Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by svbt1112 »

First of all, I would like to apologize to Connor for starting this thread to congratulate him on his accomplishment. I should have known better!

But, then with praise comes criticism----makes you better in the long run----keeps you humble. So, if the coaches of the Southeast District thought he was worthy of praise then he should also be able to handle the criticism of the milkman who doesn't even believe he was the best player on his team.

I guess if you don't want to be criticized then do nothing, stand for nothing and be nothing!

Have at it---just remember you are talking about a high school kid---either way you throw this discussion. Some of you have done a great job presenting your point without trashing anyone. Thank you!

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by rxburgfan »

poy discussions are great. stats vs team play? according to the sw fan club. cannot be just fans with ability to give stats like that. maybe i should just stop watching games and keep notes. sorry i digress. "it is what it is" so best of luck to conner. look forward to the next addition to the sw soccer diaries.

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by jazzfingers888 »

like sand through the hour glass... :mrgreen:

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by rxburgfan »

jazzhands88 you have such a way with words...

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by vballsoccer178 »

Webster's keeper did a nice job this year, but it was his first year playing. He had 23 saves on the year, 31 shots on goal at him. He did a nice job, but the stats speak more of the defense. He didn't start 3 of the games this season

Kaleb Kinker was the player that got the SOC Award that didn't start every game, but he played in every game as a utility player & was a good contributor on defense & offense. This senior put in 3 years of time and was well deserving of the award he got.

As sbvt1112 said, the coaches voted Connor the best player, so who can really argue with that?

Milkman, why are you so hung up on stats? There are so many things that have to be taken into consideration. To have a team where 3 players score 20 goals is pretty incredible.

The number of goals scored in a season depends on a number of things. 1. The ability of the player. 2. The level of competition 3. How many goals a coach lets a player score before taking them out 4. What position the player plays, etc.

I watched the district all-star game and all three players (Scott, Lewis, & Valentine) did a nice job. Any of them could be deserving of the award. Congratulations to Connor Scott for the award. You deserve it! It is a reflection of you and your team and the success you have had over the 4 years.

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by lovevball8 »

Congrats to Connor. He deserved it. Bottom line. Either that or the coaches of the area are idiots. Take your pick. It's insulting to read the "crap" that some of you post. You can argue it's a "discussion", but that's bull. Some of your are on here trying to push your own agendas because you feel slighted. Get over it. It's one thing to discuss something and another to insult a kid. Most of you have insulted. Toneguy, or whatever your name is, Berlin isn't a part of the district voting as they are in another district.

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by BIG POPPA »

Congrats to all selcted all District this season saw many great players hopefully that becomes a regular occurance in this area to have that many good players

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by Sports_Tracker »

[quote="lovevball8"]Congrats to Connor. He deserved it. Bottom line. Either that or the coaches of the area are idiots. Take your pick. It's insulting to read the "crap" that some of you post. You can argue it's a "discussion", but that's bull. Some of your are on here trying to push your own agendas because you feel slighted. Get over it. It's one thing to discuss something and another to insult a kid. Most of you have insulted.

lovevball8...I agree completely that this thread is lots of crap. At this point, I don't think Scott is the only one being insulted. Do I think that Lewis could have been in the running for District POY.... I sure do....did he get it....nope and at the end of the day ......that is just fine. Did Lewis hope to receive such an honor...you bet....He is a kid....just like Connor. I'm not sure what you are meaning by the statement....Either that or the coaches of the area are idiots???? I don't believe that any votes that were made by the coaches for Lewis would have made them idiots. Congrats to Connor. He is a very good player. I cannot speak for the people that are posting but I can assure you that the Lewis family is not sitting on here posting because we feel slighted and definitely would not go on here and make such terrible posts towards individuals.

Dillan's job was to score goals by playing forward.....Connor's job was to control the midfiled. In the big world of soccer ....that is called role players. I feel both did that very well. Players on the Burg team helped Dillan do his job as well as SW players helped Connor do his. SW has had a great team for many years and I'm glad I was able to enjoy many years of memories we had with many of those players.

I know how the voting process goes and I believe if the district coaches voted honestly and they picked Connor, he must have deserved it. They have to put their players up and the coaches have to make the best choice they can. It's their job at the end of the season to vote the best way they believe they should. Voting is an opinion.....posters on here have opinions.....just like many of you posters that always had something to say prior to games. Many posts are insulting and I agree this thread is very ridiculous but many others throughout the season were insulting to others as well. Adults can disagree without such hatred.

Sorry to leave the other players mentioned out on my post but as you can see, I know Lewis personally, as well as Scott. Lewis and Scott were really good friends when Lewis was at SW. Good Luck to both of you as you continue through your high school year and again Congrats to Connor for District POY!

Luke 6:27-37

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by rockyraccoon »

Sorry guys, but I just don't see any insults in the above thread. Conner Scott had a great year and was voted POY. Lewis and Valentine had great years but were not as strong of team and would be more in the running for MVP awards and I am sure they both got them from their school.
What started this thread in this direction was the comment that all 11 SW players should have made the district team. I found the comment that Valentine and Lewis couldn't keep their team within 6 or 7 goals a little overboard. I guess that insinuates that if Scott was on Clay or Burg, he could have?

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by lovevball8 »

Sportstracker, I agree with you about Scott not being the only one insulted. I don't think anyone could or should disagree with the caliber player that Lewis is. That's indisputable. Valentine is also unquestionably a good player. I just get a little defensive if 1.) anyone from my family is attacked (which thankfully wasn't the case) or 2.) if a hard working kid(s) gets put down by anyone hiding behind a computer screen.

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Re: Division 3 All-District Finally Released!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Congrats to all the area players who made the Southeast District teams and especially to my nephew Jon Valentine on making 1st team honors. Great job Jon!! We are all very proud of your accomplishments. Now go show them what you can do on the hardwood.

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