this game?
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:45 am
by noreply66
Jackson big
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:02 am
by gobrowns
Warren lost 5 seniors: Ryan, Ullman, Rauch, Fleming and Brooks. They have 1 returning starter and 2 other starters with some varsity time. They start seniors: Lynch, Foy and Proctor and Juniors: Buzzard and Rifle. Off the bench are a freshman: Rauch and sophomores: Bowe, Lang, Ryan, Roddy and Bartmess. This team is very inexperienced and young. Jackson should beat them. Warren will get better as the year progresses. They are very quick and with the right players on the floor can cause some havoc.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:52 pm
by Ironman92
Who was it that went off last year at Warren? Seemed like it was one of the bench players? Was it Lynch?
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:01 pm
by Ironman92
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:07 pm
by Ironman92
I'd like to see a game where the Ironladies put together 4 good quarters, stay very focused thoughout and win by 20+ against this Warren team. Come out fired up but smart and not picking up an early foul or too many fouls at any point that Walburn has to take them out.
Most players are either too pumped or deer in the headlights for these bigger games. Act like you've been there before, while also acting like you belong.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:03 am
by footballfanatic1
With this group of girls for the most part I don't think acting plays a part. Most of them have played in bigger games than this.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:48 am
by MightyOaksFan
Ironman92 wrote:I'd like to see a game where the Ironladies put together 4 good quarters, stay very focused thoughout and win by 20+ against this Warren team. Come out fired up but smart and not picking up an early foul or too many fouls at any point that Walburn has to take them out.
Most players are either too pumped or deer in the headlights for these bigger games. Act like you've been there before, while also acting like you belong.
I am glad you posted that. Although I have not seen the Ironladies this year, I have felt that has been their biggest drawback in the past.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:55 am
by footballfanatic1
And how many games have you watched MOF. They have lost some games to very good opponents. But to say they have the deer in the head light look is amusing at best.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:50 pm
by MightyOaksFan
I think that may be the first time in my life that I have been accused of not seeing many games.
I am not saying that Jackson does not have a good team. They do, a very good team in fact. I have watched them all the way up from going to summer basketball camps and knew they would be an outstanding class. I am not a Jackson hater either. I92 I think would tell you that I am just as much a fan of girls basketball and good basketball in general as anyone.
My concern with Jackson is when they get a lead they don't continue to grind. They almost get complacent. Don't get me wrong a win is a win, but I would like to see them have that killer instinct every once in awhile. Go on several runs during a game 16-0 run, 18-0 run, 20-0 run that I feel they are capable of. Then when they are down to a good team how many times have they fought back and taken back the lead? This is when the look that I92 was referring to is seen.
In your opinion VCRocks, what BIG wins has Jackson had over the last few years? Also this year how many times has Jackson came out and put together 4 solid quarters to win a game handily like they should?
I don't think I92 or myself are bashing the players or the coaches in anyway. I think many of them would agree that they haven't been top notch.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:14 pm
by footballfanatic1
MOF I did not emply you had not watched many games. Just asking the question how many Ironladies games have you watched the last three years? And yes the Killer instinct is a must but I don't think you can say they have the deer in the head light look. I believe last years Athens & Easterns wins were huge. I guess the coach could have left the starters in and pressed the entire game when they were up by 30 points....
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:17 pm
by footballfanatic1
By the way what is top notch.....21-1 guess not!
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:23 pm
by MightyOaksFan
By top notch I was referring to this years very limited sample size.
21-1 could be top notch if you reached your goals. Did they reach their goals?
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:32 pm
by footballfanatic1
All but one I believe. But then agian there is only one STATE CHAMPION. Did your team meet all of their goals? I guess if you don't achieve all your goals you were unsucessful?????
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:29 pm
by MightyOaksFan
I remember why I don't post much anymore.
Re: Warren girls at Jackson 12/20
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:11 pm
by Ironman92
The "deer in the headlight" comment was not meant as a problem every quarter of every is just my opinion in some of the tougher games over the past couple years it has been something I've noticed...some, nothing overwhelming, but it's there a little. I intended some of it to be a complement as THEY do belong on the court with everyone. They are excellent players.
This season the schedule is's filled with district final---regional final type of games. To win those games for the most part it takes 4 good quarters of play and if things go against....grind away just as you would if things were going your way. All of the girls have had big games in the "big" games and every athlete has laid the egg as we'll...we've all done it. Just keep at it...keep your head up. There are hundreds of fans coming to watch that simply won't be there when times aren't as good....they are there watching (and paying $5 admission/$2 parking to do it) for a reason.
SEOAL title (no share)
District Championship
Regional Championship
I hope they ride it along for each of these...but they definitely have to know they belong on the court and to focus as close to 100% of the time as possible.
And again...none of this is anything major, just small points from my view. I'm not trying to bash or hurt anyone's feelings. I've coached or helped coach every kid in the rotation and they are all good kids. I have no investment in any of this. I want them and coach Walburn to do well and make some even greater memories.....they can lose 8 in a row and I'll be there cheering them on trying to avoid a 9th straight.