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SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:28 am
by BasketballFan1
What does everyone think about the SHAC/SHL? I know there has been a ton of turnover as far as the coaching ranks go. Could be an interesting season. Fayetteville is no doubt the class of the league. How does everyone see the rest of the league shaping up?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:14 pm
by sinjinian
From what I saw of North Adams over the summer they will be tough to deal with.

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:50 am
by Fundamentals
And thy dropped to D4, them and Peebles if I have been told correctly. If it goes as it should be a good District semi's and Finals with the possibility of meeting up with Eastern Meigs, South Webster or Waterford for one of these two.

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:20 pm
by HomeBoy
How is going to in the SHAC? Been hearing low numbers at Peebles again? True? NA going to be tall and has guards. Lynchburg? Eastern? I have heard West Union has numbers this year..?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:49 pm
by streetballer
Dont look past manchester...they have depth,experience,speed and shooters...they will be a tough game for anyone

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:06 pm
by HomeBoy
Not much talking on ths Conference?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:14 am
by BasketballFan1
Fayetteville will be loaded as had been the case the last couple of years. I like North Adams will also be very good this year. Have heard numbers are still down at Peebles, so I dont know how that will effect them. Both North Adams and Peebles will benefit from tourney time do to dropping down to d4!

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:09 am
by HomeBoy
What s Lynch Burg Clay looking like? Eastern? Anyone started scrimmaging yet?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:22 pm
by slamdunk
Lynchburg will be young but pretty good especially at the guard position. They have 2 freshmen twins that are VERY good from the outside. Their struggles will come on the interior. Eastern will be down. Graduated a lot of talent last year and did not have a ton of talent coming up, plus they have a totally new coaching staff.

Not sure of any one else's scrimmage schedule just know that North Adams played this past Saturday and Peebles has one tomorrow night.

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:16 pm
by Ironman92
slamdunk wrote:Lynchburg will be young but pretty good especially at the guard position. They have 2 freshmen twins that are VERY good from the outside. Their struggles will come on the interior. Eastern will be down. Graduated a lot of talent last year and did not have a ton of talent coming up, plus they have a totally new coaching staff.

Not sure of any one else's scrimmage schedule just know that North Adams played this past Saturday and Peebles has one tomorrow night.
Isn't the Little girl about 5'11 a pretty good player?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:04 pm
by slamdunk
Just from observations this summer, they struggled on the interior but their guard play was very good. And of course, it's just my humble opinion.

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:06 pm
by HomeBoy
Heard several new coaches in the league, that will make the early season fun as players adjust. Scrimmages going good? Who everyone got in the big school Div?
Peebles, Pell still the best guard in the league, but numbers may hurt em
NA, two good sold guards and size

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:44 am
by BasketballFan1
Yes Several new coaches in the league should make it interesting. Previews are this Friday at North Adams.

5 Lynchburg vs Ripley
6 Peebles vs Fayetteville
7 West Union vs Fairfield
8 Eastern vs Manchester
9 North Adams vs Whiteoak

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:09 pm
by Jay Bruce
How are the schools divided this year in the big school/small school divisions?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:37 am
by sox
Division I
North Adams
West Union

Division II
Fairfield Local
Fayetteville Perry

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:00 pm
by toast
Peebles looked good the other night against Waverly. The big girls run the floor well and their team can really shot the ball. Good luck to the Indians!

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:03 pm
by HomeBoy
Well Previews done, Fayettville looked strong, didn't see NA game. Eastern per their coach on the radio needs to get back to the fundamentals, don't know bout that. West Union looked different, they lost but seemed to be playing totally different style. The Ripley game was ok..any thoughts. Pell hurt?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:59 am
by BasketballFan1
I was unable to make it, but heard through a friend that Pell was trying to play through injury but couldn't. Havent head much else. Indapaint, what did you think of each team that you had a chance to see?

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:14 pm
by slamdunk
NA looked pretty good in their preview against Whiteoak winning by 19. NA had been struggling so far in scrimmages but seem to be putting it together now. The next night they played a VERY good Georgetown team in a Foundation game and beat them in convincing fashion, 52-39. Exciting to see this team come together before the season starts!!

Re: SHAC?SHL Thoughts

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:13 pm
by HomeBoy
So-so, Fayetville is a so tough, love their pressure and attacking style. Reminded me of Ok Hill a few years ago. Where does Lynchburg grw em at? Wats their avg starting line up? 5'9" r bigger, you can tell they ain't been playing long this season. Peebles struggles if Pell isn't at full strength, lack of depth will hurt them come tourny time, plus the teams they will face in tourny can all shot from outside, Clay, district level South Webster, Eastern Pike, Eastern Meigs and Waterfrd, same with North Adsms. Have to pay some man to man in there