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Ports.outh lady trojans 59 lady Tigers 21

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:46 pm
by biggdowgg
Portsmouth was able to get the bench on the floor to get some PT which they will.need come tournament time that's right around the corner.

Portsmouth will be tested in their last 4 games that is
@ Chesapeake, fairland at Portsmouth then on the road to play Mt Notre Dame,and on the road @ ashland KY.

I will post the dates tomorrow, and if this schedule is wrong and someone knows what i.missef feel free to correct it.

Hats off to the lady trojans who has been playing great basketball and still remain undefeated

Also big hats off to coach Amy Mike Hughes for stepping up the schedule in a huge way this year these girls have been playing ranked teams in ohio and Kentucky all year!!

Stay focused look at one game at a time and big things are ahead!

Re: Ports.outh lady trojans 59 lady Tigers 21

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:26 am
by trojandave
Good post, biggdowgg, and you're absolutely right about Coaches Amy and Mike Hughes. They definitely have tested our girls with a demanding schedule, and so far the Lady Trojans have come out unscathed. Going forward, it is critically important that they don't have any serious injuries; with only 9 girls, we need everyone healthy because all of them can contribute in some way.

Keep your eyes on the prize, Lady Trojans!!