SVC POY-all league?
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 9:53 pm
Hice-SE 14 points 9 bds. 60% fg%, efficient scorer. after sitting out a year joined a 7win team that returned 5 starters that today are sitting at 18-4, My POY.
Bayse-Hunt. Elite scorer and athlete averaging aground 23 a game to go along with around 10 bds. Most exciting player in the league. Probably POY
Stulley-U averaging around 11 with 6 boards on the most complete team in the league. that has ran away with the league title.
Graves- SE Scoring around 14 a game with 4/5 boards- a high % free throw shooter on an 18-4 team
Coloman- U nice guard= scores around 11 a game, good defender and a floor leader on the SVC championship team.
Dungeon - Westfall- 1000 point scorer, good athlete that ca do it all.
Stark - Adena- leader, helped make Adena competitive, averaging around 8/9 pts. 3 assist
Bayse-Hunt. Elite scorer and athlete averaging aground 23 a game to go along with around 10 bds. Most exciting player in the league. Probably POY
Stulley-U averaging around 11 with 6 boards on the most complete team in the league. that has ran away with the league title.
Graves- SE Scoring around 14 a game with 4/5 boards- a high % free throw shooter on an 18-4 team
Coloman- U nice guard= scores around 11 a game, good defender and a floor leader on the SVC championship team.
Dungeon - Westfall- 1000 point scorer, good athlete that ca do it all.
Stark - Adena- leader, helped make Adena competitive, averaging around 8/9 pts. 3 assist