2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
In that case it was really stupid to get mad about Jackson wasting time. Let them waste all the time.
Was it a straight red for the shove or a yellow for the shove and a 2nd yellow for dissent for arguing with the ref? Or I guess you can get a straight red for foul/abusive language.
Was it a straight red for the shove or a yellow for the shove and a 2nd yellow for dissent for arguing with the ref? Or I guess you can get a straight red for foul/abusive language.
Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
Marietta 6
Hillsboro 2
Saturday, can Marietta avenge their 1-0 regular season loss to Alex in Marietta, while Buckeyes beat Penn St, all while "trick or treat" is in progress?
Hillsboro 2
Saturday, can Marietta avenge their 1-0 regular season loss to Alex in Marietta, while Buckeyes beat Penn St, all while "trick or treat" is in progress?
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
Wait...trick or treat isn't on Halloween? Lolmhs95_06 wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:02 pm Marietta 6
Hillsboro 2
Saturday, can Marietta avenge their 1-0 regular season loss to Alex in Marietta, while Buckeyes beat Penn St, all while "trick or treat" is in progress?
Good luck to the teams on Saturday
- Raider6309
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
Nice, Athens gets revenge after that bad call last year
- sputNICK7v7
- Waterboy
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
5-1 with 22 left. The Mohawks are dismantling this team. North Adams playing with 9 guys after 2 reds. JVs just came in.
Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
2 reds. North Adams struggles with end of the season cards. Congrats to Northwest as they move on.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
District Final
South Webster -4
Lynchburg Clay -3
South Webster -4
Lynchburg Clay -3
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
Tower wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:34 pmThat mus have been the ref NW was calling by name, and it's high school soccer not club or college. Our parents are like everybody else's, they don't want their kids or yours getting hurt, and from what I've seen the classes don't do any good because it all pays the same and they are not held accountable for anything, whether it's on a field or on a court they can and have changed outcomes of games with video proving how blatantly bad the call was but then again it all pays the same!warrior 89 wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:30 amYes, the boy from NW does go shoulder to shoulder kind of hard. Shoulder to shoulder is ok. They called him out on it. In club and college they wouldn't even call most of those fouls. Shoulder and forearm to middle someones back is not ok, it is careless. Yellow card for the slide tackle should have been red, ref talked about it after the game. Did not want to go straight to red, most of refs do not want to disqualify players. Watching the video, it shows cleats up and exposed, knee high and straight on. Lucky he only got yellow. Those type of plays are careless. Heard through grapevine that NA's AD is considering taking discipline in own hands. Once again, way it sounded in stands, parents support this type of play. Please, take ref classes if you don't understand the Laws of the Game.Tower wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:22 pm
The only reds that should have been given would've been to the boy from NW who kept intentionally throwing full body shots and knocking down our players, the ref pulled him aside and said something to him every time but no cards, then we get a yellow for a clean slide tackle.
Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
warrior 89 wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:43 pmOnce again, take ref classes. Might help. With two man system in regular season, kids get away with more and think its ok. In tourney and three man system, the ref in middle is more involved and does not allow those things to happen. Showed tonight in first half. Thing is, North Adams has athletes with decent skill set, if they concentrate more on playing than trying to knock people down they would do better.Tower wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:34 pmThat mus have been the ref NW was calling by name, and it's high school soccer not club or college. Our parents are like everybody else's, they don't want their kids or yours getting hurt, and from what I've seen the classes don't do any good because it all pays the same and they are not held accountable for anything, whether it's on a field or on a court they can and have changed outcomes of games with video proving how blatantly bad the call was but then again it all pays the same!warrior 89 wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:30 am
Yes, the boy from NW does go shoulder to shoulder kind of hard. Shoulder to shoulder is ok. They called him out on it. In club and college they wouldn't even call most of those fouls. Shoulder and forearm to middle someones back is not ok, it is careless. Yellow card for the slide tackle should have been red, ref talked about it after the game. Did not want to go straight to red, most of refs do not want to disqualify players. Watching the video, it shows cleats up and exposed, knee high and straight on. Lucky he only got yellow. Those type of plays are careless. Heard through grapevine that NA's AD is considering taking discipline in own hands. Once again, way it sounded in stands, parents support this type of play. Please, take ref classes if you don't understand the Laws of the Game.
Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
I don't have a dog in the fight, but the ref in the NW NA game was horrible. He got his feelings hurt apparently when a kid questioned his authority (insert Cartman from South Park here lol) and then went on to go nuts on the NA team with cards. He was often out of position anyway because of his obvious conditioning issues. I think NW would've won regardless, but it sucks to see one ref make the game about him and not just let the kids play and settle it on the field. The 2nd game was a huge contrast and the guy was pretty good about letting the kids get in a flow and play. The miscommunication between them on the offside call by one and goal by another was bad, as was the absurd call of allowing the goal from a player wrestling in the goal with the keeper, but they did well with the tempo of the game particularly in the 2nd half and letting the kids scrap.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
I agree RFL, in the fact that the first game was very poorly officiated. You can't let a team play that rough. The guy in the center really had no business even being on the field, even as an AR. Which makes me question, how did this guy get that game? Every official every game is supposed to be given a rating afterward. Those ratings help in determining who gets the tournament games. Are coaches just giving a good rating every time? I wouldn't if I was a coach. If a ref is bad or inconsistent I would let them know in the rating. 2nd game was better however there was a major disconnect with the Center and ARs. Hopefully none of the 6 will be at the Regional game. lol
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Re: 2017 Boys Southeast District schedules, scores, etc.
The middle ref should be in visibly better shape than what I witnessed last night.
Camp North Star > Camp Mohawk